My annual new powerset speculation

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Every year or two I get back into CoH for a few months--with only my ever-increasing pile of Vet badges to remind me how much money I've spent on hiatus--and since I've finally been busy getting into Alpha and beyond, it's about time again for one of my power speculation threads.

I've been quite successful in the past; I predicted willpower almost power-for-power, dual pistols and dual blades (but kudos on the cool combo system) were gimmes. But you don't care about that. So here's my list.


RANGED sets:
Most likely to see: None. We "just" got one, in issue 17.

I'd like to see: Pulse Rifle, like the ones MMs use. I'd design it to be ST-heavy, good against AVs. Maybe the ability to swap between Energy (+Kb/disorient) and Negative Energy (-Acc or -Res). I threw around ideas for this and envisioned a Rage-like long damage buff with a crash: Overload.

Demon summoner's Lash would be silly but pretty sweet too.

BUFF sets:
Most likely to see/I'd like to see: Battle Orders, or something along those lines. We already see the Cimeroran bosses buffing up their allies and a "Super Leadership" buff set would be exceptionally cheap to produce--I bet they could re-use all of the animations needed. They could even re-use powers like Surveillance and copy paste Storm Walk and Steamy Mist--though I'd prefer an Infiltration power that did something cool like +Perception +Range. This set could also have a self-rez with built in Vengeance.

Time Manipulation could be an interesting one too, but probably hard to implement. I've spent hours brainstorming power lists for TM (usually as I fall asleep) and they never look the same when I'm done.

MELEE sets:
Most likely to see: None. I haven't even rolled up a Kinetic Melee alt--and that's a lot of animations.

I'd like to see: Some sort of "bestial rampage" set with brutal DoT and -Regen attacks--another solid choice for fighting AVs, as well as a thematic set for all those werewolf/Animal Pack characters. It would work well as a Street Fighting set for players that aren't interested in SS or MA. The Tier 5 soft control power (e.g. Hand Clap) could be a short Fear with -RES or -tohit to make it stack well with many secondaries.

Most likely to see: This is a toughie. Probably some sort of Netherworld Binding (i.e. Dark Control) since the graphics would easily be pulled from other sets--though this is more likely if they decided to re-tune Dark Miasma as a secondary for controllers.

I'd like to see: Force Fields, a control-heavy powerset with real battlefield control (more Wormhole, less Propel); these guys could pull all the bad guys into a clump and create walls/balls of energy to physically block foes in hallways/corners. But maybe that'd be too boring?

We might see: Body Armor. A tech-themed set with nice S/L resist and moderate positional defense. It could have an endurance-draining aura toggle. And seeker drones. I'd make it weak to psionics and have cool, "laser grid"-style graphics.

Blaster SUPPORT sets:
Most likely: Void Manipulation (A.k.a. "Dark Manipulation). Lots of powers and animations can be re-used here. Dark Melee attacks and toned-down Dark Miasma-esque support powers would be nice. What blaster doesn't want Dark Fluffy or even Siphon Life? Once again, we're much more likely to see this one assuming they re-tune Dark Blast and proliferate it for Blasters.

What I'd like to see: Cybernetics. Cybernetics could combine Super Strength-style attacks with some interesting (primarily Melee) soft control and debuffs, along with +Stealth. They'd get Quick Reload, a short-duration major recharge buff.

Dominator ASSAULT sets:
Most Likely: I'm at a loss here. Hopefully something keyed as a cool secondary to a shiny new Control set. Again I'll suggest something along the lines of Dark Assault, acknowledging that Dark Everything seems pretty unlikely.

I'd like to see: A dominator-tweaked version of Cybernetics (see above). Sort of a stun-heavy Super Strength, or the Devices of Assault. I know "Cybernetics" doesn't scream "ranged attacks", but those could be replaced by hefty debuffs (e.g. Surveillance) and build up-/power boost-type self-buffs.

Most likely: None. Demons are still pretty new...

