Looking for graphics and sound cards advice




I currently have a GeForce 8600 GT that seems to be dying. I have video problems when playing the game (I don't play other PC games), but not when I'm doing anything else. It only started happening the past few days. I was thinking about doing a "relatively significant" upgrade for a replacement, and I came across the GT 430/440. What kind of improvement should I expect with those cards over what I have now?

Also I'm thinking of installing a sound card while I'm at it. Is there any difference between an internal card vs one of those external USB ones?



Graphics Card Hierarchy Updated to July 2011

A GT 430 is only three steps up from what you had. Not much of an improvement. An ATI Radeon HD 5750, what I'm using, is doing me pretty well and can be had for around $100 more or less depending upon which manufacturer you go with. Of course, some of what you'll see is dependent upon your CPU, RAM, etc. I'm running at settings right now that are head and shoulders above what I had with my old CPU, despite having the same graphics card.



Okay, the 430 isn't going to give you much of an increase.

It'd help to know budget.

As to USB sound.
I have onboard sound on my system, but I also has a sound device through my keyboard (Logitech G510) as well. I use the one through my keyboard to keep my headphones from draping all over the place and catching on stuff. It works just fine.

Previously, I had a set of Plantronics 3D USB headphones with a sound "card" that was buggy and unstable.

Basically as long as the USB port is 2.0 or better, you'll be fine.

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Yeah it's officially dead. My price range... I'd say $120 (for the video card, not combined)



Originally Posted by evertheskeptic View Post
Since the 430/440 was only a small upgrade, I looked at the GTX 550 Ti

Will I need to upgrade my power supply for that? This is what I have now
Yes. The card requires 24A on the +12V rail. You have two rails and they each top out at 17A. So basically you don't have the power for that card. That and the min PSU it suggests for that card is 400W. You're only at 430. You pretty much never want your PSU to be at the minimum for your system. Maxing out your PSU shortens it's life and can lead to system instability. Some excess power is always a good idea.

It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.



Originally Posted by Back_Blast View Post
Yes. The card requires 24A on the +12V rail. You have two rails and they each top out at 17A. So basically you don't have the power for that card. That and the min PSU it suggests for that card is 400W. You're only at 430. You pretty much never want your PSU to be at the minimum for your system. Maxing out your PSU shortens it's life and can lead to system instability. Some excess power is always a good idea.
I see. I wasn't sure how much "excess power" I would need, so which of these is better

550W, $50

650W, $75



Originally Posted by evertheskeptic View Post
I see. I wasn't sure how much "excess power" I would need, so which of these is better

550W, $50

650W, $75
If you're going by single 12v rail amp, the 550W clocks in at 25A on the third rail (with the first two at 22A) while the 650W has 52A on its single 12v rail. Thing about PSUs is that you should get more than what you need at any one time. I picked up a 1000W PSU w/83A on 12v. Did I need that much? Nope. But it sure is nice to have it.

I would go with the 650W.



Originally Posted by evertheskeptic View Post
I see. I wasn't sure how much "excess power" I would need, so which of these is better

550W, $50

650W, $75
I suppose I should have specified more clearly.

Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
If you're going by single 12v rail amp, the 550W clocks in at 25A on the third rail (with the first two at 22A) while the 650W has 52A on its single 12v rail. Thing about PSUs is that you should get more than what you need at any one time. I picked up a 1000W PSU w/83A on 12v. Did I need that much? Nope. But it sure is nice to have it.

I would go with the 650W.
I second this. The 650W gives you more overhead for potential future upgrades and as a single rail, removes the balancing headaches you can have with multirail PSUs. I didn't go as far as Dark One in my system but I use a 750W Corsair not too unlike that 650W.

It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.



Yes that Antec EA-430 should be fine with a GTX 550Ti. The card max power draw is only 116 watts which if it was all drawn from the 12 volt side of the supply is a tad under 10 amps. The 24 amp number comes from the fact that the other big power user in a rig is the CPU and it too draws it's power from 12 volts. Also some old 400 watt PSUs provide a lot less than 24 amps at 12 volts which that Antec maxes out at 30 amps.

The 17 amp per rail limit shouldn't be a problem either since in reality it really has only one rail of 30 amps and the two rails is an artifact of appearing to comply with the older ATX power standard which limited a 12 volt rail to a tad over 20 amps (250 watts max). That was dropped in the most recent version of the standard (ATX12V V2.3).

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listen to Father Xmas. here's a good link for educating oneself about PSUs and what to buy:

generally people overbuy on their PSU, and they actually shouldn't unless you are planning a specific upgrade path. it's better to get closer to the power you actually use if you're looking for power efficiency.

as for sound cards, budget? i prefer a dedicated card over the USB chips (they're not very good.)

a Xonar DG is a great entry level sound card at $35:

I personally have a Xonar D1 and you can go there if you want to spend a little more for better quality (~$90. the DX is the same card as the D1 just for a PCI-e connection.)

if you go Xonar, be sure to download and use the Unified Xonar drivers. i found them to be superior to the Asus drivers.

also, when doing sound upgrades, make sure that you have a decent set of speakers or headphones that can make use of a better source. it won't matter how good your source is if you funnel it through a set of cheapo cans. =)

good luck!