What I'm most looking forward to in Issue 21




What I'm looking forwards to:

- 12 new character slots on Union
- Ability to roll Fire/Fire Brute as a hero from the get go
- Dark/Dark Blaster
- Getting rid of my Ninja/TA Mastermind for a Ninja/Time Manipulation MM
- Extra Costume Slots
- Cape/Aura Unlock from Level 1 store item

What I'm not looking forwards to:

- Still having to do iTrials to get those new auras and emotes rather than forking over dosh.
- Not being able to play Street Justice yet.



A total rehaul of my lineup on virtue. Deleting a bunch, but those server transfers are going to be so nice.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
What am I most looking forward to?


Being able to bloody well PLAY the game again since I couldn't play my new Tournament until the freaking game caught up with the new rules system for it!! I've been waiting three or more weeks without playing for this flippin' Issue to come out! An' all I gotta say is.... NO! Let me go! I've been waiting a while to tell the Devs exactly what I think of the way they treat me and my Tournament! Get your hands off me! OUCH! What the heck wazzz zat? Wuzz an owie... ooooh... pretty colors.... zzzzzzzzz...

Announcer's voice: We are sorry to interupt this response to the "What I'm most looking forward to in Issue 21" thread... It was Steelclaw's nappy time.
Steel, you've got problems.

I know, I know, you realize this, but...

You've got problems.

You should try to play a character that's not in your tournament sometime. Just... once.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I'm looking forward to those extra costume slots, and celestial armor, even if I have to buy enough reward points to get it. I'm a little disappointed with the IDF set, as I hoped we would be getting the armor that goes completely around the character's body, with that cool illuminated pattern running down the character's spine. Unfortunately we only get the front part, which isn't as cool.

I'm also looking forward to street justice and titan weapons, both of those will be grabbed ASAP. And I'm also waiting for the Circle of Thorns costume parts, although I really hope they will give us more pieces than what was shown in that dev chat thread. Because I suspect that the long tails/skirts/other cool details were what a lot of people really wanted, if the set doesn't give us those, I predict a lot of disappointed people.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Not all that much really. I was really looking for Street Justice to be in this issue.

I might try the Underground I guess. Maybe move someone to Exalted. But there's not all that much I'm going to be doing until StJ and Titan Weapons come out.