Day jobs badge locations.
Shadow Shard is reached via Perigrine Island Portal Corp building at the end that has the barbed wire around the door. Enter and take the elevator then turn to your right and jump in the portal.
Black Helicopters are on villain side in numerous places.
Call me,,, Mal
The Shadow Shard is a set of four zones can be accessed through Peregrine Island. There will be a portal to the first one, Firebase Zulu, inside one of the Portal Corp. buildings. It should be marked on your map.
There aren't and Black Arachnos Helicopters in Paragon City, but the heroside equivalent to the Pilot badge is the Commuter badge, which you can get by logging out at train stations.
Currently published Mission Architect arcs:
Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Ty for info re: "dimensional explorer" badge. Six of my lvl 50's are going to park there to get that badge. shows a Hero badge called "grounded" for logging near black helicopters, as well as the "pilot" badge for both heroes & villains -- I assumed that "pilot" was for vigilante heroes that can move between hero & villain sides and log out on the villain side.
In my 5+ years playing CoH I can't remember ever seeing a black helicopter on the hero side, that's why the question.
Thanks again.
Whenever a character is a Hero or Vigilante they have the blueside names for badges regardless of where they are.
Whenever a character is a Villain or Rogue they have the redside names for badges regardless of where they are.
Could be that was just a little vague about which badge names it was using for which map.
It's easy to forget the dual names in different contexts.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Ty for info re: "dimensional explorer" badge. Six of my lvl 50's are going to park there to get that badge. shows a Hero badge called "grounded" for logging near black helicopters, as well as the "pilot" badge for both heroes & villains -- I assumed that "pilot" was for vigilante heroes that can move between hero & villain sides and log out on the villain side. In my 5+ years playing CoH I can't remember ever seeing a black helicopter on the hero side, that's why the question. Thanks again. |
Part 8: Frequently Asked Questions
Where a badge exists for both blue & red, the badge changes factions with you. Once you earn a badge, even a gladiator, you do not lose it. Look at "Part 4: Alignment changes" for these changes. As to the gladiators that award for the 10 level progression (10, 20, 30) badges and the 60 minute CoV mezzed badge you will get the gladiators if you qualify when you switch over. In other words if you are over level 30 and switch sides you get the level 10, 20, and 30 gladiators. With some badges you have to switch fully to the other side to get them. Heroes/Vigilantes:
* A note on Accolades: When they fully switch sides, characters will receive the corresponding accolade badge and power to any they already own. Note: With Issue 20, you can earn all 6 respec badges. Each Respec mission has it's own badge, and if you have previously tried to get the opposite badges, you'll have to do the missions again. Heroes can get 6 more Day Job badges from locations that only exist in the Rogue Isles and Villains can get 6 more Day Job badges from locations that only exist in Paragon City and the Shadow Shards. You can get credit for these as a vigilante or rogue, but the badges for these locations will only be granted when you fully switch sides. As a Vigilante you can earn credit (but not the badge) for:
As a Rogue you can earn credit (but not the badge) for:

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Thanks for all the info. You've cleared up a lot.
Where is "Shadow Shard" located in CoH, and where is there a black helocopter in CoH?
I'd like to get the Dimensional explorer and Grounded day job badges for my many toons.
TY in advance.