An unconventional strategy...




Ele, log on and do a Keyes with me



Ele... that's why I put it in quotes, I do not like it either. But it's easier that saying emp or pain or thermal. Anyways...

Congratulations to Chan, Missie, Necro, and MP who earned the Master of Keyes badge tonight!

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



Congratulations! And thank you for your patience on the one failed run I went on - Keyes came out when I was particularly busy at work and I've not had time to really learn it at all, so I was completely clueless.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
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Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
Congratulations! And thank you for your patience on the one failed run I went on - Keyes came out when I was particularly busy at work and I've not had time to really learn it at all, so I was completely clueless.

We didn't fail the run, just the badge. And you did great. You'll be leading them soon enough

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



And now congrats to Ice Knight on his Master of Keyes badge!

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
And now congrats to Ice Knight on his Master of Keyes badge!
Thankyou it was awesome



My turn next!

Anti-Anti-Matter run tonight. 9pm EDT. Be there



Originally Posted by ir0x0r View Post
My turn next!

Anti-Anti-Matter run tonight. 9pm EDT. Be there
Oh a sign up now? >.>

Would like some help for either Lambda or Keyes badges Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

Thank you very much in advance <.<

I've already forgotten about most of you



I got the badges last night Voo, should've been there! It was masterful!

If I'm around, I'll run some trials. It's not too difficult to get the badges, if everyone listens.



Originally Posted by ir0x0r View Post
I got the badges last night Voo, should've been there! It was masterful!

If I'm around, I'll run some trials. It's not too difficult to get the badges, if everyone listens.
Dammit stop getting the badges Rox not having them keeps you in game.

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im glad that im finally done with that abomination of a trial

i seriously hope that the underground trial is better than the keyes trial



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
im glad that im finally done with that abomination of a trial

i seriously hope that the underground trial is better than the keyes trial

Keyes is not hard at all.. just the badges were hard. (well and herding cats is a lil hard)

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
Keyes is not hard at all.. just the badges were hard. (well and herding cats is a lil hard)

I kinda like Keyes. It requires more team work and structure than BAF and Lambda. I am hoping that the new trial is just like Keyes, to a point.



Having been on a couple of actual badge attempts now, I'd like to throw out an idea:

Avoiding the green stuff *really* shouldn't be hard at all, but I think it's happening because there is a lot going on to pay attention to.....with the real factor(s) being either lag or animation time. What I've not seen on the few badge runs I've been on is someone warning about an incoming Green splat; the timer is there, but actively engaging AM and paying atteniton to green fields and not being disintegrated is going to affect a lot of people where they fire off something that will just take too long (and probably travel suppression is in play too). If people are using Vent for this, all the power to them, but there will be people not getting that extra warning (like me )

So while not an original idea, I'd like to see a dedicated caller for the Oblit beam. "~10 seconds till splash down" (especially if people are sitting in the hospital), get in a *quick* attack, and then everyone completely disengage until the green field shows up, allowing people to move out of the way first, and then fire off their Destiny and other long-animation powers. Take that long run on sentence rule! If given time, the idea would be that everyone, save a taunter, would actually group TOGETHER so that there will only be 2 possible places the green will splash down; where the taunter is or where the group is.

Personally, I've only been caught in the green once because I fired off Destiny, but a) I only did it because we already failed the green badge and b) I got caught on the edge of a box as I hopped away. *shrug*

Now questions:
* Has anyone tested the height of the green splash affected area? In Apex, there is a definite height limit of where it will affect you; when I'm on a flyer, if I stay ~40 feet up and I get a blue swirl, any and all melee can happily play underneath it without worry. I'll go higher if my attacks/debuffs have the range, but about 40 seems to be completly safe. If the same applies with the green stuff, flying would actually help *IF* the fliers pay extra attention to the details.

* Is there a displayed timer for Disintegration? I've only done this on my scrapper and he has yet to die during the AV fight regardless of 2, 3, FOUR! disintegrations in a row. For others, the extra warning might be useful?

* Disintegration targetting: Is there an "X is being targetted for disintegration" message? I could have sworn I've seen it SEPARATE of the oblit message, but the last run I did, I never got disintegrated, so am not sure.

I may be talking to myself with others having this aspect already mastered, but my lack of play time keeps me from getting more attempts in with random people who do their own thing anyway

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
Having been on a couple of actual badge attempts now, I'd like to throw out an idea:

Avoiding the green stuff *really* shouldn't be hard at all, but I think it's happening because there is a lot going on to pay attention to.....with the real factor(s) being either lag or animation time. What I've not seen on the few badge runs I've been on is someone warning about an incoming Green splat; the timer is there, but actively engaging AM and paying atteniton to green fields and not being disintegrated is going to affect a lot of people where they fire off something that will just take too long (and probably travel suppression is in play too). If people are using Vent for this, all the power to them, but there will be people not getting that extra warning (like me )

So while not an original idea, I'd like to see a dedicated caller for the Oblit beam. "~10 seconds till splash down" (especially if people are sitting in the hospital), get in a *quick* attack, and then everyone completely disengage until the green field shows up, allowing people to move out of the way first, and then fire off their Destiny and other long-animation powers. Take that long run on sentence rule! If given time, the idea would be that everyone, save a taunter, would actually group TOGETHER so that there will only be 2 possible places the green will splash down; where the taunter is or where the group is.
It is a good idea, we did try this, however, it just clogged the chat and people didn't read it anyways. There are people who read and people who do not read... unfortunately the people who get caught are (typically) the people who don't read anyway (or don't read as it goes and only check once every 30 seconds or so).

Now questions:
* Has anyone tested the height of the green splash affected area? In Apex, there is a definite height limit of where it will affect you; when I'm on a flyer, if I stay ~40 feet up and I get a blue swirl, any and all melee can happily play underneath it without worry. I'll go higher if my attacks/debuffs have the range, but about 40 seems to be completly safe. If the same applies with the green stuff, flying would actually help *IF* the fliers pay extra attention to the details.
Yes it does, but we have failed doing this because someone jumped and got hit. The best is actually if everyone is on the ground and we have a kin for sb (no suppression) and everyone turns off all travel powers.
* Is there a displayed timer for Disintegration? I've only done this on my scrapper and he has yet to die during the AV fight regardless of 2, 3, FOUR! disintegrations in a row. For others, the extra warning might be useful?
There is not a timer, as long as AM is not on the regen station, disintegrating is constant. It goes from 1 target to the next as soon as 1 cycle is complete (well or the same target).

* Disintegration targetting: Is there an "X is being targetted for disintegration" message? I could have sworn I've seen it SEPARATE of the oblit message, but the last run I did, I never got disintegrated, so am not sure.
Yes there is a message, but you will only see it if you are facing AM and have that person on your screen in your field of view. When I play my pain I scroll my camera all the way back so that I can see it. I still miss it sometimes though.
I may be talking to myself with others having this aspect already mastered, but my lack of play time keeps me from getting more attempts in with random people who do their own thing anyway
The badge runs you have been on so far (the ones that I have led) have not been successful in part because the strategy we used to "win" previously was not used. When doing a run with a bunch of people I have not played it with before, I have no idea who needs to be sat in the hospital and who will be able to pop greens and dodge correctly. I need about 3 runs with the same group to really tell, then choose 8 to do the end fight. I am sure there are lots of other ways to do it... but that is what has worked for me (several times) so I say, if it works, I will keep doing it that way lol.

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover