So when the rest of the Incarnate slots become available...

Golden Girl



I was thinking about the idea that these guys we're fighting now are Tyrant's lieutenants, who he's shared some of his incarnate power with. Now, I know it's our job to convince the well that we deserve the power more than Tyrant does, so does that mean that when we have all of our slots, we'll be able to just god mode everything?

I mean, sure if a bunch of us team up we can obviously kill Tyrant, but I'm sure if 30 rats attacked a tiger, and had special rat discussion boards that helped them plan out how to pluck the tiger's eyes out, they would win the fight... But that doesn't mean rats are stronger than tigers. If the Well is truly going to favor the most powerful beings, it would mean that every incarnate, individually, would have to become more powerful than Tyrant.

And oh man, will that be something... If the stuff we're seeing incarnates do in trials now is crazy, I can't wait to see what we can do. I'm stoked for my god mode gun that ignores defense and resistance completely. I can't wait to one shot level 54 tanks with the most expensive builds money can buy, and what will that be? One of the minor blasts I happen to have, that I share with my lieutenants?

(Be sure to read most of this with a hint of sarcasm- This is the first time I've really thought about it, and I'm not exactly sure I see where this is going...)



Yeah, there have been some concerns/wondering about just what we're going to end up seeing. Of course, you could always just look at the first mission in Mender Ramiel's arc....



Basically the way they have the story going right now, and what the lieutenants are able to do... They have to make us more powerful than them. I feel this is going to end with either "the well has to be destroyed because of <insert thematic story reason here>" to prevent us from using any of our crazy power to god mode normal content... But that would be quite the cop out...

Or something like, our last abilities are like our latest level shifts, and only available during incarnate content- Which is sort of "meh" to me. I like to take my groceries with me after I buy them at the store, not have to go back and eat them there any time I want... Yknow?



Here's what the devs say:

Originally Posted by Second Measure View Post
Eventually, once we release all of the Incarnate Slots, you’ll even be a little overpowered for the first waves of Incarnate Trials, and by then, we’ll have something much more challenging for you to do with your newfound power. (Evil chuckle redacted.)
So the second waves of Trials will be quite epic - which is suitable for the Coming Storm

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Here's what the devs say:

So the second waves of Trials will be quite epic - which is suitable for the Coming Storm
I am really concerned about the outcome of the second wave of trials personally.

You introduce a new currency for the 2nd wave of trials, but in doing so you greatly reduce the attractiveness of the 1st wave. This makes more difficult for folks trying to get into the current tier to catch up.

Or you maintain the same currency, and you're facing a similar situation as with KIR now. Why pursue the admittedly harder trials for the same rewards? Made more difficult by the matter of having more options within the first wave at that time. I suppose you could change the scale of rewards [2nd wave, grants some multiplier more of the rewards, and the abilities cost some multiplier more], but I'd see that as resulting in the same trouble as just using new currencies in that if the reward difference is generally worthwhile, fewer people will opt for tier 1.

I can see adding incarnate shard recipes to the 'older' abilities as a means, but I'd struggle to see it as an effective one given the 'death' of TFs after iTrials got introduced.

Let's Dance!



It's one of the big problems with raid-style content, when you get to the level where you need the higher power, then people late to the game are at a bit of a disadvantage (as those who would normally be doing the Trials will be doing the latter ones).

Another game handles this by 5 man instances that earn you tokens to get raid-level things, which is there to try and help people gear up as old content they would otherwise have gone through is no longer being run.

They could reduce the iXP and Thread requirements for components and have threads drop as iShards do now as another option. It's that point where the small team content tends to be necessary, otherwise you get issues with just not having the ability to get the bodies to run it.