My base built under a toy store.




I just wanted to show off my base and maybe get some others opinions on ways to make it better. It's no where near as good as other bases I've seen and I still have some work to do on it but this gives you a general idea of what I'm going for.

Any and all opinions and suggestions are welcome

Street View:

The store:

Passage behind the bookshelf:

Toy-Man's living quarters:

Entrance into the sewer/original base in sewer:

The clubhouse area:



Stairs to second floor (for those who can't fly):

Lounge area and kitchen:

Balcony for fliers and quick exit in time of need:

Game/Movie room:

@Animorph 2

Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...



Very nice. Which street is it on? Do you sell Power Rangers?



Daaaaannnnnnnngggg! THAT is a GORGEOUS base!!! Kudos to you!



Love the storefront idea.

I actually had that thought in passing once upon a time... I think it was a mission where we had to save a shop, and as I entered the store, I thought to myself, "Oh this is cool.. I bet I could re-create this in the base"... Then it was on to take care of the baddies, and I never re-visited the idea. Nice to see it implemented.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



I am in awe. I'm currently working on my base (I have very poor skills at it) along with the help of a friend, and I think I shall steal a couple of your ideas.

I just LOVE secret passages to death, btw. Great base dude.

If you don't mind me asking, what was it that you used to make those beds?



Well done.