Further Alignment Questions




I'm about to take my Sword/Regen Scrapper Rogue then villain in an attempt to add Shadowmeld to his build.

As I'm one Alignment mission away from going Rogue, I'm getting cold feet. I started worry about my other contacts... And I had some more questions. If these don't occur at Rogue but DO occur at villain, please indicate.

1. Will all of my current open hero arcs simply be forced shut?
- If so, can I resume then when I make my way back to hero?

2. What about missions in co-op zones? Will those force close?

3. Will I be kicked from my Super Group?

4. If I'm Rogue and enter a PvP zone... Whose side am I on? Does it just depend on what zone I enter Siren's Call (for instance) from?

... I think that's it. For now. Alleviate my concerns, please!

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
1. Will all of my current open hero arcs simply be forced shut?
- If so, can I resume then when I make my way back to hero?
Your arcs will remain open, any open hero only missions will be abandoned but you can retake them when you get back to hero alignement.

The open hero arcs will count against your maximum open arcs. Also take note that some arcs, such as Mender Ramiel's, are counted as different on each side, so if you have the hero version open and take the villain version, that's counted as two open arcs.

2. What about missions in co-op zones? Will those force close?
I believe those will be unaffected.

3. Will I be kicked from my Super Group?
No, you will not. If you are the super leader, you will lose that status and won't regain it when you return to hero status. You will also lose access to the base while on the opposing faction but regain access when you get back to hero status

4. If I'm Rogue and enter a PvP zone... Whose side am I on? Does it just depend on what zone I enter Siren's Call (for instance) from?
Rogues are villains and can only enter from red side and play on the red team. Vigilantes are heroes, can only enter hero side and play on the blue team.

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1. I believe they're left open.

2. I suspect they would remain as they are since they're still a valid contact for you (although if the contact's arcs are NOT co-op...then I dunno).

3. No, you just won't be able to access the base.

4. Rogues are Villains, Vigilantes are Heroes. This applies to any game content that doesn't recognize Rogues and Vigilantes as being distinct, such as Ouroboros.

Edit: CURSES! Beaten to the punch! You'll rue the day you met me, StarGeek!!

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Great. Thanks for the quick response, guys.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Oh, Auction houses don't differ depending on alignment, do they? I won't lose my inventory from a hero auction or anything crazy like that, will I?

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
I'm about to take my Sword/Regen Scrapper Rogue then villain in an attempt to add Shadowmeld to his build.

As I'm one Alignment mission away from going Rogue, I'm getting cold feet. I started worry about my other contacts... And I had some more questions. If these don't occur at Rogue but DO occur at villain, please indicate.

1. Will all of my current open hero arcs simply be forced shut?
- If so, can I resume then when I make my way back to hero?

2. What about missions in co-op zones? Will those force close?

3. Will I be kicked from my Super Group?

4. If I'm Rogue and enter a PvP zone... Whose side am I on? Does it just depend on what zone I enter Siren's Call (for instance) from?

... I think that's it. For now. Alleviate my concerns, please!
You mean *vigilante* then villain, right? You'd have to already be a villain to become a rogue.

1. No - they'll stay open. As a vigilante you'll still be using the Paragon City (hero-side) contacts and missions. You'll be allowed to go to the Rogue Isles, but you'll only be allowed to run newspaper missions and participate in task forces (and tip missions, all of which will give you villain alignment points in the Isles). Once you are a villain, you will lose access to all your Paragon side contact, and any missions you have with them will be abandoned. But if you make it back around to hero again, your hero side contacts will all be back, and you can 're-acquire' your abandoned missions simply by talking to them again. It goes without saying, but any villain contacts you picked up while a villain (once you return to hero) will stop talking to you, and any of *their* missions will be abandoned - at least until you 'fall' to villain status again. Etc.

2. Nope, they'll stay open.

3. Nope. You'll stay a member, you'll retain your rank (*unless* you are the superleader, in which case you'll be auto-demoted to 'leader' and a member at random will become the new superleader; so if you *are* superleader, transfer that rank to one of your other characters - or a trusted friend - before you make the switch), and your prestige total will stay the same. But you'll show up on the roster in a different color, and not be able to use or access your base in any way. You also won't be able to earn prestige until you become a hero again. Ironically, I did find out I can still *pay* my supergroup's upkeep (I'm actually a villain taken to hero-side: I've found it kind of amusing that I'm paying the Paragon Supergroup registrar rent on my Rogue Isles villain base, but it works).

4. If you are Hero or Vigilante (and again, I think you'll be a Vigilante, not a Rogue), you'll be allied with the Heroes in PvP. If you are Villain or Rogue, you'll be aligned with the Villains. (Don't forget, though, in Warburg *anyone* not on your team is your enemy.)

EDIT: *Really* beaten to the punch. But ... Your auctions will remain unaffected.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Yeah, Vigilante. My plan is Hero > Vigilante > Villain > Rogue > Hero.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
Oh, Auction houses don't differ depending on alignment, do they? I won't lose my inventory from a hero auction or anything crazy like that, will I?
Nope, market access is the same no matter the alignment.

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Oh, can I do the Theoden Signature missions as a Vigilante? Will I have the same reward table, just no option for an Alignment merit?

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Yes. The first option will be unselectable and will read something like you have to be a hero to choose this. The rest is the same as if you were a hero.