I'd like to see: Duplicates. I'm not a hardcore MM player but I think this one is the one people have been clamoring for a while (as a MM set, as a control set, as a buff set, as a defense set...). Duplicates would be a great Melee Mastermind. It'd be super cool if instead of 3/2/1 pets they received 1/2/3, (or even 1/1/1) with more survivability than your typical tier 1/2 MM pet. Just imagine rushing up to a boss and helping three copies of yourself beat him down--that is a MM I would enjoy playing.



: A dominator-tweaked version of Cybernetics (see above). Sort of a stun-heavy Super Strength, or the Devices of Assault. I know "Cybernetics" doesn't scream "ranged attacks", but those could be replaced by hefty debuffs (e.g. Surveillance) and build up-/power boost-type self-buffs.
Ranged attack is easy, Hand lasers. We have eye beams, now put them either as palm or from the fists(think there's a rad version of this for X-ray eyes) or a little bit higher than the fists. Ta-da, ranged issue solved. Granted, they'd probably have to bulk out the Hand/fist/wrist lasers a tad, but it doesn't seem like it should be too hard to just swap in lasers for some of the other energy type effects, would it?



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
Ranged attack is easy, Hand lasers. We have eye beams, now put them either as palm or from the fists(think there's a rad version of this for X-ray eyes) or a little bit higher than the fists. Ta-da, ranged issue solved. Granted, they'd probably have to bulk out the Hand/fist/wrist lasers a tad, but it doesn't seem like it should be too hard to just swap in lasers for some of the other energy type effects, would it?
Every single ranged attack power could be made an alt animation to work with the a set of gloves, but still work with out the gloves. Problem solved.

Was in on calling for this one before.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
Ranged attack is easy, Hand lasers. We have eye beams, now put them either as palm or from the fists(think there's a rad version of this for X-ray eyes) or a little bit higher than the fists. Ta-da, ranged issue solved. Granted, they'd probably have to bulk out the Hand/fist/wrist lasers a tad, but it doesn't seem like it should be too hard to just swap in lasers for some of the other energy type effects, would it?
Lasers! Perfect.



Originally Posted by Voxen View Post
We might see: Body Armor. A tech-themed set with nice S/L resist and moderate positional defense. It could have an endurance-draining aura toggle. And seeker drones. I'd make it weak to psionics and have cool, "laser grid"-style graphics.
I'm not a fan of sets that limit themselves to a single origin. Also - how would this differ from the Defense sets already in game? With only a name for the set, I can't tell that this would be anything that can't already be done in-game.

Blaster SUPPORT sets:
Most likely: Void Manipulation (A.k.a. "Dark Manipulation). Lots of powers and animations can be re-used here. Dark Melee attacks and toned-down Dark Miasma-esque support powers would be nice. What blaster doesn't want Dark Fluffy or even Siphon Life? Once again, we're much more likely to see this one assuming they re-tune Dark Blast and proliferate it for Blasters.
Yes, please - but I would rather see a Dark Blast set.

What I'd like to see: Cybernetics. Cybernetics could combine Super Strength-style attacks with some interesting (primarily Melee) soft control and debuffs, along with +Stealth. They'd get Quick Reload, a short-duration major recharge buff.
Again - a set that seems to limit itself to a single origin.

And before someone bring up Demon Summoning as a powerset that screams "Arcane" origin - I wasn't really a fan of that one when it was suggested either.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



I still don't understand 'body armor' powerset. How is it any different from just making a character have body armor and picking invulnerability or a powerset that matches what you'd be looking for in your armor? A name is just a name you know, you could pick Shield Defense and still call it Body Armor.

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:



There are plenty of existing powersets that fit one origin over the others--e.g., Devices--and most players don't immediately go out and make five new characters, one of each origin, for each new powerset. Even if that was the case, there's no reason a magic-wielding (fire-melee) Tank, for example, couldn't be trucking around in some power armor he stole from Vanguard.

