My annual new powerset speculation

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Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
ANOTHER bloody "weak to psionics" armor set? Why can't we have one that's weak to something else that's not flooding the endgame already?
Because when they tried that, people complained. In Beta WP had no Immobilize Protection. Non stop complaining!

Lack of Psi Resist doesn't get that many complaints.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Voxen View Post
I like powersets with weaknesses--or at least unique difficulties you have to manage. Early on, each set seemed quite unique--fire split up its mez protection and had no -kb, Unyielding locked down Inv tanks... In many cases the devs caved to players who wanted an easier time, and changed them--admittedly +mez protection isn't the power I'd attach a lock down to--but the sets retained some personality. Stone was particularly fidgety in that it had good defenses to everything but you had to pick which armor was active--Now it's just good vs. everything and a little slow.

Since release defensive powersets have become pretty straightforward. Keep your toggles on and you'll be fine (at worst, Shield Defense's click). Electric Armor keeps you near the ground, I guess. I wouldn't mind seeing a return to some power management in defense sets; Regen's MoG/IH cycle is a decent example.
I always figured that had more to do with actually feeling like a superhero, than something...else...I don't know what, but really, one toggle at a time, with drawbacks...less like a comic book superhero. :/

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Because when they tried that, people complained. In Beta WP had no Immobilize Protection. Non stop complaining!

Lack of Psi Resist doesn't get that many complaints.
There's a difference between lacking a (pretty much vital) mez protection and being weak to the same damage type as every set that exists.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



A couple of years ago I suggested a Psionic Armour set:

1. Mind over Body (Toggle: +Resistance (Lethal, Smashing, Psionic))
While this power is activated you embower your body with the strength of your mind and increase your resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Psionic damage
[As per Willpower/Psionic Mastery]

2. World of Confusion (Toggle: PBAoE, Foe Damage (Psionic), Confusion)
This toggle powers allows you to cause psionic damage and cause confusion within a group of foes, creating chaos. The chance of confusing an enemy is lower than the chance of damaging them, and it may take multiple hits to affect stronger opponents. All affected foes within the area will turn and attack each other, ignoring all heroes. You will not receive any Experience Points for foes defeated by Confused enemies.
[As per Mental Manipulation]

3. Telekenitic Shield (Toggle: +Def (all but Psionic), +Resistance (all but Psionic)
While this power is activated you create a shield of telekenitic energy around your body which will deflect incoming attacks. If an attack does get through its impact will be reduced and will cause less damage.

4. Drain Psyche (PBAoE, Foe: -Regen, -Recovery, Self: +Regen, +Recovery)
You Drain the Psyche of you nearby foes, thus weakening their Hit Point Regeneration and Endurance Recovery and boosting your own.
[As per Mental Manipulation]

5. Unbreakable Will (Self: +Resistance (Hold, Immobilise, Fear, Sleep, Disorientate, Confusion, Knockback), +Def (Psionic))
When you activate your mental will becomes so powerful you become highly resistant to status effects and Psionic attacks for a short while.
[A tweaked Indomitable Will from Psionic Mastery]

6. Telepathic Prediction (Toggle: +Def (all but Psionic and AoE), -Resistance (Psionic))
While this power is activated you are constantly scanning the mind's of those around and are able to predict their next attacks making you harder to hit. However, you are still vulnerable to AoE attacks as they are not necessarily targeted at you and leaving your mind open makes you less resistant to Psionic attacks.

7. Mind Link (PBAoE, Team: +To-Hit, +Def (All), +Res (Psionic))
Your Mind Link Power will enable you to link the minds of all your teammates who are near you for the next 90 seconds. This shared link improves your teams chances to hit foes, your defensive abilities and dramatically reduces psionic damage.
[As per Fortuna Team work]

8. Psychic Rebirth (Self Rez, Special)
When you fall in battle you reach out with your mind to your allies to give you strength to be reborn. The more allies nearby the more health and endurance is restored to you. Additionally allies used to resurect yourself gain a small boost to their recovery and regneration for a short time due to the psychic energies shared. This power will actually leave you invulnerable for a brief time, and protected from XP Debt for 20 seconds. There must be at least one conscious ally nearby to fuel the transfer and revive yourself.
[A kind of opposite to Soul Transfer from Dark Armour]

9. Astral Form (Self: +Resistance (all Damage types, Hold, Immobilise, Fear, Sleep, Disorientate, Confusion))
When you activate this power your entire body is consumed by psychic energy and you become a being from the astral plain. For a short while you become highly resistant to all forms of damage along with some status effects. Astral Form costs very little Endurance to activate, but when it wears off you are left exhausted, and drained of almost all Health and Endurance.
Now it got a bit of feedback and would definitely need tweeking (e.g. more Psi resistance/defence in the powers) but thought it would be fun to suggest it again.

