What's a good AoE attack to take on my bane spider?




Hello all! How is everyone doing today? I just wanted to know a decent aoe attack to take on my bane. I noticed you get the choice of an aoe mace blast attack, but it looks rather weak. I do not have room in my build for an epic power pool because I am going to try to fit in aid self for a self heal. My choices are pretty much between venom grenade and grenade. Currently in my build on mids I have venom grenade because it does a - 20% resistance and it doesn't have knockback, YAY! I had a question or two about it though, does it have the potential to crit while hidden, and does it cause me to have to redraw my weapon? Any answers or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!



Hello there, Arcticwidow. I am having a nice day, how about you?

Onto your post,
Powers from your 'wolf' spider tree (aka the ones you had access to pre-24) will cause you to draw the arachnos gun. If you're using the bane spider mace, it will cause redraw.

An option I'd put up here for you to consider is to go for the Rebirth Radial (or just the Rebirth in general) destiny slot. It functions somewhat as a heal and the Radial one gives immense regeneration that fades off over time.
This would allow you to forgo Aid Self (and Aid Other) and fit in a mace area attack from the Mace Mastery pool, which would be my choice.

As for your question as to whether Venom Grenade can crit from stealth, I am unsure but I would point out that any power that can crit should have a line of text in its description that says so.
Basically, right click on the power, select info, go to the detailed info (the tab with the numbers) and scroll down. If there is a line where it mentions that it deals damage 'only if stealthed or target placated' or something along those lines, than it should. Otherwise, it probably doesn't.
For my guess, I'd say no. But I didn't look.

Hope this may help you.



No ranged attack available to Banes (gun or mace) has the potential to crit.

There are mace blasts in Mace Mastery that are very similar to the ones in your Bane Primary, but they do more damage. On my Bane, I skipped most of the Primary Blasts, and took Epic ones instead.




Banes are great damage-dealers. I use my Bane as a melee Scrapper/Stalker and he's really powerful.

The attacks you'll want for this type of set-up will be Bash, Pulverize, Poisonous Ray (short-ranged, so good for runners), Shatter, and Crowd Control (180 degree cone attack). These 5 powers will do well for you for your entire Bane career. Plus, there's no redraw for these. I also recommend Surveillence (a debuff) and Build-Up as a combo. Following these with Shatter does some massive damage to some poor unsuspecting enemy!

I use Venom and Frag Grenade on my Huntsman build, but not on my Bane build. These are good powers, they just didn't fit with my melee Bane concept.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)