I need to apologise




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If it was up to me, the concept of evasion - causing an attack to completely miss its target - would exist. However, I recognize that causes the potential problem that players can miss (allowing only critters to miss and not players violates my cardinal design rule that PvP should work the same way as PvE from the beginning rather than ad hocing PvP into weird exception rules for balance purposes). I would probably be fighting uphill convincing an entire dev team to allow for missing.

Creating a way to miss in a way that minimizes the potential frustration of players is one of those open ended problems I find most interesting from a design perspective, but also most difficult to resolve.
I personally think this -- the potential to miss -- should be something players should just have to deal with in a non-twitch game. It'd be nice to find a way to minimize the potential frustration, but the genre needs dodgy characters, and if you ALWAYS take damage, it doesn't feel particularly dodgy.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
And yes, between melee attacks being borderline retarded to take and (super) reflexes being anything but, except until extreme circumstances, it took no time at all for me to be completely turned off to melee-anything in that other game.
I ended up taking invulnerability with the block replacer enhancement that automatically triggers in melee to approximate a character who wasn't getting hit. I find it easier to ignore tiny pings of 1 damage with occasional higher bursts than constant half damage onslaughts.

Of course, that might just be me, but I just really prefer designing characters that survive more from getting hit less. I don't aim for unhittable, but I want to get hit for the same damage less often. Not hit just as often for less damage. It's a key conceptual difference for me, and I'll even take substandard performance in general to achieve it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I do find the basic idea of blocking to be attractive, though. I think that was basically a good idea, albeit with some issues.
I think the block concept was a decent one, and block replacement was a fascinating mechanic. I personally think if they had some more depth to character builds -- a single passive? Really? This and a 'stance' is what defines the overall behavior of most characters outside of specific attack powers? -- more could have been usefully done with that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



I've been playing the action oriented game that people are theorizing here, for a month or so. It's called Dragon Nest. A tiny little free2play anime weeaboo game from the same developers as every other annoying game that people complain about their 10 year old kids being addicted to.

There are no rolls to hit. There is no accuracy dice. There's no slogging through a one on one combat with a lack of AoE fun. The XP is more determined by dungeon completion and quest XP than mob XP. You aim your powers and if you hit, you hit. The ranged classes play a little like an Third Person Shooter and the melee classes play like console adventure games. You can one shot giant packs of enemies as the glass canon types. Boss fights are actually engaging.

In fact, there's more games like this, but they don't get the notice of gamers because of their art style, their MTX based design, the general idea that unless it's a big name it's not worth playing and the general lack of customization. If you look hard enough, you'll find there are games out there that have already broken a lot of the cliches, but gamers are a finicky lot.

http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Of course, that is an extreme oversimplfication, but its still surprising to me nonetheless. Cryptic has problems making the whole enchilada work correctly, but its amusing to me that Cryptic has implemented more good original design ideas by accident than I think most MMO dev teams have come up with deliberately.
That's actually how I see it, as well. I know quite a few people were in outright war with Jack Emmert to keep him from "fixing" the mistakes that made the game so fun, unique and cool. Remember that whole "1 hero = 3 white minions?" Yeah, that's out the window now, and GOOD RIDDANCE, but that's just one example of Cryptic believing they were developing one kind of game when they had inadvertently designed something completely different that players were really enjoying, broken designs and all. When you look at City of Heroes, it looks like an innovative, bold, brave game that seeks to stand out from the pack.

When you actually look at the original design INTENTION behind it, however, it's an attempt to create a paint-by-numbers MMO that Cryptic simply dropped on its head and it developed into something wholly unexpected. It took the sale of the franchise to NCsoft and Matt Miller's promise to "give the players what they want" before the people in charge actually accepted that we really did like the game we were playing and didn't require it being "fixed" to be more like other MMOs in order for us to enjoy it. City of Heroes is the result of very poor forward planning leading to a game system which plays out very differently than what was intended and thus very differently than practically any other MMO I'm aware of. That, I feel is its primary strength - it's a game of its own possessed of bold new ideas (intentional or not) in an MMO world of pallet swap game clones.


As far as AoE goes, I still maintain my opinion from that other thread - a system of distributing attack damage across all affected foes so that the more people you hit, the less damage you do would be a nice balancing factor, especially if it came with the change to make all single-target attacks have AoE potential. That's neither here nor there, though.

Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
In fact, there's more games like this, but they don't get the notice of gamers because of their art style, their MTX based design, the general idea that unless it's a big name it's not worth playing and the general lack of customization. If you look hard enough, you'll find there are games out there that have already broken a lot of the cliches, but gamers are a finicky lot.
And also because a lot of them suck hard, were made on a shoestring budget and follow the same trite old MMO formula. I'm not saying the one you're speaking of is like this (I haven't seen it, but will), but I played a game called Divine Souls which sold itself as being an action MMO. Thing is, it was a Korean grindfest MMO that sucked your soul for playing it, only it had twitch-based combat in it. A lot of "free" to play games are like this - they're terrible whether you pay for them or not.

Still, there are a few of these that aren't quite as bad, Spiral Knights being one that I'm aware of. What I like more than anything, though, is that whether City of Heroes is actually "free" to play or not, there's still a great game behind the system, and getting better all the time. At one point I was convinced the team was content to squeeze the maximal amount of money from us for the least amount of investment, but I was wrong and for this I apologise. Right now, it feels like City of Heroes is only getting better, and I honestly don't see the need for other games for the foreseeable future, unless that Darksiders sequel comes out sooner than expected.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
Sam and Aura have pegged the way I feel about both Incarnates and this issue perfectly.

I'm okay with Incarnates. It gives my 50s more to do, but I don't feel like I HAVE to do it. I can run a trial if I see one forming when I'm in the mood for it, or I can do something else instead. I was always pretty ambivalent about the whole thing, and did not understand the people who had to have everything the system offered RIGHT NOW.

I'll eventually get my main completely Incarnated out, but since I don't plan on going anywhere, I'm in no rush to do it.

I'm REALLY enjoying:

-Time Manipulation. Paired with Fire Blast on a defender it's pretty awesome. I also have an Illusion/Time controller (might be a future GM soloer in the making there)
-Katana and Broadsword on brutes. remade my BS/DA scrapper as a brute on the VIP server, and rolled up a Katana/Electric brute as well.
-New character creator. I like the way the new one is laid out, it's a little more intuitive. I also like that you can preview pieces you don't have yet.
-For the most part I like the Paragon Points system (even as slow as the market is). I can get things like JUST the Barbarian sword, or JUST the minotaur head, without having to buy a whole booster pack to get them. There are so many costume pieces that I have never once used sitting in my creator, that I only have because I wanted a few pieces out of the booster pack. I didn't have any trouble navigating the market, it felt pretty intuitive to me. Maybe that's a case of my brain working differently than some people's, because lack of intuitiveness is one of the complaints about it I've seen.

Something I would still like to see (but probably won't): I like that they are proliferating more powersets, but I still would like each AT to have ONE set that is exclusive to it. As of right now, the only exclusive sets left are Ninjitsu, Ice Melee, and Illusion. And I'm betting Ninjitsu and Ice Melee will be in the next round of proliferation at least. But that's a minor gripe. I'm pretty sure this one is long past being a possibility.

Oh yeah, almost forgot: I LOVE the Regen buffs. Longbow don't completely kill my regen anymore.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
As far as AoE goes, I still maintain my opinion from that other thread - a system of distributing attack damage across all affected foes so that the more people you hit, the less damage you do would be a nice balancing factor, especially if it came with the change to make all single-target attacks have AoE potential. That's neither here nor there, though.
That's an interesting idea.

I don't think it should apply to ALL single target attacks though. It's pretty hard to hit more than one person at a time with a power like Cobra Strike or Crane Kick.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I was always pretty ambivalent about the whole thing, and did not understand the people who had to have everything the system offered RIGHT NOW. I'll eventually get my main completely Incarnated out, but since I don't plan on going anywhere, I'm in no rush to do it.
Here's the thing: I won't get any one single character "Incarnated out." Ever. The system itself isn't fun to me. It's about the worst thing I can do with my time that still passes for entertainment. I don't care about "rewards," as I don't have a habit of earning something and then marvelling at it and calling it my precious. I play games where reward is only part of the fun and gameplay itself is the main driving force. Rewards are fun, but if earning them isn't fun, I'll never have them. And earning Incarnate rewards is pretty much the polar opposite of fun in my eyes.

But again - the most direct solution is to just stop doing what I don't like doing, and I have chosen to do just that. During the Ustream marathon, I asked Posi and Zwill a question: "I21 has a good balance of Incanrate and non-incarnate content. Can we expect this to keep?" In a nutshell: "Yes." Believe it or not, that does make a difference to me, hearing it straight from the fedora-wearing the source. Incarnates are a system I cannot and will not enjoy until and unless that mythical solo option materialises. Until such a thing happens, I'll simply focus on my newer characters and treat my 50s as I always have - as complete. I may pursue Alpha stuff with them if I have missions left to run, but a Common or Uncommon of that type is as far as I go.

