Looking for Geek Ideas




Ok, I have been challenged by my boss to use my geek connections to come up with an idea for a roof top. This has about a 1% chance of happening, but hey it is a good 1% chance, and it would make an awesome thread.

Here is the set up. I work for a children's hospital and we love doing fun stuff for the kids. Well, we are about to build a new tower right across the way from about 8 of the inpatient rooms leaving them nothing to look at but another tower and a 2000 sqft white roof top. Boring!

The challenge. Come up with something interesting to do on this roof top for this kids.

Limits. It can not hurt the existing roof membrane (water barrier) and keep the maintenance to a minimum. I would say the membrane can withstand about 200 lbs of pressure as long as it is spread over one sqft.

Current ideas.
1. The boss was always complaining about the roof being dirty, so take a flock of those vacuum robots and have them roam around the roof top. Put decorations on the top of them to keep the kids interested.

2. Remote controlled cars for the kids to play with. Make some sort of track for them to run on the roof top. OR ROCK'EM SOCK'EM ROBOTS!

My challenge to you. What kind of goofy, fun, or crazy ideas would you come up with?

Wolf Bait



Originally Posted by Wolf Bait View Post

2. Remote controlled cars for the kids to play with. Make some sort of track for them to run on the roof top. OR ROCK'EM SOCK'EM ROBOTS!
Why not both!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASKJsHa5n2U


Spyder's Flame: Fire/Therm Corr- Main
Countless Alts



Since, as you said, it is a hospital, I suggest doing something practical, educational, likely to assist with speeding recovery/improving mood, and just a bit on the crazy side.

Build an airstrip with remote controlled aircraft.



Hmm... I see list potential here...

* Do the Tower up like the water tower on the Warner Bros Studio lot... make the roof scenes from Animaniacs running around bopping each other with hammers, etc while Pinky and the Brain plot nefariously.

* Large flying saucer has crashed into the tower (hollow so as not to overload the support). The roof is stewn with debris and several arguing and slightly injured miniature green spacemen in tinfoil suits trying to recover and figure out what to do. At least some of these martians must be attempting to "disguise" themselves as humans and at LEAST one must be frantically pointing up at the windows to alert the others they've been spotted by watching children.

* Get some of the waterproof roofing sheet and a clear plastic laminate. When the children are first admitted to the hospital they go through a ceremony in which they step in a pan of paint then step on the small square of roofing sheet. They may choose the color (per foot) and sign their name or what they'd like. Once dry the laminate is applied. The child may watch from the window as hospital staff add their "hollywood footprints" to the Roof of Fame.

* Make the roof into a giant checkerboard design. (take up ALL the available space possible). Make up giant checkers and chess pieces. Give the kids in those rooms the option of challenging another room to a game. With walky-talkies let the kids tell one or two people on the roof what pieces to move where as they play one another.

* Same as above but have it be a generic board game with die rolls and over-sized pieces. For a real hoot you could get poster board and make up "game cards" that give penalties or bonuses. This option would allow all the rooms to play at once. Also, get the largest, most obnoxious novelty dice you can find so the players can see the result from their rooms.

* Nothing during the day. It looks like a normal, boring white roof. However you can spray paint the whole thing with a lot of cool designs and the like with special paint. Have the whole roof wired with blacklights that can be turned on once the sun goes down so the artwork becomes clearly visible.

* You know those fast food signs or movie marquis that you can change the letters on depending on the special of the day? Put clear plastic runners across the waterproofing sheets held in place by glue. These plastic runners serve as frames to hold in giant letters. Have one row per room. When they first check in have someone slide the letters of their name as a welcome to the hospital pick me up. If their stay is likely to be extended let their family and friends call in (if they can't make it to the hospital) and leave messages to be printed on the roof for the child.

Anyway... there's a few ideas off the top of my head. I'll add more if I think of 'em.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Wolf Bait View Post
Limits. It can not hurt the existing roof membrane (water barrier) and keep the maintenance to a minimum. I would say the membrane can withstand about 200 lbs of pressure as long as it is spread over one sqft.
Not to spoil your fun, but your roof has a live and dead load specification that will let you know how much weight can be placed on the roof (very important when it rains or snows and the roof is subject to increased loads). The membrane as well with instructions on what can a cannot be done and as far as modifying the membrane with paint and such, this can have an effect on the performance of your HVAC system as well possibly increasing utility costs.

Your idea is a noble one, but it really needs the attention of an expert (perhaps even an engineer or architect) so that the impact is at a minimum.

To put this into perspective, my employer had an expert come in and examine the cinder block walls at the building I work at, the guy pointed out a dozen or so problems that were ultimately the fault of our management staff just implementing various programs that modified the structure in simple ways yet has compromised (as in increased the chance of collapse) the structural integrity of walls in general.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Looks like I found another construction guru. Don't worry about all that. We have a licensed architect and engineer on staff, not to mention a guy with 15 year experience in HVAC. This thread is for the fun of it!

I love the idea of the crashed UFO.

Wolf Bait.



Originally Posted by Wolf Bait View Post
Looks like I found another construction guru. Don't worry about all that. We have a licensed architect and engineer on staff, not to mention a guy with 15 year experience in HVAC. This thread is for the fun of it!
I know, I know, its just that I always read or see or experience first hand the aphorism "The road to hell is paved with good intentions ", but if you have all the right resources available then by all means have fun.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------