Kheldian Brag Book




Originally Posted by AIB View Post
You posted the build. I only changed three things...

I dropped the Dam/End in Hecatomb and Ragnarok and replaced them with an Achilles -res proc. I also dropped the Dam/End in Armageddon and replaced it with a Fury of the Gladiator -res proc.
Cool, I forgot I had posted it here. I had like 50 builds in my downloads folder that I deleted the other day. The (most recent) "final" build I made for Sep has the fury of the gladiator -res proc in black dwarf Mire.



screen shot post kill of Lvl 53 Chimera

I am NOT bragging about my uber build or nothing, just showing it can be done

yes I did use EVERY temp pet
and a few warburg nukes
and envenom dagger
and placate power

I figured my Ill rad can melt AV's easy
so why not make my WS into a temp/mini Ill/rad

I am the phantom army thanks to super inspirs of 50% def and 30% res, plus wedding band 30% res, plus eclipse (1 enemy) plus other def

and the temp pets are my pets (duh)

and the incarnate powers and warburg nukes are my RAD debuff powers

melted the lvl 53 AV in a little over a minute

now for the lvl 54

that is after I re-earn all my temp powers (I spent alot practicing on lvl 51 and 52 to get it just right)

oh yes, and the super inspirs cost a few million

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



Originally Posted by Laserblitz_Emcc View Post
...melted the lvl 53 AV in a little over a minute
"Yeah? You and what army?"

Congratulations though.

I am confident that you will do the same to the Level 54 as well.



Congratz on all these AV kills! I need to get around to trying this one of these days.



That would be Emcc and Emcc's Army

This was more science experiment than anything
The question is can it be done
Question 2 is how much does it cost

This can probably be done with any kheld build
But I did do it all in human form so i could keep the befuffs and buffs going full time

It did take less than 90 sec
And as soon as i go earn some more war wolf pets i will try a lvl 54

Then i will experiment and see how few temp power are required
To see how cheaply it can be done

I have enough def to soft cap all attack types with a 33% inspir
But the psychological cushion of the 50% inspir was nice
If i die all pets die
I was kept busy spaming placate temp power, GW and grav emination to try and keep pets alive

But even with amy and cimerian surgeon and my rebirth incarnate and heal other the AV still killed my PPD hardsuit pet and all my fluffies

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



Dunno if this is brag book worthy, but here you are--the most kheldians in one place:



On Protector, at that.



I made a peacebring on protector last night just so I can play with you all sometime
Only lvl 4 so far
I assume you all have a SG i could get an invite to?

Actually, i have never seen that many heroes in one place on protector

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



Originally Posted by Laserblitz_Emcc View Post
I made a peacebring on protector last night just so I can play with you all sometime
Only lvl 4 so far
I assume you all have a SG i could get an invite to?

Actually, i have never seen that many heroes in one place on protector
Nah, I just spam Protector Vigilance and Protector TF when we're ready to start forming. But cool! I may not see you at the next KF's (as it will be a higher level next time), but I hope to see you soon. We can help level that PB if you want, just look me, AIB, or Septipheran up.



I finally figured oit how to make a video of gamr play and post it to youtube

I need to figure out how to adjust the setting so that 0:17 of video is not 1.8 GB of memory
Since the max allowed to download is 2 GB

Here is the last 17 sec of my solo* attack on lvl 53 chimera

*I used every temp pet available except snowbeast plus my incarnate lore pets

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



Originally Posted by Laserblitz_Emcc View Post
I finally figured oit how to make a video of gamr play and post it to youtube

I need to figure out how to adjust the setting so that 0:17 of video is not 1.8 GB of memory
Since the max allowed to download is 2 GB

Here is the last 17 sec of my solo* attack on lvl 53 chimera

*I used every temp pet available except snowbeast plus my incarnate lore pets
Talk about overkill



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Talk about overkill
Exactly what I thought. Quite effective though



Originally Posted by AIB View Post
Exactly what I thought. Quite effective though

Pretty sure a stalker with training origin enhancements could do that with every temp power in the game and lore pets.



