New level 12 healer in need of a friend to help me on missions and whatnot

Azure Lightstar



So, I made the mistake of creating a healer (empath) character and now I can't seem to do any damn thing without dying 3 or 4 times.

I am in need of a mission-buddy. I can make your missions go a lot smoother, healing and buffing you (and helping out with damage where I can) and you can make my missions... well, possible.

I'm only level 12, and I'm currently in Praetoria. I don't know how to get around too well, but can relocate if you like. I may have a few noob questions, but i've played Rift, WoW, global agenda, etc. etc. and I pretty much get the gist.

Hopefully there will be some kind soul benevolent enough to help me out, lest I be stuck working with a new character of a damaging class (I really lament starting over!)




when are you usually on?

several of my friends and i create most out toons yellow/praetoria side now. roughly 7am to 2pm edt, or later.

'i used to have superpowers until my therapists took them away' random bumper sticker

please excuse the small print. arthritis makes it difficult to use the shift keys.



Seeing as you're on Guardian (the best server full of the craziest crazies in the world,) I can offer you two good, solid bets for teaming. First, if you're not on a trial account you can join global channels. Two would fit the bill for you; Guardian, which you can join by typing /chanjoin Guardian in your chat window. You will have to be unsilenced by a mod, but that doesn't take long. The second channel is Guardian Team, which is invite only, but I am a mod on there, and if you leave your global handle (example, mine is @Charybdis Clan,) I can pop you off an invite to the channel even if you're offline. Both will be fantastic for help also. We're crazy, but don't bite. Well, Pepsi does. But other than that.... well, there is that one guy that licks and drools....

Guardian server is Life!

Founder and Leader and all around greatest member of the Solo-SG, The Charybdis Clan.



Just remember that Empaths are much more than a healer...
You are a prime-buffer, and can enhance a lot your teams...

And I am @Kay Nova / @Evil Kay Nova...

Send a global friend invitation to the Evil Kay... she still has spaces for global friends... (the regular Kay is full)

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



I've been offline a lot the last few months because of real life demands. I'm starting my comeback though.

I'm most likely participating in a trial when I'm logged in now, but I'd be willing to help you on your missions if you send me a tell. Just let me finish with the trial first. Hehe. I can even give you some pointers with my empathy too, as one of my favorite characters is a empathy/sonic.

Look for @azurelightstar.

I'm mostly on on Sundays now...but sometimes during the weeknights.



Oh...I forgot. Look for characters with gold "Helper" titles above their names. They usually are willing to help you out with any stuff.

Also...Jump into Pocket-D. It is a safe zone so you don't have to worry about navigating through it and you will have access to a lot of people who are members of super groups. While you are there, inquire about "joining a super group". This will give you access to some nice base resources, a handy look-up for other members of your group, and a special chat where you can discretely ask questions and get advice about builds. Most groups have nights set aside to do things like character leveling or task forces.