Add to that the fact that the Origin system has little-to-no impact on the game, and is essentially useless, and I'm inclined to "meh" the origin-based criticism.

Still the "what's the point?" argument is pretty strong--you could certainly make a robot-suit looking guy and give him SR (or WP or SD or...) and call it a day; Most players probably have at least one alt in medieval-looking armor, and so on.

Still, I think the concept is justified. First, there's room for another FX-light set, like Willpower, as long as it is distinctly different. To make a Body Armor powerset to be interesting, you'd have to design it with genre sensibilites. A guy in a suit of armor is still a guy, which means he's got vulnerabilities, but the suit can make up for that in clever ways.

As such, if I were designing a new, body armor/powered armor based set (I'd just call it Armor), I'd give it a mix of defenses: Thematically, it could be cool if it was a hybrid of defense and resistance (but hell to slot properly) but a more balanced approach would be to look at each damage type and think about how the armor would mitigate it (if at all).

E.g., Heavy Plating could offer high resistance to smashing damage, but less resistance to lethal damage (as it is more likely to pierce the suit), as well as reduce KB. Magnetic Shielding (another toggle) could offer defense versus lethal and energy, thematically deflecting them away--but the shots that get through HURT. Something along the lines of Insulation Mesh dramatically reduce cold and fire... Perhaps an Environmental Containment system could provide unparalleled defense vs. toxic damage but the set could be weak to Negative Energy and especially Psionic damage.

You never want your armor to run out of juice and it'd probably be toggle- and endurance-heavy. However that price is more than made up for the benefits it can provide--increased strength (+dmg), targeting (+tohit, perception), and mobility, perhaps. It would probably end up looking like a typed (instead of positional) version of SR, but I'm sure the devs could think of a really unique power or two.

What to do with the Taunt aura is my most troublesome design point. I really don't know; I like the idea of an end-draining aura, or more precisely, an endurance-cost-increasing one, but Armor might not be the set for it. Perhaps it could have some built-in defensive mobility, automatically adjusting for incoming attacks--i.e., a to-hit debuff aura (seen that a few times, however...). Maybe just add a taunt effect to the targeting/mez protection toggle and call it a day. I don't think every defense set needs an Invincibility/Rise to the Challenge/Against All Odds-type power.



Originally Posted by Voxen View Post
BUFF sets:
Most likely to see/I'd like to see: Battle Orders, or something along those lines. We already see the Cimeroran bosses buffing up their allies and a "Super Leadership" buff set would be exceptionally cheap to produce--I bet they could re-use all of the animations needed. They could even re-use powers like Surveillance and copy paste Storm Walk and Steamy Mist--though I'd prefer an Infiltration power that did something cool like +Perception +Range. This set could also have a self-rez with built in Vengeance.
Hello, my name is Soldiers of Arachnos. They're pretty much what you're describing with some additions and removals. Take a look at their secondaries sometime, especially Soldiers (e.g. Crabs and Banes).

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Still patiently waiting for my staff melee set...
and my water control and/or blaster set.

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I have to nitpick on one part.


Whips would be a Melee set. A whip is melee, it isn't ranged.

If Dual Pistols was out for Scrappers (so here's hoping for a Dual Pistol (or Weapon Set to include Archery and Assault Rifle)/Armor AT *crosses fingers*) I don't see why a melee weapon like the whip is, would be ranged.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Voxen View Post
There are plenty of existing powersets that fit one origin over the others--e.g., Devices--and most players don't immediately go out and make five new characters, one of each origin, for each new powerset. Even if that was the case, there's no reason a magic-wielding (fire-melee) Tank, for example, couldn't be trucking around in some power armor he stole from Vanguard.

Add to that the fact that the Origin system has little-to-no impact on the game, and is essentially useless, and I'm inclined to "meh" the origin-based criticism.

Still the "what's the point?" argument is pretty strong--you could certainly make a robot-suit looking guy and give him SR (or WP or SD or...) and call it a day; Most players probably have at least one alt in medieval-looking armor, and so on.

