Partnering with Ice/Emp Troller - What should I choose?
IMO, if you're paired with a controller or defender, especially an extremely low offense one like an ice/emp, you want an offensive powerset combo. An ice/emp is contributing basically no damage until they hit the 40s, so you want to be able to kill enough for the both of you.
I would take either fire or shield primaries, for the offense. In either case, with an emp keeping fortitude up on you, you will be basically invincible against any reasonable opposition - fort will cap your defense as soon as you both get SOs if you're shield, or give you a very nice layer of defense on top of your resistance if you're fire - and that doesn't even include the mitigation from his primary or the rest of the empathy set.
If you're a stone tank, all his mitigation will be massively overkill. In fact, in that situation, I'd feel totally useless as a controller since you very obviously wouldn't need my help. Rolling something like fire or shield would at least give him some reason to use the heals occasionally. Meanwhile, all that offense you're packing can be put to the best use with him keeping you upright. To that end, I'd probably go flat out offense and grab the fire secondary as well. Two very good PBAoEs plus something like burn or shield charge would dish out plenty of carnage.
If you do decide to go this way, though, your friend will have to carry some of the mitigation load, so they will need to be aware that you might not be quite as invincible on your own as they might be used to seeing.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
It's probably my inexperience at tank, but I've had a hard time being too squishy in the past so I'm leery about using anything but Stone. My partner has decided to switch to Radiation as a secondary. Will that make enough of a difference to justify using maybe Stone/Fire?
Thanks for the help so far!
I would say you couldn't go wrong with any of these 4 primary sets for your Tank: Fire, Electric, Dark, or SD. The first three bring a damage aura and some nice mitigation on their own, while SD brings the smashing goodness of Shield Charge. Thematically you could go Ice Aura, and the two of you would stack slows and -recharge. Like Fire, Electric and Dark it also has a dmg aura, and Ice is considered the best at getting and keeping aggro.
Secondary, I'd lean towards Fire for the AoE dmg. The rest of the sets aren't as AoE happy as Fire, but most of them are still fun. (Been having lots of fun with my Inv/DB tank recently.) I haven't tried Energy Melee on a tank, but my understanding is it makes Broadsword attacks look fast.
Hope this gives you some ideas.
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
Problem u will have as a stone tank will be your recharge once u get into granite your recharge would be slowed way down unless u compensate it with some increase recharge, you will also move very slow if u have granite running with Rooted, little bit faster with just granite. U will not be able to use any travel power whilst in either root, or granite but TP.
I really like the idea of Dark Armor paired with Empathy. Especially something like Dark/Super Strength. Fire and SD are also good, as mentioned.
The troller will probably be flooring recharge values of enemies on his/her own. I would not recommend an ice set for you.
Make sure the Ice/Emp takes Arctic Air. Having a Tanker in front opens too many opportunities to excuse passing that up.
Stone is required in such a small amount of content if at all I just don't see the need for it. I would go with a strong taunt aura anyway, but with Ice/rad they are going to be playing in melee as well. Even with all the mitigation they bring, I would want to make sure they are left alone as much as possible. I think anything with a damage aura and credible AoE from your secondary would work if you are in a duo. If you are only going to duo, then Stone is way overkill. If you team up with others often, then your damage isn't as big of a need.
An Ice/Rad is going to bring a lot of mitigation that will make the offensive primaries far more durable - between Rad nuking ToHit and damage, and Ice applying maximum (or close) recharge debuffs, confuse, ice slick... you get the picture. I can't think of many better opportunities to leverage Fire without having to worry about the (pre-IO) holes in its defenses.
Thanks to everyone for the fantastic advice.
I ended up choosing Fire/Fire. I only had time to do a sewer run and we had an amazing team, so I haven't seen much of the build yet and I haven't really gotten to put many things to the test, but it's been a lot of fun so far.
If you guys see "He's a Tiger" running around, give me a shout so I can thank you!
I'll be partnering with an Ice/Empathy controller and I'm not sure which tanker sets to choose. I'm a novice tanker so my immediate choice is Stone since I don't mind trading some offense for defense and I don't want to get destroyed not knowing what to slot.
Will their Ice primary be enough to shield me from damage so that I can choose another tanker primary, or should I play it safe as a noob and just stay with Stone?
Also, would it be worth it to use an Ice secondary to stack with their Ice? I like the idea of every mob being super slowed down but my first choice would be Dark or Kin. Definitely the thing I want to accomplish with this is to provide a really strong backbone so that any pubbies we pick up will have a good ol' time and not have to worry about getting destroyed.
What do you guys think?