Help to a new pvper with spines/WP stalker.
no they aren't. pvp hasn't changed in the last 3 years. literally nothing. not even bug fixes. whatever you found is more than likely still relevant
saw many builds but most of them are outdated |
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
Aside from the whole respeccing out of fitness thing, which I'm still guilty of not doing on 80% of my pvp toons that I still play everyday.
Stalkers are something that you can easily get away with running a cheaper build (Under 2-3 bill or so)... While I don't condone relying on Sharks to PvP on a Stalker, they are effective. However learning to AS targets when they root themselves or get mez'd will go a long way in playing a good stalker... Also since you went with Spines foregoing Levi is very viable because Impale is sort of like Sharks with shorter range, and a smidge less damage. My Spines/WP went with Blaze mastery for the blasty feel of the set and because Reactive makes it pretty deadly.
I would like to start pvp ing so i decided to roll a spines/WP/Levi stalker for that purpose.Read many guides for pvp and saw many builds but most of them are outdated.I would apreciate any help or a no-purp-pvp recipes slotted build.Thank you in advance!
Other than that, IO for damage, accuracy and rech. Make sure your travel powers are close to the movement cap as much as possible. Oh and damage procs are you best friend.
Hope that helps, throwing out shameless advertisement to the "Freedom PvP 2011" global channel while I'm at it.
My **** is bleeding.
I would like to start pvp ing so i decided to roll a spines/WP/Levi stalker for that purpose.Read many guides for pvp and saw many builds but most of them are outdated.I would apreciate any help or a no-purp-pvp recipes slotted build.Thank you in advance!