What's going on with character settings storage?




OK, I just don't get this. Since I21 launched, something weird has been going on with my characters and some of their settings.

Problem #1: Every time I start the game, my UI colours get reset to the default for the side I'm on - blue for heroes, red for villains. This only happens on NEW characters I made since I21. It also gets if I log in an older, pre-I21 character and then log in the new one, as the new one will inherit whatever the old one had for window colours.

Loading the default window file does not work. If I do, some windows change colour, but some do not, and my window colour sliders remain where they were. Before, I could just exit the options menu without saving, reopen it and hit apply, but not any more. As soon as I hit apply, the previous colours get reset. The only way to fix my window colours is to painstakingly set them up by hand EVERY SINGLE TIME I run the game or play a character with a different window colour setup.

It seems like my current character's settings are not being stored right so the character inherits whatever's in the game's memory at the time, or default if nothing is present.

Problem #2: The map's fog of war retention is really weird. I'll log in, reveal a portion of the map, quit the game, then start it again later and come to a completely covered-up map, like I never even visited it. Then I'll play for a while, quit the game, come back and I'll see my map from the FIRST session, but without anything from the second session uncovered.

Then this happened to me: All of a sudden, all the maps I visit are uncovered, even maps I haven't visited. I thought the fog was just gone, but it wasn't. I step into Boomtown and I see that that's partially uncovered, exactly like it would be for some of my older characters. So the game borrowed the fog from one character and loaded it on another. But WHICH other character? The only other character I've loaded up is Samuel Tow to transfer some INF, and his Boomtown map is completely revealed. I know that it is, because I revealed it.


None of these problems are big, but what they imply concerns me. Aspects of my character's settings are not being saved properly and aspects of the settings of some of my characters are bleeding into the settings of others. Only new characters made AFTER I21 are affected. Sure, it's fog and window colours, but if some aspects are not being saved, who's to say I won't log into my character one day to find him four levels back from where he was last week?

And this isn't just from today. It's been going on since the day I21 launched. And, yes, I've reported it as a bug. I have, however, spoken with people who say they're not seeing these problems, so I suggest we compare notes and try to see who's getting this and what's causing it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I haven't had the second problem so far, but I have heard others reporting it. For the first, I have been using the Options load button to get some setting across all of my characters as I have played them since I21 launched. After I have loaded the chat, windows, and options files, my UI is blue or red, depending on the side.

Without changing anything else, the first time I zone it goes back to what I had on that character before. The options and other stuff stays the same, just the window color changes, and only to what I had it set at for that character. And I don't have a problem with it from then on. Something in the options set up is doing it, no idea why.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
Without changing anything else, the first time I zone it goes back to what I had on that character before. The options and other stuff stays the same, just the window color changes, and only to what I had it set at for that character. And I don't have a problem with it from then on. Something in the options set up is doing it, no idea why.
Hmm, I'll have to try that. But the thing is, even when I set them up right, the window colours don't keep. Every time I load a character whose window colours are actually saved correctly and return to my bugged one, I lose window colours and assume those of the proper character. I feel an example is in order to overcome my vague definitions.

I recently remade the Herald of Light as the Spirit of Light (name was free, go figure). The Spirit is a hero, and his UI keeps wanting to switch to blue, and I keep switching it to mid-slider grey. I ran out money on the spirit, however, so I logged in Samuel Tow to make a transfer. Sam hasn't been played since before the Architect was introduced, so his UI is still using my ancient settings and is therefore blue. I mail the money, log out to character select, log back into the Spirit and his window colours are blue. AGAIN. And now all of his maps are revealed, except for Boomtown, turns out exactly like Sam's were (my memory isn't perfect).

This is getting irritating, especially considering I get logged out of the forums every time I shut down my browser, regular as clockwork. I'm starting to lose track of my workarounds...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Numerous bug threads about these issues.

I get resets to default for UI color settings. Also get one character carrying their UO over to the next, but not consistently.

I get the fog of war resets. And sometimes the reset undoes and I get an explored city zone. Only to have it reset again later.

Lastly, not listed here, there are inconsistent but frequent enough resets of power customization (color AND animations selections) to default original settings. These can be only the primary set, only the secondary set, or sometimes both. As far as I can tell this is only happening on purchased costume slots. Dying while monkeyed then hospitaling is the ONLY way I've found to reliably repeat the reset. Hospitaling sometimes seems involved. But not always.

But yes, something hinky is happening. Assuming it is backend data management issues and new hardware issues. But I've yet to see a redname (dev or community rep) validate or acknowledge the existence of any of these issues, much less give any sense of where in the priority queue fixes for these certainly-not-game-breaking-but-all-too-homely bugs might lie.



I have gotten the UI colors resetting. I have gotten the fog of war issue. Reveal part of the map, come back and it's like I am there for the first time. Also had it where I enter a map and there is no fog of war.

I use all 4 of the additional chat windows and have most of all the windows on my UI moved around. Usually once a play session, I will zone and it will all be reset to the standard UI.

