Any Word on the Regen Cap for Brutes Changing?




Brutes have a Regen cap of 2500%, Scrappers and Stalkers cap at 3000% I assume the reason for this is the Regeneration secondary set.

Now that we too are getting our hands on that set, is our Regen cap being raised? Or are our Regenners going to be stuck with Red-Headed Stepchild Syndrome?



Regen brutes will get much more out of DP thanks to their higher HP cap, and due to that higher HP, essentially more regen as well (same % of regen but more HPs recovered).

The higher res cap also means MoG will be more efficient on brutes.

IIRC you won't be reaching 2500% regen by yourself unless you do something silly like stacking Rebirth and IH instead of alternating them.

I'm not claiming it's never going to be an issue, but other benefits brutes will get over scrappers should more than make up for it.



So that sounded a lot like no they won't be changing the cap then...



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
Brutes have a Regen cap of 2500%, Scrappers and Stalkers cap at 3000% I assume the reason for this is the Regeneration secondary set.

Now that we too are getting our hands on that set, is our Regen cap being raised? Or are our Regenners going to be stuck with Red-Headed Stepchild Syndrome?
If I'm doing my math right, a brute with capped Regen and base HP will regen more HP/sec than a scrapper with capped Regen and base HP. At capped HP, the brute would pull even further ahead.

Not saying it wouldn't be nice, but why would brutes need their regen cap increased?




Basically all of above. You'd never hit the cap on either without stacking Rebirth/IH, or massive outside buffs.



The more I think about /regen for brutes the more interested I get.

I already have a single target, high damage and uber survivable em/inv brute so I'm thinking ss/regen.

While I don't believe a /regen regardless of IO bonuses solo can be built as tough as a /inv, /wp or /da I do think it will be pretty damn tough with capped hp and alternating instant healing and rebirth. If you can fit 30% or more s/l defense it will be pretty beast.

That's completely solo.

On a buffed team a /regen gets exponentially stronger vs most other secondaries.

I think it will be completely viable.



SS/Regen or Stone/Regen both sound very tasty. Whether or not they raise the regen cap on brutes, the hp/sec with all your stuff running should be absolutely ridiculous on a Brute's hp levels, and quick recovery makes everything Brutish work that much better. Outside buffs should turn you into a force of nature.

Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.