Exactly the point of my experiment
I will be posting pics and video of taking down a lvl 54 AV tonight

In that 2 minute battle I tried to not use any attacks except to debuff the AV
Warburg nukes
Envenomed dagger
Flash, which is a placate
Incarnate powers
Void for - damage
Reactive for - res
Orbiting death with - res proc

And buff for me and pets
Running tactics with build up proc
Heal other

I could have spent time getting longbow heavy pet from RV
Or kept my smow beast from winter
Or went villian and got fire imp and a few other
Warburg chem nuke

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



The point of your experiment is to show that Warshades can do something that probably any other character in the game could do with all these temp powers and pets? </confuse>



I am a scientist by training and I do clincal trials for pharmaceutical companies

The 1st thing to do is establish the extremes
These will be your control groups
to establish the range of possiblities

The low end control group was me with all incarnate powers turned off
Vs lvl 49-54 AV
I timed how long i lasted
Not worth the video or pics

Then I did it with incarnate powers ON but no lore pets and I was able to take down a lvl 50 AV

Then turned on lore pets (cimerians, tier 4) and was able to take down a rikti pylon in just over 2 minutes and a lvl 51 AV

Next I will add the super inspires instead of large and see if I can take down a lvl 52 or even a level 53 AV

If I can't do a lvl 53 or 54 then I will repeat adding 1 temp power or pet at a time to find the minimum temps needed

I am not a teenager trying to prove i am "teh uber WS"
Just a courious old scientist trying to see how many licks does it take to get to the center of a level 54 AV... Using a WS

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



Originally Posted by Laserblitz_Emcc View Post
I am a scientist by training and i do clincal trials for drugs

The 1st thing to do is establish the extremes
As control groups

The low end control group was me with all incarnate powers turned off
Vs lvl 49-54 AV
I timed how long i lasted
Not worth the video or pics

Then i did it with incarnate powers on but no lore pets and i was able to take down a lvl 50 AV

Then turned on lore pets cimerians and was able to take down a rikti pylon in just over 2 minutes and a lvl 51 AV

Next i will add the super inspires instead of large and see if i can take down a lvl 52 or even a level 53

If i cant do a lvl 53 or 54 then i will repeat adding 1 temp pet at a time to find the minimum temps needed

I am not a teenager trying to prove i am teh uber WS
Just a courious scientist trying to see how many licks does it take to get to the center of a level 54 AV... Using a WS

I don't get the point. You said yourself you're not using (or attempting to refrain from using) any warshade powers. So nothing you are doing actually belongs in a kheldian brag book, since technically ANY character could do this, given the same temporary/lore powers.

I don't really see anything scientific about it.



sorry I was too wordy back there


Control group 1,= WS minimum; lvl 50 using Triform build I copied from AiB, but downgraded with SO enhancements, no inspir, no temp powers, no incarnate powers

(AiB build was chosen as it was published and documented to be able to take down an AV)

Control group 2 = WS maximum lvl 50 using a build designed to kill AV, Multi-billion IO enhancements, super inspirs (up to 40 available, 20 in tray+ 20 in email), as many temps powers and pets as I was willing to invest the time and money to get, the 5 current incarnate powers at Tier 4 (in other words, overkill)

(I will redo control group 2 after all 10 incarnate powers are available, stay tuned for a video of me soloing Hamidon ;-)

In between the 2 control groups lies some useful info on which to gage what a WS is capable of

variables include

Your build choices
Your IO's and how much you are willing to spend
You level of inspirs you can afford
Your level of temp power investment
Your Incarnate power choices and tier level

Knowing this people can judge the "wow" or "not wow" factor of entries in the Brag book for a Warshade (I do not have a level 50 Peacebringer yet, so that will have to wait, or someone else as weird /old/eccentric as me can try)

Part of the scientific protocol is then to publish data for peer review, which is why I am posting it here and I must then defend my research and admit my errors and bias and open light for new questions to research

What I will be posting soon of the control group 2 is "Most NOT wow" possible
I am pretty sure I did not even fire off my attack chain once

knowing this, when someone posts a Kheld with no incanate, no pet, no temp power taking down a LVL 53, even noobs (and non-khelds) can say WOW!