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



You know you can use /wdwsavefile [name] and /wdwloadfile [name] to save and load both window layout and colour/opacity settings?

I know it's not a fix, but it is a workaround that avoids you having to set everything manually every time it resets itself.

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I've noticed the UI and fog of war issues...
Also, the mini map's options have been acting weird (but I've seen many people commenting about that). It's just strange to log into a character and have nothing selected to be shown on my mini map!

I do find these and the issues people are having with costume slots, costume gender models and now power customizations as well... rather disturbing.

I do hope the fixes for these issues are found sooner rather than later.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Settings not sticking can sometimes be solved by saving your settings to the default file (/optionsave, /wdwsave, /chatsave) and, without zoning, exit the game the long way: countdown to login screen and exit buttons. This sometimes forces the server to remember the settings.

Otherwise, this workaround for the non-saveable opacity setting will work.

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Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
You know you can use /wdwsavefile [name] and /wdwloadfile [name] to save and load both window layout and colour/opacity settings?
Doesn't seem to work. I've tried saving my windows settings dozens of times. It remembers everything except my opacity. I always thought that opacity just didn't get saved in those files for some reason.

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Settings not sticking can sometimes be solved by saving your settings to the default file (/optionsave, /wdwsave, /chatsave) and, without zoning, exit the game the long way: countdown to login screen and exit buttons. This sometimes forces the server to remember the settings.
Until the next time it forgets, for no good reason. Usually when I come back after a crash.

Otherwise, this workaround for the non-saveable opacity setting will work.
Wow. That's exactly what I was looking for!

Do you have something similar for changing sound settings?

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I never had the colour problem.
Fog of war is a different issue entirely that's been discussed plenty before.

I have noticed on some characters I always get a couple power trays right on the middle of my screen when I log in that I always close.
Relogging always brings them back.

Another little annoyance, but I'm not sure if that's a recent issue or has been around forever (I only just recently set up my UI in a way I started to notice) is that when you set a power tray to horizontal or vertical and then you push it towards the edge of the screen so it runs two ways, if you save that window setting and load it again it will force the default shape on it again and move the tray away from the edge of the screen again until it fits.
Has anyone ever noticed that and / or is there a workaround for that?

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Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
You know you can use /wdwsavefile [name] and /wdwloadfile [name] to save and load both window layout and colour/opacity settings?
This doesn't actually work. As I described above, loading window colours doesn't actually move the window colour sliders. It swaps the colours for some but not all windows, and as soon as I hit Apply, my window colours reset to what they were before I loaded. This isn't actually a new bug, but before I could load window colours, close the Options menu without applying, then open it again, Apply and get the right window colours. No longer.

I'll have to toy around with the /window_color command, but I actually do want to keep my Window Opacity at 53% and the command uses values from 0 to 255. I'll have to figure out where 53% is on that scale.

Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
Lastly, not listed here, there are inconsistent but frequent enough resets of power customization (color AND animations selections) to default original settings. These can be only the primary set, only the secondary set, or sometimes both. As far as I can tell this is only happening on purchased costume slots. Dying while monkeyed then hospitaling is the ONLY way I've found to reliably repeat the reset. Hospitaling sometimes seems involved. But not always.
Huh... I have a friend who's complained to me about the colours of his custom powers resetting to Original on at least three separate occasions, at least once after I pointed it out to him myself. This happened to him long, long, LONG before I21, something like around I17 last that I remember. He does use Secondary Mutation a lot and he turns into a monkey fairly frequently, so I could see him going monkey and dying. I'll have to ask him about that.

I haven't experienced the bug myself, however.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Hmm, I'll have to try that. But the thing is, even when I set them up right, the window colours don't keep. Every time I load a character whose window colours are actually saved correctly and return to my bugged one, I lose window colours and assume those of the proper character. I feel an example is in order to overcome my vague definitions.
I don't know it any of that will work for you or not. I was pretty much just adding my experiences to the UI color change list. But I did notice last night while on a Manticore TF that my fog of war was acting up. Only parts of the various zones were cleared, and I know I have cleared all of them with Reveal when I got the added exploration badges in each zone.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This is getting irritating, especially considering I get logged out of the forums every time I shut down my browser, regular as clockwork. I'm starting to lose track of my workarounds...
I started actually logging out of the forums, not just closing my browser or going to a different page. Since then it has been much better about keeping me logged in and taking me to new posts since my last visit.

Originally Posted by Psycho_Sarah View Post
I have gotten the UI colors resetting. I have gotten the fog of war issue. Reveal part of the map, come back and it's like I am there for the first time. Also had it where I enter a map and there is no fog of war.

I use all 4 of the additional chat windows and have most of all the windows on my UI moved around. Usually once a play session, I will zone and it will all be reset to the standard UI.
When you enter the mission map with no fog of war, are you on a team? If a teammate uses their reveal on a map before you enter the mission, it clears the mission for you too.

I have 3 extra chat windows open, one for the Combat Monitor numbers, and from 1-3 extra power trays on all my characters. I have had the color changes I described earlier, but never had the entire set up revert to the standard UI.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy