mace/shield advice
Here are a couple links to some builds
I have a lvl 50 WM/SD brute. He's a lot of fun. I took every WM power except bash and taunt, and there are times I wish I had taunt.
I use Pulverize, Jawbreaker, and Clobber as my ST attack chain, and Whirling Mace, Shatter, and Crowd Control as my AoE attack chain.
Shatter does .67 KB, which equates to Knock down, just like crowd control. This is good mitigation, and does not fling the mobs away from you.
I took every power in /SD, leaping pool, fighting pool, hasten, and aid self. Before I got T4 Destiny (Ageless), I had Superior Conditioning and Physical Perfection from Energy Mastery because I needed it. After I got Ageless, I was able to respec into Aid Self. I don't really need it too much.
I also went with spiritual core alpha slot. My shield charge recharges in 26 seconds, same as build up, which makes for a nice synergy.
My positionals (without the PvP +def IO) are 44.4/46.3/45.3 Melee/ranged/AoE. He's pretty good, I have a lot of fun with him.
Hope that helps.
I made my War Mace/Shield brute as a "concept" character and some powersets I hadn't played before. It was such a blast that it's now my favorite character. She's durable, hits hard, can do good AoE or single target damage, tank in a pinch (even without taunt, the only things that pull agro off of me are /Shield scrappers and Tanks), and just generally tons of fun to play. War Mace has such a satisfying "crunch".
She's using the build that Twilight Snow outlined in the second link Red Bull provided. It was not all that expensive to make (I did a bit of marketeering and spent some alignment merits levelng up, but not to any great extent) and it's good enough that I still don't see any reason to update it.
I was the author of one of the aforementioned links, as in asking for help, not with build advice
I have my WM/SD Brute to 42 now, and I am finally to the point where the character feels really good. END has been manageable but only by not using every toggle you own right away. For example, weave didn't get activated until 40ish, and now that I have another +end proc via performance shifter in Superior Conditioning, the build really feels OK.
The AE damage is pretty darned good, especially with Crowd Control and Shield Charge knocking everything on its butt for good mitigation. I have been using mid level IO's for the extra defense, and I can soft cap with a small purple. I am just now putting slots into Pulverize as at this point in the build I kind of ran out of spots to put them somewhere else unless I start over slotting some defense powers/True Grit.
I am currently running 0/x5 and at times, I come close to biting the farm, it depends on the group I am fighting (DE with Quartz drops comes to mind). Other times, I just roll in and obliterate everything.
All in all it has been frustrating, educational, and fun! It will teach you very quickly how to manage END. Of course, you still hit that wall occasionally when Scrapper-Lock kicks in, but you either die, or cackle maniacally when you win the fight.
It will be my second 50 (I finally leveled my Fortunata out), especially with double xp this weekend. If only the darned servers were up...
*edit* As to Shatter. Do. Not. Skip. It!!!! It does knockdown, and hits like a truck for a short cone. I use it as part of my ST chain if that tells you how hard it can hit. In fact, I mainly view it as a ST attack, but when I manage to get more than one, it is pure smashy gravy.
so i was looking through the guides and i noticed there is no mace/shield guide for brutes, or any mace guides at all, so was just wondering if anyone has played a mace brute and if anyone has any advice for playing a mace/shield in particular.
its a concept character for me so im not worried about being the best, but i was just kind of wondering if anyone tried out some of the powers and had any particular powers they would stay away from. im thinking shatter at this moment cause it appears from the description this is a huge knockback power and generally kb is kind of annoying but if anyone has any advice they are willing to share id be interested. thanks for the help.