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
That's an interesting idea. I don't think it should apply to ALL single target attacks though. It's pretty hard to hit more than one person at a time with a power like Cobra Strike or Crane Kick.
Not necessarily. The way Cobra Strike is delivered, it could easily be depicted as hitting foes in a line behind you target, just visually speaking. My goal, though, is more to ape the broader concept of "Like God of War, But..." games, such as Devil May Cry, Darksiders and Legacy of Kain: Defiance. In these games, all of your attacks, basic and otherwise, hit everything along their arc of swing or along their line of thrust. If you swing a sword from left to right, you clip all enemies it passes by. If you punch straight ahead, you hit your target, the two people next to him and the person behind him. Sideways of that, I'd also like to ape L4D, where if you shoot at someone, you tend to shoot through whoever is in front of that someone and whoever is behind him, too, making shooting high-powered rifles into crowds of virtual undead some of the most inexplicable fun I've had in my gaming history.

My point, though, is to eliminate the discrepancy between single-target and AoE by allowing everyone access to AoE all the time and balancing around that. As the sole user of single-target attacks on a large team fighting twenty enemies at a time, it's easy to see how single-target damage falls by the wayside. Typically, an AoE attack is at least half as powerful as a single-target attack, a third to a fourth as endurance efficient and not all that rarely half or more as DPS efficient, to say nothing of DPA. It doesn't take many more than three enemies in the same fight to have AoE attacks become vastly more practical than single-target attacks, and this is something that I sense with my gut long before I comprehend that a difference in statistics actually exists. I just "notice" that I "want" to use my AoEs more and from there try to deduce why that is.

Using Cobra Strike when it was just a stun in a melee of 20 people with seven other team-mates blasting AoEs feels like I brought a knife to a gunfight and everyone's standing around laughing at me. It makes no difference, the enemies I stun die by the time the stun takes effect just from collateral damage and I'm just so much better off simply spamming even as weak an AoE as Dragon's Tail.

So I say make all attacks AoE and have their damage spread across all targets affected. Then, allow us to "concentrate" said powers so that we could focus on a priority target in a crowd without losing damage potential via dispersal, and you have a legitimate strategic decision to make - do I use my powers as AoE or do I focus on what's most dangerous? Right now, this decision doesn't exist - use AoE, obviously!

It's a pie-in-the-sky ludicrous idea that won't ever happen in this game or, likely, in any other MMO and/or RPG, but I'm adding it to the pile of impossible changes I'd like to see nevertheless.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Unfortunately Sam, what your idea would do is reinforce the belief that only AoEs are ever worth taking. Ever.

I like my single target focused characters. I frequently do not WANT my damage spread out between that boss any anyone near him because every power in the game is an AoE. When I target a boss with a single target chain, it's because I want THAT guy dead RIGHT AWAY. If all attacks spread damage in an AoE every time you used them, bosses would always be the last enemy killed in a spawn. A boss can do a LOT of damage in that time.

It would make any and all boss-killing specialists effectively neutered. Their attacks would all be hitting more than one target, and thus weaker. My Sonic/Devices blaster, for example, is built for taking out bosses FAST. If my chain were splashing part of it's damage to any nearby enemy it would completely ruin my build and my concept.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I like my single target focused characters. I frequently do not WANT my damage spread out between that boss any anyone near him because every power in the game is an AoE. When I target a boss with a single target chain, it's because I want THAT guy dead RIGHT AWAY. If all attacks spread damage in an AoE every time you used them, bosses would always be the last enemy killed in a spawn. A boss can do a LOT of damage in that time.
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
So I say make all attacks AoE and have their damage spread across all targets affected. Then, allow us to "concentrate" said powers so that we could focus on a priority target in a crowd without losing damage potential via dispersal, and you have a legitimate strategic decision to make - do I use my powers as AoE or do I focus on what's most dangerous? Right now, this decision doesn't exist - use AoE, obviously!
I know. I thought about it

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I know. I thought about it
Interesting idea. With Dual Pistol's toggle changing damage type, that might be a way something like that could be implemented. However, I can see them creating a special AT (or powerset) to test out a mechanic like that first.