Still, I think the concept is justified. First, there's room for another FX-light set, like Willpower, as long as it is distinctly different. To make a Body Armor powerset to be interesting, you'd have to design it with genre sensibilites. A guy in a suit of armor is still a guy, which means he's got vulnerabilities, but the suit can make up for that in clever ways.

As such, if I were designing a new, body armor/powered armor based set (I'd just call it Armor), I'd give it a mix of defenses: Thematically, it could be cool if it was a hybrid of defense and resistance (but hell to slot properly) but a more balanced approach would be to look at each damage type and think about how the armor would mitigate it (if at all).
Not buying it.

The idea of 'Armor' armor is pretty ludicrous considering it describes nothing. And that's pretty much what 'Body Armor' is in the context of armor powersets...Armor armor. That theme is covered. If your 'body armor' protects your body by deflecting weaker attacks away and reduces damage, you're looking at 'Invulnerable Body Armor'. If your armor is wired into your synapses and enhance your ability to move out of danger, you're looking at a 'Synaptic Reflex Enhancement Armor'. If your armor continuously repairs itself after recieving damage and/or is highly charged to constantly keep melding itself back, you're looking at 'Regenerative Armor' (that can be played as Electric Armor, Regen or Willpower). So on and so forth.

What we need is actual *theme* here. Something we *cannot* do, something whose theme isn't easily duplicated or represented by costume or power function. An ablative armor mechanic that absorbs part of an attack before 'breaking', 'Bone Armor', Goo Defense, a damage absorbing mechanic that lets you use said damage in other ways (like attacking or defending against said damage types). These are things that we need and should get. 'Armor armor' is not nor do I expect it to be.

But hey, I'm usually wrong when it comes to predicting these things.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Not buying it.

The idea of 'Armor' armor is pretty ludicrous considering it describes nothing. And that's pretty much what 'Body Armor' is in the context of armor powersets...Armor armor. That theme is covered. If your 'body armor' protects your body by deflecting weaker attacks away and reduces damage, you're looking at 'Invulnerable Body Armor'. If your armor is wired into your synapses and enhance your ability to move out of danger, you're looking at a 'Synaptic Reflex Enhancement Armor'. If your armor continuously repairs itself after recieving damage and/or is highly charged to constantly keep melding itself back, you're looking at 'Regenerative Armor' (that can be played as Electric Armor, Regen or Willpower). So on and so forth.

What we need is actual *theme* here. Something we *cannot* do, something whose theme isn't easily duplicated or represented by costume or power function. An ablative armor mechanic that absorbs part of an attack before 'breaking', 'Bone Armor', Goo Defense, a damage absorbing mechanic that lets you use said damage in other ways (like attacking or defending against said damage types). These are things that we need and should get. 'Armor armor' is not nor do I expect it to be.

But hey, I'm usually wrong when it comes to predicting these things.
I got the feeling he wanted a kinda offensive set...a mixture of WP/SR/INV style set in no real graphics for the certain powers, while mixing it up with Traps/Devices, to give things like Seeking Missile Pets.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Rad/Rad for Brutes?



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I got the feeling he wanted a kinda offensive set...a mixture of WP/SR/INV style set in no real graphics for the certain powers, while mixing it up with Traps/Devices, to give things like Seeking Missile Pets.
WP is already a mix of Inv and Regen, so a mix of Inv/Regen/SR/Inv?

And the whole theme hinges on seeker drones? Why not add a 'tech' patron/epic pool, then you can theme your armor any way you want and need fewer powers to make a full set? Would fit right in with some Brute/Tanker epics considering they get stuff like Web Envelope and Darkest Night.



Eh, let's just get Carp Armor/Carp Melee, and call it a day.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Just a posted idea here:

'Bone Armor' or 'Ablative Armor': customizable as different particles like Spines (metal, bone, plant/bark and crystal). The theme of the set being 'Armor' that is built to 'break' and have varying strength by the health of the armor. Note: I'm not going to add numbers but someone else can if they like.