What else would make good brag book material?
someone posting a video of taking down a pylon
then some one posting a better time

someone (other than Aib) posting taking down a AV as close to the control group 1 minimum as they dare

Team photos of khelds doing awesome stuff, like the khelds doing the ITF and the group photos

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



Originally Posted by Laserblitz_Emcc View Post
Control group 1,= WS minimum; lvl 50 using Triform build I copied from AiB, but downgraded with SO enhancements, no inspir, no temp powers, no incarnate powers

(AiB build was chosen as it was published and documented to be able to take down an AV)
And a Warshade capable of taking down an AV with those restictions in place on builds/temps is impressive, but...

Originally Posted by Laserblitz_Emcc View Post
Control group 2 = WS maximum lvl 50 using a build designed to kill AV, Multi-billion IO enhancements, super inspirs (up to 40 available, 20 in tray+ 20 in email), as many temps powers and pets as I was willing to invest the time and money to get, the 5 current incarnate powers at Tier 4 (in other words, overkill)


What I will be posting soon of the control group 2 is "Most NOT wow" possible
I am pretty sure I did not even fire off my attack chain once
This isn't. Anyone can solo an AV this way. I don't even see the point of making a "Multi-billion" influence build to just turn around and not make use of it.

Perhaps making a thread specifically for your "testing" would be a better place to put this?



This is about the only thing I have a screenshot of that is descent enough to brag about(although it doesnt show much). It was my first Statesman Task Force back in JAN10 and the tank crashed or DCed or something and left me as the only tank-like person. I jumped in Dwarf and tanked the first 3 then Ghost Widow. And it was a successful Master of run on my first time. Not that big of a deal maybe but I was proud. Memory is a bit hazy with the details thou, but the tank may have came back for Recluse.

EDIT: It was an in between costumes non-cape version of Hero Alpha's costume too, forget that part hehe.



Originally Posted by Jot View Post
This is about the only thing I have a screenshot of that is descent enough to brag about(although it doesnt show much). It was my first Statesman Task Force back in JAN10 and the tank crashed or DCed or something and left me as the only tank-like person. I jumped in Dwarf and tanked the first 3 then Ghost Widow. And it was a successful Master of run on my first time. Not that big of a deal maybe but I was proud. Memory is a bit hazy with the details thou, but the tank may have came back for Recluse.

EDIT: It was an in between costumes non-cape version of Hero Alpha's costume too, forget that part hehe.

Nicely done! Did you tank in human form, or Dwarf, or...?



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Nicely done! Did you tank in human form, or Dwarf, or...?
Thanks, Dwarf mostly, I had just dropped out at the end in the screenshot.

EDIT: Oh yea, the first 3 patrons were tanked all at once, then Ghost Widow alone after.



ok its not an av and it wasnt solo but it was a damn good time in terms of volume of carnage. was in the second mish of an ITF and we were deep in the caves and found ourselves a room with 2 crystal... in tp'd the stone tank and started going to work as i strode into battle thats when i noticed the 2 scrappers empowered by fulcrum shift branch off into the room.. the whole room came down on us right intime for the first crystal to explode triggering ambush one which quickly off'ed our kin and FA scrapper. seeing all this i just my eyes grew wide and i smiled. it felt kinda like a timed mission.. with the timer being the stone tanker's hp bar so i went to work as quickly as i could flowing in and out of forms while i watched names in my team bar turn up red one after the other.. i unleashed as much hell as i could. unchain essence here eclipse there quasar over here dwarf mire viod judgment over there .. crap stone tanks health is lowering .. quick mire and fill up with stygian jump to nova blast away bright orange numbers in the 300's all over the place stone tanks health at a 1/4 dove back in for another eclipse popped some vengeance on the FA scrapper just for some good measure.. i just kept going a log cabin of baddies built up around the tank just as he expired but there was still the remainder of the eb's and everything else the cave could throw at us so i kept plugged away exploasion after explosion... my health got a little low .. popped nebulous and ducked behind a corner tp'd tank real quick tp'd back into the fray unchained essence again right as they took my life.. but wait .. stygian return quasar quick blue and styg return and im right back in it by the time the tank got unstunned from the awaken there was what remained of an eb after unstoppable... a quick gravity well and there i stood amongst a sea of romans while others started to rez.... then i got the tell from my sg-mate .. "dude your unstoppable"