Edit: In fact this is how I would suggest it now:

1. Mind over Body (Toggle: +Resistance (Lethal, Smashing, Psionic))
While this power is activated you embower your body with the strength of your mind and increase your resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Psionic damage
[As per Willpower/Psionic Mastery]

2. World of Confusion (Toggle: PBAoE, Foe Damage (Psionic), Confusion)
This toggle powers allows you to cause psionic damage and cause confusion within a group of foes, creating chaos. The chance of confusing an enemy is lower than the chance of damaging them, and it may take multiple hits to affect stronger opponents. All affected foes within the area will turn and attack each other, ignoring all heroes. You will not receive any Experience Points for foes defeated by Confused enemies.
[As per Mental Manipulation]

3. Telekenitic Shield (Toggle: +Def (all but Psionic), +Resistance (all but Psionic)
While this power is activated you create a shield of telekenitic energy around your body which will deflect incoming attacks. If an attack does get through its impact will be reduced and will cause less damage.

4. Drain Psyche (PBAoE, Foe: -Regen, -Recovery, Self: +Regen, +Recovery)
You Drain the Psyche of you nearby foes, thus weakening their Hit Point Regeneration and Endurance Recovery and boosting your own.
[As per Mental Manipulation]

5. Unbreakable Will (Toggle: +Resistance (Hold, Immobilise, Fear, Sleep, Disorientate, Confusion, Knockback, Psionic)
While activate your mental will becomes so powerful you become highly resistant to status effects and Psionic attacks for a short while.

6. Telepathic Prediction (Toggle: +Def (Melee, Ranged, AoE), -Def (Psionic))
While this power is activated you are constantly scanning the mind's of those around and are able to predict their next attacks making you harder to hit. However, leaving your mind open makes it harder to defend against Psionic attacks.

7. Mind Link (PBAoE, Team: +To-Hit, +Def (All), +Res (Psionic))
Your Mind Link Power will enable you to link the minds of all your teammates who are near you for the next 90 seconds. This shared link improves your teams chances to hit foes, your defensive abilities and dramatically reduces psionic damage.
[As per Fortuna Team work]

8. Psychic Rebirth (Self Rez, Special)
When you fall in battle you reach out with your mind to your allies to give you strength to be reborn. The more allies nearby the more health and endurance is restored to you. Additionally allies used to resurect yourself gain a small boost to their recovery and regneration for a short time due to the psychic energies shared. This power will actually leave you invulnerable for a brief time, and protected from XP Debt for 20 seconds. There must be at least one conscious ally nearby to fuel the transfer and revive yourself.
[A kind of opposite to Soul Transfer from Dark Armour]

9. Astral Form (Self: +Resistance (all Damage types, Hold, Immobilise, Fear, Sleep, Disorientate, Confusion))
When you activate this power your entire body is consumed by psychic energy and you become a being from the astral plain. For a short while you become highly resistant to all forms of damage along with some status effects. Astral Form costs very little Endurance to activate, but when it wears off you are left exhausted, and drained of almost all Health and Endurance.

Basicly I kind of see it as a Willpower type set in terms of Resistance and Defence, a bit of everything but master of none except for Psionic Damage. The -Defence to psionic in telepathic prediction is meant to offset by the +Defence is Mind Link and the high resistance values.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
There's a difference between lacking a (pretty much vital) mez protection and being weak to the same damage type as every set that exists.
I never saw it as vital. Not to mention the sets +Defense means they have to hit you first to Immobilize you (and with WP's adding +Defense bonuses if not softcapping to Defense, this becomes harder to do).

Not to mention it was easily worked around by taking Combat Jumping. And Immobilze just kept from hitting things at Range, having been hit by Immobilize powers, it's never been that long of a time I sat their unable to hit things.

I actually liked the weakness. It was different than the other sets.

Of course, now, I love that I have resists to EVERYTHING except -END, which is worked around with High Defense and lots of +END Procs Of course, it took a couple of IOs (PvP and the Winter Event IOs) to complete that.

Well, I guess I don't have the Taunt or Placate Resist due to lack of Assault, but meh to those.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection