Dark/? wat to do?
I love my DA/Mace tank; the stuns (especially in Clobber) stack very well with Op Gloom. Both ST and AoE damage are very good.
I've heard people say that Stone Melee also combines well with Dark, though I haven't played them together.
My Characters
Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012

Stone rocks.. pun intended..
The ability to stack Fault with Oppressive Gloom allows you to keep bosses stunned. Also Tremor adds more mitigation by knocking foes down and Stone is a pretty hard hitting set one that is all Smashing.
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
I've heard stone and KM as well. WM is a nice idea tho with the stacked stuns that I never thought of lol. Hmmm keep em coming guys
Mine is Dark/Fire. If I could start over from scratch with a different secondary it would be anything but. Fire is great damage, but what I wouldn't give for some stacking stuns or knockdown breathing room. I think KM would be my first pick. Perhaps electric.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Ive never played a mace anything but they look pretty good when I see people playing them
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
Ive never played a mace anything but they look pretty good when I see people playing them
I think either of them would be a good choice with Dark.
My Characters
Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012

I've never tried KM before. Anyone have some experience with it? Likes? Dislikes?
If (more likely when) I make another Dark tanker, it will be Dark/KM. I haven't played it yet on a Tanker but I have played it extensively on a Brute and a Scrapper. Much of what follows will be subjective, so take it for what it's worth, but...
Pros - I like the -dam secondary effect and I find that it does keep me alive in situations where my experience tells me that I should not be using the same defensive powers on other characters. The set is also visually very impressive and for me that's a significant factor since it makes the character more fun for me to play.
Cons - The animation times are a bit long, especially for the higher-tier attacks, and this has caused some problems for me here and there in fast-moving teams especially paired up with very fast-animating attack powersets on my teammates such as Claws - I have had issues where the Claws guy kills something while my attack is animating more than once, so that's an issue.
Not entirely sure how I feel about Power Siphon. It's unique and I like the effect and the instant recharge with Concentrated Strike is nice, but I do miss having a traditional Build Up power analog to provide an immediate notable increase in burst damage. So I suppose for me Power Siphon is a bit of both, pro and con.
All of that said, I would still recommend the set and plan to make yet another KM character, a Dark/KM tank, in the near future. Just as soon as they release some more Carnival of Light related content or I come up with a concept I like better.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Does anyone know If the -dam stacks or does it just add to the duration like bruising? Also its obvious that cardiac is the most viable alpha but would I be able to mantain my end without Energy Mastery? I'd like to have another AoE or 2. Also looking at soul to add even a little more durability....
Does anyone know If the -dam stacks or does it just add to the duration like bruising? Also its obvious that cardiac is the most viable alpha but would I be able to mantain my end without Energy Mastery? I'd like to have another AoE or 2. Also looking at soul to add even a little more durability....
My Dark/Fire runs without body mastery and did so before any of the incarnate system, so you'll be fine without it.
Soul Mastery will be difficult, because that's an expensive toggle. Use it as necessary and you should be fine.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Yeah I figured it would be a nice debuff to stack with the -dam from attacks... + its an AoE debuff Toggle that would help on harder content like the trials too
Ok a few more questions for you guys. Should I build for positional Def? or S/L/E/NE? And wat Epic/patron would you recommend for a Dark/KM? Having built my Spines/DA for end pre I19 and not respecing yet I am not sure what I should go for on the numbers.
It depends on how much you are prepared to spend and how defensive you want your build to be. I personally like the S/L/E/N approach because it is easier to achieve and allows me a bit more flexibility in the build. Building for positional defense is probably a little stronger but requires more sacrifices in the build to attain (this is because you can four-slot for the typed bonuses but in most cases must six-slot for the positionals, so more slots are taken away from other powers and more powers are slotted suboptimally as a result).