1. Composite Layer (passive +resist vs smashing/lethal/fire/cold, +Max HP) A layer of armor compressed to form an under-armor that reenforces the body.

2. Carapace (toggle +def vs smashing/lethal/energy/negative, def debuff resist) This hard layer of armor sits on top of the body, deflecting various physical blows and energies but is still susceptible to the elements. Customized as some bone/material sticking out of shoulders, back and legs.

3. Ossify (passive +resist vs energy/neg/fire/cold/toxic, +regen) Rapidly reform tissue into a material harder than steel. Its constant reforming repairs and insulates.

4. Marrow Transfusion (click +res vs hold, sleep, immobilize, stun, knockback, repel, slow, -movement) Replenish the reserves in your bone to make you more resilient to outside mez effects. Custom animation would be something like Healing Flames but rather than glowing fireballs around you, they'd be spinning bone/crystal/metal.

5. Hairline Fracture (click +regen/+res vs smashing/lethal/energy/neg/toxic, *Special*) Harden platelets to seal fractures in your armor quickly. It's easier to repair when the armor only slightly damaged, however. (Note: The regen portion is always in effect during the duration of this power, the +resist diminishes completely when one drops lower than 75% HP). Custom animation would basically be an added 'crumble' aura with pieces of bone/metal/crystal coming off of various parts of the body.

6. Shattered Armor (toggle, PBAoE lethal/toxic dmg, *Special*) Your armor breaks off into dangerous shrapnel as it rebuilds itself. The bigger the shrapnel, the more damaging. (Note: this toggle does no damage while at 100% HP and equals other dmg auras at 80%. As HP drops lower, it does more damage until doing maximum damage at 30%). Custom animation is like quills but not visible until it unsuppresses.

7. Ablative Armor (click +res All, +max HP, *Special*) Form a thick coarse armor over the body whose intent is to break away harmlessly. Its effects get weaker the lower your HP is (Note: the +resist is consistent but the +HP is only at full effect at 100% HP and diminishes slowly until it's completely gone at 60%) Custom animation would probably be like Stone armor but parts disappear as the effect suppresses (basically stacking visuals that disappear at different HP%)

8. Deadly Shrapnel (passive minor +resist vs energy/neg, PBAoE lethal dmg *Special*) As your armor sheds its broken pieces, they still provide a bit of protection, but in the instance of armor failure, the shrapnel is deadly, indeed. (Note: upon death, you automatically cast a PBAoE dmg attack. This suppresses for 30 sec upon a rez). Custom animation would be like quills when you die.

9. Bone Golem (PBAoE summon pet) Create 2/3 bone golems out of your armor that stay by your side and share your pain. (Note: these can be either invisible pets that follow you or actual visible pets, but they aren't target-able. They take an unresistable portion of your damage just like MM body guard does. (Note: not sure if this should be made a toggle or a click. As a toggle, it could have a really long recharge and endurance cost so, even if you have lots of +rech, you still have to *wait* until *after* you turn it off for it to start recharging) Still on the fence about the custom animation.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Just a posted idea here:

'Bone Armor' or 'Ablative Armor': customizable as different particles like Spines (metal, bone, plant/bark and crystal). The theme of the set being 'Armor' that is built to 'break' and have varying strength by the health of the armor. Note: I'm not going to add numbers but someone else can if they like.

1. Composite Layer (passive +resist vs smashing/lethal/fire/cold, +Max HP) A layer of armor compressed to form an under-armor that reenforces the body.

2. Carapace (toggle +def vs smashing/lethal/energy/negative, def debuff resist) This hard layer of armor sits on top of the body, deflecting various physical blows and energies but is still susceptible to the elements. Customized as some bone/material sticking out of shoulders, back and legs.

3. Ossify (passive +resist vs energy/neg/fire/cold/toxic, +regen) Rapidly reform tissue into a material harder than steel. Its constant reforming repairs and insulates.

4. Marrow Transfusion (click +res vs hold, sleep, immobilize, stun, knockback, repel, slow, -movement) Replenish the reserves in your bone to make you more resilient to outside mez effects. Custom animation would be something like Healing Flames but rather than glowing fireballs around you, they'd be spinning bone/crystal/metal.

5. Hairline Fracture (click +regen/+res vs smashing/lethal/energy/neg/toxic, *Special*) Harden platelets to seal fractures in your armor quickly. It's easier to repair when the armor only slightly damaged, however. (Note: The regen portion is always in effect during the duration of this power, the +resist diminishes completely when one drops lower than 75% HP). Custom animation would basically be an added 'crumble' aura with pieces of bone/metal/crystal coming off of various parts of the body.

6. Shattered Armor (toggle, PBAoE lethal/toxic dmg, *Special*) Your armor breaks off into dangerous shrapnel as it rebuilds itself. The bigger the shrapnel, the more damaging. (Note: this toggle does no damage while at 100% HP and equals other dmg auras at 80%. As HP drops lower, it does more damage until doing maximum damage at 30%). Custom animation is like quills but not visible until it unsuppresses.

7. Ablative Armor (click +res All, +max HP, *Special*) Form a thick coarse armor over the body whose intent is to break away harmlessly. Its effects get weaker the lower your HP is (Note: the +resist is consistent but the +HP is only at full effect at 100% HP and diminishes slowly until it's completely gone at 60%) Custom animation would probably be like Stone armor but parts disappear as the effect suppresses (basically stacking visuals that disappear at different HP%)

8. Deadly Shrapnel (passive minor +resist vs energy/neg, PBAoE lethal dmg *Special*) As your armor sheds its broken pieces, they still provide a bit of protection, but in the instance of armor failure, the shrapnel is deadly, indeed. (Note: upon death, you automatically cast a PBAoE dmg attack. This suppresses for 30 sec upon a rez). Custom animation would be like quills when you die.

9. Bone Golem (PBAoE summon pet) Create 2/3 bone golems out of your armor that stay by your side and share your pain. (Note: these can be either invisible pets that follow you or actual visible pets, but they aren't target-able. They take an unresistable portion of your damage just like MM body guard does. (Note: not sure if this should be made a toggle or a click. As a toggle, it could have a really long recharge and endurance cost so, even if you have lots of +rech, you still have to *wait* until *after* you turn it off for it to start recharging) Still on the fence about the custom animation.
Quoting this for shear brilliance.

Unique in comparison to other armor types: yes
Fits thematically with multiple 'broad' terms: yes
Unique abilities that contribute to the overall feel of the set: yes
Fairly simple execution/animations etc: yes (Steals mostly from thorns)
Strong and Pretty: no, is still not War Mace/Energy Aura

No more +hp on powersets please? We have enough.

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:



Originally Posted by Vel_Overload View Post
Quoting this for shear brilliance.

Unique in comparison to other armor types: yes
Fits thematically with multiple 'broad' terms: yes
Unique abilities that contribute to the overall feel of the set: yes
Fairly simple execution/animations etc: yes (Steals mostly from thorns)
Strong and Pretty: no, is still not War Mace/Energy Aura

No more +hp on powersets please? We have enough.

I didn't put much forethought into it though, basically just hit 'Reply' and started typing. Granted, I had written up the idea before (for Bone Armor) along with other people suggesting/writing up ideas about an ablative armor concept.

The tier 9 was my idea though. The rest borrowed that just stuck in my head.

As for the HP, I figure since the concept is about breakable armor that works better when its 'new' but have some functionality when its 'worn', you'd need a decent chunk of base hitpoints to work with.

But I can see your point. Honestly though, I wish every set had a measure of +HP. Rather than having HP caps like we do now, armors in armor sets should have just had built in +HP bonuses for simply choosing them. The magnitude of the bonus can be affected by AT mods (so Tanker/Brute armors will have a bigger bonus than Scraps/Stalks) but the mitigation of HP would be set by set, not governed by caps...well, there'd still be a cap but your powers would still work.



