Blade anime teaser
why blame WS? blame the Japanese, their depiction of blacks in general has always been........ odd. I wouldn't call it offensive or anything, i just don't think they have a cultural basis for them. and honestly, Blade was a second rate comic character at best before WS did those movies. Not saying those movies were astounding or anything, just that he portrayed a Blade that i thought was much cooler then the half realized character in the comics.
Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.
screw your joke, i want "FREEM"
I thought it looked pretty good.
I'm not sure I see anything odd about the portrayal of blacks in the context of this 30 second trailer. Beyond fighting vampires, there isn't much at all to judge it on.
why blame WS? blame the Japanese, their depiction of blacks in general has always been........ odd. I wouldn't call it offensive or anything, i just don't think they have a cultural basis for them. and honestly, Blade was a second rate comic character at best before WS did those movies. Not saying those movies were astounding or anything, just that he portrayed a Blade that i thought was much cooler then the half realized character in the comics.
I'm interested
I prefer blade with hair but bald of awesome could work too
gonna start airing July 1st, though right now I'm so-so on he looks...I think I blame Wesley Snipes for this.