19 -
Quote:Thanks for the quick response.Short answer: Nope
Slightly longer answer: You could delete the current character and remake it with zombies. But no, there is no way to change primary or secondary powersets.
Too bad, the soldiers don't fit the image. And I love the image, so I won't change that. (Annie Rexia on Infinity server.) -
Is there a way to change MM pets from Soldiers to Zombies?
Team mates don't show up on the in-game maps for one of my toons. ("Imp Daddy" on Infinity)
It's the very first toon I created when I started playing CoH over 5 years ago.
None of the other 45 toons I have scattered around on 9 different servers including Infinity have this problem.
Is there some way to fix this? -
I found the badge this morning.
The in game map is wrong.
Both using the /loc command and/or refering to a printed out Vidiotmap worked.
Thanks again. -
I had to go out for a while, but will try to contact you tomorrow afternoon (US Pacific)
Are you referring to the /loc command?
The badge /loc is (-406, 0, -129) according to Vidiotmaps.com
I've only tried heading toward the badge location shown on the map. I run into a typical zone boundary before getting to the badge location. -
Ther map(s) show the badge inside the zone boundary, but my toon runs into a boundary not on the map.
I've tried the mission twice so far with this toon, same problem.
I'm saving a lvl 38 mission for another try. -
My toon runs into a zone boundary, even though the map (reveal) shows the badge is ahead, and inside the boundary shown on the map.
In the Brickstown safeguard mission, there is an exploration badge. I have vidiot maps and have looked in numerous CoH sites. I have even used the 'reveal' power, but the location shown for the badge is outside the actual boundary of the mission. I know I've obtained the badge for other toons, and recently a team member TP'd us to the badge, but can't get to it with my oldest toon, a lvl 40 scrapper I made when I first started playing six years ago.
How do I get to the badge? Is there a secret entrance to that part of the zone?
Perhaps unrelated, this toon is the only one I have that does not show team members on the map screen.
Thanks in advance. -
Thanks for all the info. You've cleared up a lot.
Ty for info re: "dimensional explorer" badge. Six of my lvl 50's are going to park there to get that badge.
Vidiotmaps.com shows a Hero badge called "grounded" for logging near black helicopters, as well as the "pilot" badge for both heroes & villains -- I assumed that "pilot" was for vigilante heroes that can move between hero & villain sides and log out on the villain side.
In my 5+ years playing CoH I can't remember ever seeing a black helicopter on the hero side, that's why the question.
Thanks again. -
Where is "Shadow Shard" located in CoH, and where is there a black helocopter in CoH?
I'd like to get the Dimensional explorer and Grounded day job badges for my many toons.
TY in advance. -
Yes. I didn't know my global name had @ in it. tyvm. I'll try it.
When I try to transfer salvage via e-mail to my global name, I get a message that transfers must be addressed to global names. Could the problem be that my very first toon on CoH 4+ years ago has the same name as my global sign-in? Or what?