As for Epics, I personally like the patron pool Soul Mastery for Darkest Night, since the -tohit debuff stacks nicely with your IO'd defense numbers. It's also a good fit thematically.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Well this is a first draft but my thoughts were S/L/E/EN to at least 32.5% but I also got F/C there too and getting as much -tohit as possible to make myself softcapped without actually being softcapped. (without Darkest Night to save end) Also wanted to throw some recharge in to keep my heal up as fast as possible. Also no Hasten because CJ is more def and I can use 1 less slot and get some KB prot too. Anyways price isn't really an option.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1496;709;1418;HEX;| |78DA6594DB52134110866773101302C94220414EE14C382CA1E09E42D12A8168146| |FADD41A465808D9B809E5E1CA67F0862B0B281FC213EA8B78E7D912F50D626FFF43| |586BB7927CB33D3D7F4FF7F424FF682526C4D325A1C5AE94CD5AAD78C7ACEC4A279| |C37B7AC92681142F4C0525C91F765A5268D15D3D92D2E3B7BB6D3AB66F2B22CA5B1| |665564DD2A1597EB75B3B4AB5FAF6C4B4756EAC6D92056B0EDB2B12ECDAA55D96AE| |3976BD6D6769DDEE267539BD2A96D5BD528BF6F54A5DC4C5DAD5A25E3B2B35F97C5| |0D7BBF5CCC9BB5BA741EA769678BF47D15A11F8DBEA211128B3498179772C002632| |245E817D934634717EA21F7026158846E01B7191736801DE12E7E4DEA1AD4031AD4| |87A03E04F532E905A1170C42AF1D7A09E825A0F78684C24A280CA111088D42E82D3| |9B470A846B8450FBA7BBDD801C419D154D0F58B2619EDDD8C6E3AA00864B54817F2| |FD187071427AAD2A602B66624920C148D1D236EC5CB461CD4B5A1357B58CFF08B85| |1BB4F815F8CF413AE4AFA21E31DB9EBCA5DFFC60E1D5F81EF8CE4676088DD6D2A55| |A716E65275BEE080A3C7C02163F688B1477E5DAAA45D3536CD3B4015B0191A25905| |209A41AF488F7B4A11EB5A19E55769A5A03D6813C02DD605429502F04C2BD48B7EF| |2780AC07CABCF1813D46C66604296CBF2A6C3F4E72E0BF960891C3A0721844E533A| |87C06957FA0BB1D8104878F5974E40878CE983B6438E437A67A750CBD358EDE1A47| |6F8DA3B726D0AB25EA8849253B09D92C64B3909D85AC24BF69E5378D639BC141CD7| |C013E3174CAC3507918C8630E79CC218F0F54EE9C3A80DC346BF7859AD78B3EEE99| |6443CDFBD998F2CDE67C96799F65C16759F459D67D96424885258BC69648A279551| |BA7D1E6BD56B37FBC96551A4C88DF3EA7BF51CFDFC1013751E01990E1FC5DAF4621| |EA5E4704BAEB199B9EF13DCFF8FC39E924119F959F25CFD44CF27C7CD3333EF0F8F| |C033C551F68| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
Not bad at all for a first try, though I do have a few concerns:
You've got a lot of slots dedicated to F/C def, which I consider to be a relatively minor issue compared to S/L/E/NE. I'd go with Reactive Armor sets in your resistance toggles rather than Aegis.
CoD, Weave and Maneuvers are underslotted for end reduction. Weave and Maneuvers are both pretty high-end toggles, so that's a significant concern. I know the purple bonuses are tempting, but Op Gloom really doesn't need to be slotted that heavily. I'd pull some slots and put one at the very least in Weave for the LotG Def/End/Rchg. You could also consider swapping out the Def in Maneuvers for a Def/End/Rchg; you'd lose some def enhancement, but Maneuvers has a fairly small base def value so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
I'd also pull a slot from Op Gloom and put it in Smashing Blow, currently it's underslotted for accuracy and damage.
I'd definitely pick up Hasten, too, though not instead of CJ--I'd drop Soul Transfer instead.
My Characters
Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012

Like I said I wanted to get S/L/E/NE to at least 32.5%. I got them there and then some I figured I'd close the rest of the gap by throwing a little F/C in because I had already met my goal. The slotting of OG was more for the Acc than the recharge but I figured 2 slots more for the 10% was worth it.... the main reason I didnt take Hasten was cuz the crash. This toon is already end heavy. I am not sure wat to do yet lol... Anyone else have some suggestions? I'm looking for as many points of view as possible. I dont want to base everything on the advice of one person even tho I can see their points I just want to be well informed.
I have never used the T4 Ageless. But if I remember correctly, it recharges in 120 seconds, and lasts 120 seconds. And the end recovery (again, if I remember correctly) is pretty hefty for the whole duration. I was on a team and had someone use T4 Ageless, and my end recovery was above 4 end/sec the whole duration. So you might not have as much end issues as you think if you only play at 50.
