I was the author of one of the aforementioned links, as in asking for help, not with build advice
I have my WM/SD Brute to 42 now, and I am finally to the point where the character feels really good. END has been manageable but only by not using every toggle you own right away. For example, weave didn't get activated until 40ish, and now that I have another +end proc via performance shifter in Superior Conditioning, the build really feels OK.
The AE damage is pretty darned good, especially with Crowd Control and Shield Charge knocking everything on its butt for good mitigation. I have been using mid level IO's for the extra defense, and I can soft cap with a small purple. I am just now putting slots into Pulverize as at this point in the build I kind of ran out of spots to put them somewhere else unless I start over slotting some defense powers/True Grit.
I am currently running 0/x5 and at times, I come close to biting the farm, it depends on the group I am fighting (DE with Quartz drops comes to mind). Other times, I just roll in and obliterate everything.
All in all it has been frustrating, educational, and fun! It will teach you very quickly how to manage END. Of course, you still hit that wall occasionally when Scrapper-Lock kicks in, but you either die, or cackle maniacally when you win the fight.
It will be my second 50 (I finally leveled my Fortunata out), especially with double xp this weekend. If only the darned servers were up...
*edit* As to Shatter. Do. Not. Skip. It!!!! It does knockdown, and hits like a truck for a short cone. I use it as part of my ST chain if that tells you how hard it can hit. In fact, I mainly view it as a ST attack, but when I manage to get more than one, it is pure smashy gravy.