Actually thinking about it, such a mechanic might be useful to Stalkers.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Interesting idea. With Dual Pistol's toggle changing damage type, that might be a way something like that could be implemented. However, I can see them creating a special AT (or powerset) to test out a mechanic like that first.

Actually thinking about it, such a mechanic might be useful to Stalkers.
Eh, it's just an abstract thought on game design more than anything else. The chance of something like this being instituted in City of Heroes absolutely nil. It's like discovering penicillin by accident. I'm well aware that no sane developer would gut open a functioning game to do something like this... OK, I know of one, but I don't want to hit City of Heroes with an NGE.

However, if a future action RPG were ever made that needed to balance area attacks, this seems like a good point to at least start from. Balancing self-replicating AoE damage across a wide target cap just isn't practical because its scale of damage varies too wildly, so just self-limiting its damage the more targets it hits is a good way to scale it. It brings up Claws' problem of wanting to concentrate on a single enemy, which is where allowing players to "swap stance" and do that comes in.

And I don't think this needs to be limited to just attacks, either. AoE controls vs. single-target controls? Why not. You hit 26 people, they get held for a short time. You hit only a single person, he gets held for a lot. Or heals, why not? If you want to heal a whole raid, you'll be healing them for a little. If you want to heal just a single person, you heal them a lot.

I can actually envision letting players hard-capping their own powers and picking their own stances. You could have one stance that's all AoE and one that's all single-target, one that has half your attacks single-target half capped at five and one capped at 10 and so forth. It could bring a lot more situational awareness on the most basic level - number of enemies present - without actually complicating the build system all that much.

Well, so it seems from the outside looking in, anyway. I'm sure Arcana has a boot with my name on it as we speak, but that would be interesting to hear, as well.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
My point, though, is to eliminate the discrepancy between single-target and AoE by allowing everyone access to AoE all the time and balancing around that.
You can't retrofit this into CoH, but my current best idea for balancing AoE in a CoH-like game is to make all or nearly all attacks single target, and have the players basically pay to make them AoE through enhancements.

Of course, to really explain that I would have to explain my idea for two-dimensional enhancement slotting.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



[QUOTE=Aura_Familia;3879292]Interesting idea. With Dual Pistol's toggle changing damage type, that might be a way something like that could be implemented./QUOTE]

They would be a possible mechanic for the user interface side, but this game currently has no way to convert a single target attack into an AoE in the general case. I can turn a single target attack into a targeted AoE using radius gimmicks (gauntlet does that), but I know of no way to turn a ranged single target attack into a cone, say.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You can't retrofit this into CoH, but my current best idea for balancing AoE in a CoH-like game is to make all or nearly all attacks single target, and have the players basically pay to make them AoE through enhancements.
I was kind of hoping to just give everyone both single-target damage AND AoE and instead rely on the game's varying situations to provide strategic decisions, but this works too, I suppose. It's less... "Indulgent" than I'd like, though.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Of course, to really explain that I would have to explain my idea for two-dimensional enhancement slotting.
Calling it two-dimensional enhancement slotting gives me a pretty good idea of what you mean, actually. Could be a cool idea, but this is probably not the right way to discuss specifics. I've derailed my own thread more than enough already

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I was kind of hoping to just give everyone both single-target damage AND AoE and instead rely on the game's varying situations to provide strategic decisions, but this works too, I suppose. It's less... "Indulgent" than I'd like, though.
The problem is that this game's attacks are directly balanced around recharge, and implicitly balanced around cast time. But if every attack was an AoE (or had an AoE analog you could take) recharge balancing becomes ineffective: it doesn't matter if AoEs have long recharge if you have a lot of them.

That then places all the burden of balancing onto cast times, which would force AoEs to have potentially very high and very un-entertaining cast times.

What we want are for players to be able to quickly and easily make full single target attack chains but make it very difficult to have full or nearly full AoE attack chains. We do not want to replicate the Gigabolt** problem here.

That Other Game uses a momentum-like mechanic to balance stronger powers, rather like domination: attacking increases the meter, and when the meter is high enough you can use your higher tier powers. Using higher tier powers burns this momentum bar forcing you to earn more of it by using lighter attacks. So what do you think happens when you make a powerful AoE attack which requires momentum but *which adds to your momentum bar* when it hits a target?

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I assumed this would be an apology to me for all those terrible things you've called me, like troglodyte and ham sandwich. I will continue to wait.



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
I assumed this would be an apology to me for all those terrible things you've called me, like troglodyte and ham sandwich. I will continue to wait.
I don't recall calling you anything other than Foo

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




I'm watching you, Tow.