The game is balanced enough that the devs should focus their attention on new content and QA instead. This isn't an RTS.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
The game is balanced enough that the devs should focus their attention on new content and QA instead. This isn't an RTS.
Outside of a few oddities here and there, balance doesn't seem to be much of a problem among the limited range of ATs with which I have experience.
Example Oddity:
Burst can't be slotted for it's secondary effect (KB), while Foot Stomp, Crowd Control, Spine Burst (iirc), Quills (definitely), the various Whirling <weapon> attacks, ad inifitum can be. Seems like an oversight to me, but perhaps that's just me being a sad panda because I can't put a FF proc into Burst like I could with other AoEs that have KB.
Most of the things I can think of are "nice to have's" and not really necessary for any sort of actual "balance."
Although I have to agree, if you simply put new content and do not look back onto the older content, that older content will easily be overshadowed by the newer content.
The game is balanced enough that the devs should focus their attention on new content and QA instead. This isn't an RTS.
With that said, the 'devs' should definitely keep on moving forward and not simply redo the things that are already in-game, but while still keeping an eye out for older content, more so the archetypes / power sets (yes, I'm looking at you HEATs).
So ... I'm alone on this one?
Burst can't be slotted for it's secondary effect (KB), while Foot Stomp, Crowd Control, Spine Burst (iirc), Quills (definitely), the various Whirling <weapon> attacks, ad inifitum can be. Seems like an oversight to me, but perhaps that's just me being a sad panda because I can't put a FF proc into Burst like I could with other AoEs that have KB. |

So I was digging through my spreadsheet files, looking for something, when I saw one of my defense set ideas. Specifically Armored Defense, an endurance hog auto power set. When I saw that, I remembered the hardest part of working out numbers for that set was not knowing what the average expected survivability values were. Added to that, I had no idea what a unit of damage was worth compared to a unit of survival, or what a unit of endurance was for a unit of damage or survival, or even what a unit of survival, damage, or endurance is.
So I'm starting to break everything down to come up with average expected survivibility values, base and enhanced. Also, I'm going to try to give secondary effects, bonus damage, and endurance costs, values.
This will probably only be useful in the sense that it'll give me something to do, and it'll sit next to my AoE sheet collecting dust, but it got me wondering what people's opinions are regarding this game's balance. This game is definitely one of the more diverse when it comes to what powers do, and that creates interesting balance considerations, which in my opinion have been handled fairly well.
One thing I've always wondered was if there was a base template that was modified up and down according to some designed ruleset, or were powersets just eyeballed.
This is mostly just relating to Survivibility sets, and I know there are rules regarding damage/endurance/secondary/AoE for damage sets, but I'd still be interested in any musings regarding them and their balance, it's just a very interesting topic.
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.