i immeadiately went outside smoked a cigarette and went back to playing the game with a new outlook..

special thanks to the stone tank for his inital role as unmovable stone pillar, and to FA scrappers for always allowing me to use vengence every time its up. i used every ws power i had with the exception of orbiting death i think..
thank you warshades for giving me one of the best times in this game.



My human only PB did something I thought was impossible. I had been running a bunch of iTrials with her and was getting one Common drop after another. ::sigh:: I thought to myself, this is the toon that I shocked one of my SGs with because she was awesome, what am I doing wrong?

So I set out to dish absolutely as much damage as possible. I ate reds, I exploded, I hit some things, and shot other things. Nightstar rolled in and I made sure to leave a mark. Too much of one, I stripped aggro completely away and she came after me with a vengeance. I had my shields up, endurance was going great, and I had SB on me. I pulled back on the second ring to take on the adds and the tank grabbed her again.

The end of the BAF I was rewarded by being able to select a Very Rare component. So the problem was me not being aggressive enough and having it too easy with a few of my other toons. It was a lot of fun.



Originally Posted by randomhero6 View Post
ok its not an av and it wasnt solo but it was a damn good time in terms of volume of carnage. was in the second mish of an ITF and we were deep in the caves and found ourselves a room with 2 crystal... in tp'd the stone tank and started going to work as i strode into battle thats when i noticed the 2 scrappers empowered by fulcrum shift branch off into the room.. the whole room came down on us right intime for the first crystal to explode triggering ambush one which quickly off'ed our kin and FA scrapper. seeing all this i just my eyes grew wide and i smiled. it felt kinda like a timed mission.. with the timer being the stone tanker's hp bar so i went to work as quickly as i could flowing in and out of forms while i watched names in my team bar turn up red one after the other.. i unleashed as much hell as i could. unchain essence here eclipse there quasar over here dwarf mire viod judgment over there .. crap stone tanks health is lowering .. quick mire and fill up with stygian jump to nova blast away bright orange numbers in the 300's all over the place stone tanks health at a 1/4 dove back in for another eclipse popped some vengeance on the FA scrapper just for some good measure.. i just kept going a log cabin of baddies built up around the tank just as he expired but there was still the remainder of the eb's and everything else the cave could throw at us so i kept plugged away exploasion after explosion... my health got a little low .. popped nebulous and ducked behind a corner tp'd tank real quick tp'd back into the fray unchained essence again right as they took my life.. but wait .. stygian return quasar quick blue and styg return and im right back in it by the time the tank got unstunned from the awaken there was what remained of an eb after unstoppable... a quick gravity well and there i stood amongst a sea of romans while others started to rez.... then i got the tell from my sg-mate .. "dude your unstoppable"

i immeadiately went outside smoked a cigarette and went back to playing the game with a new outlook..

special thanks to the stone tank for his inital role as unmovable stone pillar, and to FA scrappers for always allowing me to use vengence every time its up. i used every ws power i had with the exception of orbiting death i think..
thank you warshades for giving me one of the best times in this game.
Didnt really need a screenshot or anything. Felt like I was there reading it imagining an excited Jack Black's voice lol. Nice one.