So, Beam Rifle.




The youtube videos I've watched of BR in action make it look like a highly effective set. Guys were tearing through +1 and +2 enemies, making solid use of the Dis effect.

I've been plotting my first Eaxlted server toon, and I had planned for a DP/Devices blaster. Though I'm also considering BR instead.



Originally Posted by _Elektro_ View Post
It seems to me taking Beam Rifle and relegating to Defender status is like saying it's going to be a 'meh' set at best.....

I was hoping it would be something a damage dealer type would actually covet.... I guess we'll see.
Here is the issue as I see it.

Either the players testing it and posting were not good blasters, did not understand the game mechanics, or the DPS seems low.

I read several reports where people had issues soloing because of the single attack issues. Though I am aware BR has a nice AOE, it just did not have enough of them.

I know and understand Traps. To me Traps is super kick butt. It makes my defender, corruptor and masterminds do what a tank, scrapper and brute can do. I solo 4/8 setting with those toons. I think Traps will give BR the extra aoe dps via trip mine and the defense cap to give you more time to kill off the mobs. I'm thinking that you might not be able to do 4/8 with a BR blaster but you might be able to handle 4/3 setting with a hover blaster. I need to see what IOs can be slotted in the powers.

Plus let see how its tweaked when it comes out.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Originally Posted by _Elektro_ View Post
It seems to me taking Beam Rifle and relegating to Defender status is like saying it's going to be a 'meh' set at best.....

I was hoping it would be something a damage dealer type would actually covet.... I guess we'll see.



Well there is one other possibilty. People could be snowing us in hopes of getting some tweak or to protect against a nerf pending the release of the set. Reminds me of beta days....

But I find it weird that we've been dying for a set like this to come out and it's such a simple, yet coveted weapon type... I'm really confused on -why it wouldn't- be like a teir one choice for blasters.

I guess we'll see tuesday. My only 50+ blaster is dual DP and I've been thinking it would be nice to try something in blaster that doesn't involve some form of FIRE! (all my blasters burn something at some point.)

Nekron: Beam Rifle / Poison Corruptor and Slayer of Evil!! (Exalted)
Intergalaktic: Fire / Time Corruptor (Exalted)



I would imagine that "it's a single-target set in a game that heavily values AOE" would be enough to cause people to shy away.



I hate snipes.

The snipe in this set has the best sound effect outside of radiation blast. I LOVE hearing that thing.

I am thinking that going 2 acc/2 dam/2 recharge in Disintegration might be the way to go until you get hasten fully slotted or spiritual/ageless. It's basically like having build up and aim in the same set. Linky.

...but yes, this might be the best single target set to take in the game now - time to say goodbye to ice blast unless you want utility. It should be the one to go to when you don't want sonic blast for a defender. I tested a BR/Poison corruptor and have some videos on YT using SOs.

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