Kheldian Brag Book




After seeing posts about our AT soloing AVs and pylons I thought we needed a home page/thread where any kheldian can post a screenshot or link to a video of his Warshade or Peacebringer doing amazing stuff

Then when some "other AT" starts talking trash about us, we can refer them to this thread and convert them to our way of thinking, maybe put a little kheld inside them too.

The only rule for posting here is whatever you post must be AWESOME!

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



Lev 50 AIB vs. Lev 49 Chimera (AV).

No Incarnate Powers. Not Pets (except Extracted Essences). Used tier 3 inspirations as you can see.

This is how we used to have to take down AVs.

I really don't consider this that great of an accomplishment.

But if you take the time to read through the recent post and discussion I had with Auroxis and Microcosm you can see why I decided to do this.



Awesome purple Awesomeness
I cant wait to see some more

How high an AV can you take down in unlimited incarnate fashion, shivan, back up radio, HVAS, Amy, super inspirs, no holds barred?

How fast can you take down a Ricki Pylon

And how many licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Inquiring minds want to know

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



To the shade above what are those three powers in ur mid tray. One loooks like magnus but can't make out the other two

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin



Assuming you mean the accolade powers -

Gaes of the Kind Ones
Eye of the Magus
... and I can't think of what the third is. Elusive Mind?

I *Want* to say it looks that way as part of an icon replacement pack. (Not this one, but like it,) since I have one and Gaes looks like that - but by default (at least according to the wiki) it should look like a greenish tinted clock face.



Tomorrow I will try to wrap my head around 'demorecord' ie: turning the files into actual videos.. At which point I will post my tri-form Warshade soloing +4x8 Malta. Nothing groundbreaking, but still a feat I'm proud of. Consider this post a placeholder.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Do you have something like FRAPS to record as the demo file plays back?

I tried using FRAPS once. I hit the record bind while doing something that I wished to record in game, but it decided that it would not save a video file of any sort to the folder I set up for it (or anywhere else for that matter.)



Here's my human-only WS going against two +2x8 Malta mobs at once

Took frikkin' forever, but this was well before all the incarnate stuff happened, as you can tell by the video upload date.

Malta are my human-only's arch-nemesis, as they tended to take down all 10 of my toggles every 5 seconds it seemed, and I had no protection from holds or stuns... So, I was pretty proud of being able to even walk away from that battle knowing I'd downed both mobs.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Here's my human-only WS going against two +2x8 Malta mobs at once

Took frikkin' forever, but this was well before all the incarnate stuff happened, as you can tell by the video upload date.

Malta are my human-only's arch-nemesis, as they tended to take down all 10 of my toggles every 5 seconds it seemed, and I had no protection from holds or stuns... So, I was pretty proud of being able to even walk away from that battle knowing I'd downed both mobs.


I rely on clarion and my target sapper bind>gravity well. I also make sure to bring a handfull of blues in case it goes south at any point

Doing it without Clarion is pretty insane.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Here's my human-only WS going against two +2x8 Malta mobs at once

Took frikkin' forever, but this was well before all the incarnate stuff happened, as you can tell by the video upload date.

Malta are my human-only's arch-nemesis, as they tended to take down all 10 of my toggles every 5 seconds it seemed, and I had no protection from holds or stuns... So, I was pretty proud of being able to even walk away from that battle knowing I'd downed both mobs.

Indeed. 4x8 Malta are some of the worst things for a shade to fight because of the sappers. I rely on my range defense build for that.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Yeah, that's why it was a pretty huge accomplishment for me... For all intents and purposes, there could have been a random hold that popped off at any time that would have completely ruined that run for me and sent me packin'


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Yeah, that's why it was a pretty huge accomplishment for me... For all intents and purposes, there could have been a random hold that popped off at any time that would have completely ruined that run for me and sent me packin'


Oh I bet, especially since you don't have Dwarf as a panic button, AND you have dropping toggles to take into account. Nicely done to be sure- Have you picked up clarion on your Shade yet?



I finally took my new triform build out for a spin ( thanks microcosm it handles wonderfully)

With full incarnate power I took down a pylon in under 2 min and solo Cimerea at lvl 50
I then realized I have no idea how to post the pics I took

If someone could be so kind as to post a link to a guide
It might also help other who wish to post here


I plan to keep doing that Cimera mission with a inc level of difficult and see how high i can go if i use every trick available (unlimited class challenge)

To be honest I did try without lore pets amd only got halfway each time before running out if inspirs or patience

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



Originally Posted by Laserblitz_Emcc View Post
I finally took my new triform build out for a spin ( thanks microcosm it handles wonderfully)

With full incarnate power I took down a pylon in under 2 min and solo Cimerea at lvl 50
I then realized I have no idea how to post the pics I took

If someone could be so kind as to post a link to a guide
It might also help other who wish to post here


I plan to keep doing that Cimera mission with a inc level of difficult and see how high i can go if i use every trick available (unlimited class challenge)

To be honest I did try without lore pets amd only got halfway each time before running out if inspirs or patience
I sent you a PM on how to post your images here.



Ok I am attempting to post a screenshot for the 1st time, "so sue me if I go astray"

The 1st pic should be me getting ready with a Pylon in view just out of range
I have not figured out how to make a video, nor post one here
(working on that, TY Fraps)

But if you look at the messages in the lower left hand corner
then look there on the post defeat pic you will see that only 1 message was posted in the mean time
I timed it on my iphone timer feature and it took 2:20
I doubt that is a record, and i did use lore pets and large inspirs
but I did it all in human form

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



I will never figure out how to make a video of anything, I swear to god...

I have my +4x8 Malta demorecorded but that isn't a real video file. Even if it was, every time I try to open it, it decides to rescale my entire resolution and make everything on my screen giant and wonky. It frustrates me so I close it.

I tried that FRAPS thing but it just doesn't work for me. It decides that it won't save.

I tried 2 other programs... One of them didn't work. The other one lagged me to no end, but I'm used to lagging since my computer sucks... I was able to play through it. I went to play the video back, though, and it was a very slow frame by frame long delay slideshow.

I give up.

edit- As for my surrender, if anyone would be willing to come to Protector and record my +4x8 Malta video for me, I would gladly pay 100 million inf. for your trouble. If you don't feel it's worth it for that amount I'm open for negotiation.



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Your Rainbow Incarnate outfit is strangely awesome.
Thank Microcosm, that was the effect I was looking for
Matter of fact , may I have your permission to use that in my sig?

I am quite proud "no pun intended" of my rainbow costume despite that fact that I am do not play for "that team".

When people comment on it in game I usually respond
" why just taste the rainbow...BE the rainbow"

It also got me nominated to the game wide costume contest at holloween a few years ago
And i won a high powered videocard

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



Yeah, I got 3rd place right behind a Ms Marvel copy ( so much for the EULA) and A Taxibot
Someone told me should "campaign" for votes , so I made an Emcc on every server( but each a different AT)
So now almost all of them are level 50 s
But only 2 are incarnate T4x5
That takes alot of time

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me



Protector PUG last night. Hopefully this will turn into a weekly event. Thanks to all who participated.



Was a good time.