So I finally got around to reading Twilight Guardian...
Hickman! Hickman! Hickman!
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Thanks, D.O. Melancholy is part of what I was shooting for, so mission accomplished.
And, y'know, back in the early 90s, when I created TG, if I'd known that 15-20 years later she'd be confused with sparkly vampires, I would've called her the Midnight Pedestrian or something...
Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe
Thanks, D.O. Melancholy is part of what I was shooting for, so mission accomplished.
Did you ever disclose what it was that she was taking the medication for?
It almost felt like she wasn't even really "alive" in her world. Just that she was there, but on the outside looking in. It felt like that once her mother passes on, her ties to reality, so to speak, would be pretty much severed. That's why I liked it when she met up with the other guys at that convention. But even that would probably not be enough to pull her back from the edge. If anything, it would probably push her over.
Did you ever disclose what it was that she was taking the medication for? |
As far as clomipramine, it's used for everything from OCD to depression to bed wetting to premature ejaculation (I'm guessing she doesn't use it for the last one).
Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe
Well, since we don't know what in the series actually DOES happen (since it's all told first person through her possibly skewed noggin), it's impossible to know how tied to reality she is (for example, is her father even IN the comic?).
Like say, that fire. How she rescued those people? Maybe that is her trying to dissociate from accidently starting the fire and killing them in "reality" when she was a kid or a teen. A bit of a dark turn, I know, but not completely unreasonable.
Yaaaaayyyyyy T.G. Yaaaaaayyyyyyy Hickman!
Is that Top Cow contest concluded yet?
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

Also, D.O., I think you're kind of reading into T.G. a bit. You mentioned your own malaise recently; maybe you're seeing in her what you're experiencing yourself?
Now, I read it when it released, so it's been awhile, but IIRC, I got a more hopeful conclusion to the book. She meets people like her, which helps to establish that her chosen role in life isn't completely absurd. Her success saving the people in the burning house validates her midnight patrols for the past few years (because isn't saving one life worth it to a hero?).
I don't know. The only thing I know is that Hickman wrote a good comic that can be something different to everyone.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

Nah Chris. I hadn't even considered the possibility that this may or may not be "real" before the Troy mentioned it. I was thinking something along the lines of Sucker Punch.
Even though I've had all four on my shelf for a few months now. I think what struck me most about it was an overwhelming sense of melancholy. It felt like she was, well, kinda running out the clock on life. It was definitely different, something I don't think I've experienced in a comic before.
Oh, yes, and the puns. Oh, the puns. I just wish I had that kind of creativity that could come up with stuff like Mantelope (or heck, any creativity at all).
And there was a nice Troy cameo in there as well, along with the nod to the original publishing entity of TG.
I do hope they continue TG as I'd like to see where it goes.
Edit - The only reason I didn't read it earlier is because I've been...fairly scatterbrained this year. Combine that with general malaise and lethargy does not equate to getting stuff done in a reasonable/reliable manner. It's just been a horrible, horrible summer as well.