Originally Posted by Voxen View Post
We might see: Body Armor. A tech-themed set with nice S/L resist and moderate positional defense. It could have an endurance-draining aura toggle. And seeker drones. I'd make it weak to psionics and have cool, "laser grid"-style graphics.
ANOTHER bloody "weak to psionics" armor set? Why can't we have one that's weak to something else that's not flooding the endgame already?

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
ANOTHER bloody "weak to psionics" armor set? Why can't we have one that's weak to something else that's not flooding the endgame already?
I like powersets with weaknesses--or at least unique difficulties you have to manage. Early on, each set seemed quite unique--fire split up its mez protection and had no -kb, Unyielding locked down Inv tanks... In many cases the devs caved to players who wanted an easier time, and changed them--admittedly +mez protection isn't the power I'd attach a lock down to--but the sets retained some personality. Stone was particularly fidgety in that it had good defenses to everything but you had to pick which armor was active--Now it's just good vs. everything and a little slow.

Since release defensive powersets have become pretty straightforward. Keep your toggles on and you'll be fine (at worst, Shield Defense's click). Electric Armor keeps you near the ground, I guess. I wouldn't mind seeing a return to some power management in defense sets; Regen's MoG/IH cycle is a decent example.

...But I'm rambling. I kind of appreciate psi weakness for what it adds to the experience, despite being a pain in the *** sometimes.

As for Armor, I don't really care either way. I just felt like it's a likely set to see in a future issue.

And to comment on Vel_Overload's post, I think the Max HP thing is cool, but I agree that adding it to every new set is pretty silly. If they're going to re-use it I'd like to see some sort of "brute resilience" set that gets a TON of max HP (with maybe a heal or two) as its primary damage mitigation, and not much else... *brainstorms*

Even though I'm sure it's been done before, here's my stream of consciousness Monstrous Resilience set:

High Pain Tolerance (auto) - +20 HP, minor resist (all)
Skeletal Reinforcement (auto) - +20 HP, small resist (smashing), -kb
Steely Hide (auto) - +20 HP, small Def (lethal)
Unrelenting (toggle) - Taunt aura. Gain a short-term, stacking tiny resist(all) whenever an attack hits you.
Mez protection of some sort - Maybe higher mez resistance and less mez protection than normal sets--you may be able to stun a rampaging beast more easily but only for an instant. Or not. Lots of fear protection would also be thematic.
Hyper-metabolism (click) - A self heal that also grants additional hold/slow/immob protection
Primal Howl (click) - wide PBAoE that lowers enemy damage and effects for a short period (non-brute version could have a small chance for mag 2 fear)
Uncanny Resurgence (It's hard to come up with power names) (click) - +regen, +dmg for a short period, with a long recharge
Rampage (click) - +40 HP, heal, +resist (most), +recovery. (+dmg?) You can soak up way too much damage for a couple minutes until you crash and are drained of endurance.



Originally Posted by Voxen View Post
...But I'm rambling. I kind of appreciate psi weakness for what it adds to the experience, despite being a pain in the *** sometimes.
You're missing my point. Psionic weakness isn't something that makes it unique because half the defensive sets in the game share that weakness. It makes it more samey.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
You're missing my point. Psionic weakness isn't something that makes it unique because half the defensive sets in the game share that weakness. It makes it more samey.
Fair enough. Since the game is 'balanced' for that weakness already it seems like an easy crutch to lean on.

A couple years ago, just for fun I guess, I designed a nutty Illusions tank/defense set. It was primarily defense/invisibility based--I think the taunt aura was called Paranoia, and decreased tohit while increasing endurance costs for nearby enemies. The set had a lot of alternative aggro management--They got Phantom Army later on--but the reason I bring it up is just that it was inherently weak to AoE, fitting the illusions theme. I think that something like that could be cool without re-treading old paths.