Peacebringers, why?




Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
interesting. my troller with indomitable will will be interested in hearing this

cool story bro

why don't we just get rid of mez prot all together then? hell no one needs it, everyone just needs to get some more BFs

true but melee has a larger variety of mezzes that can hit you. generally speaking blasters simply out range alot of mezzes in game. or in the current game, simply kill whatever is causing the mez. with a blasters high damage and attacking through mez, it's not a hard to avoid mez on a blaster.

this is an even cooler story than before

this really seems to be your only argument against mez prot. the fact that simply because they haven't had it means they don't need it. which is complete bulsh. I guess stalkers or doms didn't need the overhauls they got either.

As do I. however of those toons, none are melee oriented toons, and they all do what they're suppose to do better than kheld.
Your controller with IW has chosen a secondary which will give him that.. which is exactly my point.. Controllers dont GET mez protection. That is a function of certain secondaries (Sonic and FF being the others I recall off he top of my head) certain secondaries do.

The Controller AT doesnt get Mez Protection and you cannot get that until at least level 41. AND not every person who plays a controller will pick that secondary. I have numerous cotrollers @ leve 50.. none of them have that as a secondary... and they STULL function just fine.. and two of my Ice controllers are very melee centric...

Mez does happen at range.. and it happens a lot.. Matla grenads throwers.. Freakshow sleeps and holds.. Carnies... yeeesh... Arachnos.. too... It happens...

Mez is a part of the game.. the reality is that it CAN be managed.. and there are tools to manage it... there are break free's... there are IO's.. There is intelligence.. knowing what foes mez and how.. and taking them out first.

Your dominator and stalker point makes no sense in the mex protection discussion to me..

Id love to see the PB's get some love on the damage scale.. Id love to see them remove the knockback and change it to knockdown ESPECIALLY on Solar Flare. Id love to see Pulsar work on LT's more consistently. Although I dont use the forms I would LOVE To see them fix the form changing issue that has plagued so many for so long..

However I dont see the need necessarily for the AT To get Mez protection. You have a blend of both ranged and melee attacks in human form. I use both.. And I do get mezzed.. and my blasters get mezzed.. and my controllers get mezzed.. and so do my defenders.. and my corruptors...

But you have tools in the game to help you deal with it.. USE THEM... thats what they are there for.. now if you refuse to use the tools.. well...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
This has always been the crux of the argument for the last 6+ years.

Look at the Kheldian design in its entirety. It was DESIGNED to be a game leader's AT. A khel was supposed to log in and immediately build a team of 8 and lead it. When they were first put in the game they had a -30 dam-res debuff on them when solo. Dwarf form didn't act as a breakfree.

Khels were supposed to be run by players players that had tactical intelligence, sharp wits and a desire to lead large scale team action.

They were NEVER supposed to be solo.

Yes, this entire concept was dumb, but it explains much about how Khels function. Looking at what changes have occurred to Khels since go live and then looking at how the VEATs were designed, bringing a lot to a team but can also solo without issue, shows us that the devs realized what a mistake they had made.

I don't know who is running the show on the powers team these days. I don't know if they have any intention of making any changes to any existing powersets. Game balance seems to have little meaning these days.
I agree with this.. that the premise of the AT was dumb.. and the VEAT's work much better..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Point of order about Kheldians and mez protection:

The AT does offer it at 20 with dwarf form. Yes, it's clunky. Yes, it sometimes fails to function properly. Form shifting has always been problematic and time consuming. But it's there, nonetheless.

And now every kheldian can have permanent mez protection thanks to the incarnate powers. Does it help before 50? Nope. But it's there for those that want it.

My WS and my PB are currently human-only. When my PB hits 20, she'll get dwarf form and I'll slot it up to full capacity. If she hits 50 again I'll dump dwarf, get the incarnate mez protection and go back to human only.

Would I happily take mez protection in the toggles? Hell yea.
Would I happily take the inherent getting nerfed so that our base damage and mitigation scalers can be buffed? Hell yea.
Would I take a reduction on form shifting animation times? Yes, 1000 times, yes please.

I'm not holding my breath for any of it.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
Your controller with IW has chosen a secondary which will give him that.. which is exactly my point.. Controllers dont GET mez protection. That is a function of certain secondaries (Sonic and FF being the others I recall off he top of my head) certain secondaries do.
an APP is much different than a secondary.

The Controller AT doesnt get Mez Protection and you cannot get that until at least level 41. AND not every person who plays a controller will pick that secondary. I have numerous cotrollers @ leve 50.. none of them have that as a secondary... and they STULL function just fine.. and two of my Ice controllers are very melee centric...
if you don't pick it thats your own fault. or you understand the consequences of not taking it. it's still there for everyone. and everyone playing the AT has the opportunity to have it. not people with certain secondaries, not people who know more about the game than others. everyone can take it. period.

Mez does happen at range.. and it happens a lot.. Matla grenads throwers.. Freakshow sleeps and holds.. Carnies... yeeesh... Arachnos.. too... It happens...
yea it does. but my point was that there was less mezzes that happen at range than melee. and of those, there are afew that have a 40" range. so something like a blaster could still be optimum while still simply outranging alot of mez, which was my entire point. something that is less optimum at range, like a human kheld, doesn't get that luxury.

Mez is a part of the game.. the reality is that it CAN be managed.. and there are tools to manage it... there are break free's... there are IO's.. There is intelligence.. knowing what foes mez and how.. and taking them out first.
true, but asking for human mez prot isn't an issue of simply learning the game or game management. It's about the fact that khelds are underperfoming every other AT in game and this would help close that gap. Every AT has it holes in it's own design, khelds simply have more of them than other ATs and this would fill one gap that is simply outdated.

Your dominator and stalker point makes no sense in the mex protection discussion to me..
your entire argument is that khelds don't need mez prot since they've done without it since i3. by that same logic, doms and stalkers were functioning before their changes so they must not have needed the changes they got.

Although I dont use the forms I would LOVE To see them fix the form changing issue that has plagued so many for so long..
which is interesting because if they did it the fasion that most are suggesting it would also prove to be a suitable fix for the mez problem.

However I dont see the need necessarily for the AT To get Mez protection. You have a blend of both ranged and melee attacks in human form. I use both.. And I do get mezzed.. and my blasters get mezzed.. and my controllers get mezzed.. and so do my defenders.. and my corruptors...

But you have tools in the game to help you deal with it.. USE THEM... thats what they are there for.. now if you refuse to use the tools.. well...
its not about people not using BFs. its about the mez issue being a hole in the AT design that A doesn't need to be there since the AT has multiple other holes on top of that and B would be a nice change in closing the performance gap.

Would I happily take mez protection in the toggles? Hell yea.
Would I happily take the inherent getting nerfed so that our base damage and mitigation scalers can be buffed? Hell yea.
Would I take a reduction on form shifting animation times? Yes, 1000 times, yes please.

I'm not holding my breath for any of it.
pretty much

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.