AE farming build help




I currently have a 42 SS/FA brute working towards redside for Mu mastery, at which point I'll bring him back blueside. He will only be used for AE fire farming missions. I'm sure there are many pros out there running a similar set up. Could i get some advice and perhaps a mids build that i can work with once i hit 50 and respec? Thanks!



Skim this thread. Weed through some of the other back pages that are loaded with builds. Come up with something on you own. If you have questions after that, you can ask them here.



Thanks, I appreciate the response. I went through quite a number of pages on the thread you linked for me, and all I found was either number crunching or people fighting back and forth about which primary does a little more dps than the other.

All I'm looking for is slotting help. I don't want to waste a slot somewhere that it doesn't need to be. I know which POWERS to take, I'm just looking for some guidance on how many slots each needs to have, and ultimately the IO sets to shoot for.



| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6593594F534114C7E77611E9022D50295096969652682 FADF06862542441A94|
|29A68E24BB9C048AFD6D2745179C3ED0BF8E2830F6E5F4116 B76FA1463F84E8BB4B|
|3DF7FC87D2A40DCC6FE63F67EB399DECFD798F103B6785E6B E5034AAD5FCF94ABD2|
|69D5963D35C171D42884116F259599452CFD5CBB292CFD52A B2B4592B0471352F6F|
|CA5255EA0BA6AC6CE7CFD52B867FB154906453D38F369EE5A DADA2BE248DB259DA7|
|4F121579672A3FB48DF90956AC12CFBF9BC58BA6B56CD35B3 68D6B60317CBE6BAAE|
|8AA8E7B346B5466982545992FE239A509F8653DCB1099111B 65BC06D86C3040A8C9|
|12263D77260CF864DCC699674220DCC32F6AC7B1838B5BFEC 7352D819BFF9E4FA03|
|FC6378C2C2C23EAD7614E3B02F7320CF5546D71520CBF05D6 68CD3EA54E64E8323F|
|4AC026B8C3E096C306264DE01737BC767CA3B2C4E7D07BE30 825F7122A34ED42E3A|
|039A25454872C355B8A7399A9F24AFB2F206B89E7774E8565 DE94EB3A3EF34DF84D|
|09538AD7ECDC605FB5FA3A12F19632F8037C02BC67B32EC15 2E6E622F663388D90C|
|6236214C6304230A63445E2A2CA00A0BA0B02E92FA55F9FD9 07A481A50D200BAFF8|
|1D62135B3210C6BBCC121A3985214838C62748943EED601D9 0FAB74C3FDFCA513B4|
|8EAADFD4689D6387EF012AEC19C60422C49F70BC8FD6AF115 EB6087A3C0EC4814FB|
|4C6D4B8638FF85B4C3C041EA0BD3B8CC463C62AE59854554C 1E7084C473BE99DAE7|
|D3D41EB0CB48BE654C90C5B4F29A46B3936876121348A1D92 9343B830918944B575|
|E3A72CD20C90C92CC204906493268781FCD20AD6690C65842 8EE673A43FFA88A536|
|65D9A1DE1E291A2B0B8EE6736CACB8D892F7D75BF6375AF69 DBEE63B6BFC70355FA|
|AD0525CD761AB34C9D2CF6349D3AE71A9A94B84B8F8D57AF3 94BB111C639F745BE5|
|536D4AA64D996B5366DB94955E2B3EEAFFD6B21FE83BDE3F6 BD1FF03DAF8F4F1|

Not great end, so i recommend ageless if you can.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




If inf is not a problem, I suggest this build:

102.5% recharge before hasten, ageless, and the foot stomp proc.
You have a good speed for consume, which if you keep ageless on auto, you won't need all that often.
Rage will stack, and you are 1 small purple insp from the soft-cap for fire.
Yes, the fire resist is overkill, but that is to be expected with the purple sets.
This build is billions and billions of inf, and might be too much for such a finite use (ONLY AE afterall), but you can swap out other things to make it more palatable for you. For instance, by that point, you might want to drop temperature protection and put it into something else, and then use the cardiac alpha, which will bet you exactly to 90% fire resist, but decrease your endurance dramatically. Then, however, you'll be eating red insps instead of purple ones.
I don't think you'll cruise near the damage cap of 750% for a brute, but eat enough red candy and you'll at least see it.
If you are PLing, Vengeance means not beeding those purple insps, but one can never be certain that you will have Veng bait all the time.