To add on more to the suggestions. Might I include taking the Absolute Amazement End/Stun out of OG. And adding the -to-hit proc. It hardly costs any endurance anyways, and you are hardly getting benefit from adding more stun. Also, maybe drop Focused Burst for Hasten? If you still want Soul Transfer. In my opinion, Focused Burst is not that great. Takes a long time to animate, and well, it just isn't my type of power. You will still have a great attack chain with Quick Strike, Body Blow, Gloom, and Concentrated Strike. Add Hasten and it is almost seamless.
Also, I noticed you were at the 10% regeneration set bonus cap. Maybe replacing the two LoTGs that AREN'T the 7.5 in your defensive power of choosing, and putting in Gift of the Ancients for the recovery bonus. It's minimal, but since you are end heavy, it's better than a wasted set bonus, and that minimal HP bonus. Also, maybe adding a Kismet 6% to-hit in CJ? Let me know if anything I am throwing out here suits your fancy.
Also, you could also take the Kismet out of CJ and put a slot in health for a Numina's Regen/Recovery. This is your build, with some tweaks.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1466;705;1410;HEX;| |78DA6594D952134114867BB2181302C9102041F67D1F92827B0A45AB045244F1D64| |A8DA1858130939A8472B9F219BC902B0B281FC20DF545BC73B7447D012B9E397F13| |C74A2AC97772FAEFBFFB749F49FEFE4A5C88474B428B5F299BD56AF19669EF49379| |C37B7AD92880821BA9129AEC8BBD2AE4A63C574F78ACBEEBEE3F6A891BC2C4B69AC| |59B6AC59A5E272AD6696F6F4EBF68E74A55D33CE8378C171CAC6BA342B96BD1DE31| |F9B1529B75A39BC666DEFD4682071AEDA926E75C7AAA4AF56AC9271D93DA8C9E2A6| |73502EE6CD6A4DBA0F32B433833E2FA2F4A5D147D4436291829CB89405161813694| |29F98CA307675A15E242F108645E8067093716113D815DEE497E4AEC13DA0C17D08| |EE43702F935F50F905E1D706BF24FC92F01B81DF2BF20B2BBF30FC46E0370ABFD72| |488F08AF570440F7A5BBED80E2418B174D0D3C53A186D5D8C2EBAA7A8B28D76A2EC| |F7010FF37F8437EB946C5B94A00582780A4832D2E4D08A3A442BA63EA7390975B28| |96F01CFA6EB0CF8C1C83CE49A32F7186F48AE2BB9FE8505ED9F81AF8C8E8FC010CB| |1D3AB894087BF260EA192F387A021C31E68E19C3B4B14ED86A9D333C35076834925| |65B4ED7E925DED216BAD516BA5779FAF41AB00EE461BDC1A8D0167A6010EE4181BD| |DF01D4D95FE685FAF719830E2348CBF6A9A3ECC315F6FFD71221120C28C100CE7A1| |0673D88B3DED7BD8E604170D8E6AD8C388C5C0570192EE9C6546F8DA1B7C6D15BE3| |E8AD71F4D6047AAB44AD30A96C274F3835750C3C65CC1D3124E966946E0617358BA| |B99FD047C60E85487A1EA3050C77C883021E6238C7774DC59750159DC496FA8F178| |D1DBBB93A950E3F9AC4F378D669B32B9A6CC425366B129B3DE942984D4B294D1381| |34D361ED5FA59ACF15CABD15FFECC2AD7F7B349F43BE6FB3B38E44B0A3C069E300A| |31AF4FB1C66D5F6CFAE23BBEF83445B354BCE48B673BFEC51BBEF8D0A7F90BA2CE0| |098| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
So i rolled this toon yesterday and started a sewer team. I got to lvl 10 and I have to say that this toon is alot of fun.... had a pretty good team too with 2trollers 2 fenders 1 blaster 1 scrap and my tank we rolled through mobs of +2s and +3s like a locamotive without breaks. Got to KR and by then I had a few lvls and got my heal but I'm finding that at least so far this toon rarely needs a heal unless I get a little in front of the rest of the team... Thanks for all the help guys and I'll post a build once I figure out what I want to do.
I have been wanting to roll a Dark/ tank for some time now but I cant decide wat secondary to choose. I have a /dark, and /nrg tank. ss/ and elec/ brutes so those are out. I was wondering if anyone had a particular favorite combo to go with DA/ I have a DA/spines scrap that is very hard to kill and I've wanted to make a DA/ tank for some time. So please tell me wat your favorite combo or just what you would do in my shoes.