


Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
I have the 5770 in my old PC. The Sapphire Vapor-X version. Its a decent card but I found it a bit lacking when pushed hard. However, as PC tech goes, its showing its age. BAF and Lambda trials will lag with the card unless you have a great CPU.

ATI wise the 5770 are being replaced by the rebadged (i.e. its really a 5770) 6770. Same card higher price. Call it a marketing job, but its for people who don't know any better.

Ok, so there is the 6790 which is a small improvment over the 5770/6770. However, for just a little more cash a 6850 is a nice bump more. I would suggest the 6850 if you want an ATI card. 6790 cards are reject 6850s.

Nvidia I would say there are two choices. GTX 460 1GB its about $140 (make sure its 1GB) and a nice card. GTX 560 Ti is a good card for $210 (after rebates). Note: there is a GTX 560 card so make sure it has the Ti after it or you get a different chip. (Again, another case of Marketing preying on the unsuspecting buyer). I would suggest if you want an Nvidia card to get the 560 Ti

Here, this site is good reading on GPU tech. Apparently they didn't like the 550 Ti or the 6790.
Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Actually the "stopped responding" issue was cleared up driver revision or two ago.

As for bad OGL? Yes, it's not as fast as the highly optimized DX pipeline, but it's by NO means sucky, let alone "super mega fail bad"

My 460 was perfectly acceptable.
My 560 is just fricking awesome.
Thank you both. So long as they work with Vista and the pricing i'm looking at is good then the 460 and 6850 (just) fall within range. Yay for Canada and higher priced electronics! The 560 is currently off the menu for me!

I'm inclined toward the Nvidia, but only because the two decent cards i've had were that brand and I know they work alright with my computer. Software aside in the case fo the 550, the graphics and low noise level were, well, incredible.

Looks like neither has folks shouting and waving about openGL the way the 550Ti did once I knew to look for it.

The only thing thta leans me away from the Nvidia is Cactus's thoughts on teh 400s and 500s all being bad with Vista. It would bite really hard in the nether regions if I brought a 460 home and had the same problem. I would feel the need for a serious /facepalm at that point. Maybe huddle in a corner and rock back and forth...you see why I moved away from working in computer tech..this stuff po's me easily and firmly!



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Actually the "stopped responding" issue was cleared up driver revision or two ago.

As for bad OGL? Yes, it's not as fast as the highly optimized DX pipeline, but it's by NO means sucky, let alone "super mega fail bad"

My 460 was perfectly acceptable.
My 560 is just fricking awesome.

Well then it has returned.


I actually RMA'd my first GTX460, and got the exact same issues with the new one.


This was just last week for me by the way. So it's not like I'm refering to the issues people had at the series launch.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Well then it has returned.


I actually RMA'd my first GTX460, and got the exact same issues with the new one.


This was just last week for me by the way. So it's not like I'm refering to the issues people had at the series launch.
Dammit! lol Looks like i'm moving over to ATI, as i'm not inclined toward a second return to the same store! Welcome me with open arms they would not!

ty again.



Originally Posted by Darkscar View Post
Dammit! lol Looks like i'm moving over to ATI, as i'm not inclined toward a second return to the same store! Welcome me with open arms they would not!

ty again.
Or you could be trading one set of problems for another.

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Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
That's unfortunate, but it doesn't happen to everyone. I've been playing for months with my GTX 465 without a single graphics or graphics driver error. On Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Before that, on a GTX 260. And before THAT, on a GTS 8800.

So I'm much more inclined to believe it is the operating system (Vista is still crap when it comes to video drivers) than the graphics card's chipset.

Also, your D: drive is almost full. Depending on where you have City of Heros installed, that could present an issue or two.

I'm on windows 7 home preimumium 64bit so it's not just a vista issue.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Or you could be trading one set of problems for another.
Inconceivable! Seriously though, I really hope not...by this point i'm actually getting a little nostalgic for my GEForce7300!



Well, I installed and have been giving the ATI6850 a workout...so far so good. The only thing i have to do is optimize the settings so as not to degrade the performance while still maintaining these lovely graphics. But that can be worked out as I go.
Thank you all the help. I would have been lost and frustrated likely still banging my head (stubbornly) against the wall of the 550 Ti problem.



I still find it strange that Evga's card played so poorly with your system, but I'm glad you got it fixed.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
I still find it strange that Evga's card played so poorly with your system, but I'm glad you got it fixed.
It po'd me...I thought it was a great card when it was working. If I could have found a fix for the problem then i'd still be using it now.

However i'm quite happy wqith this card and gave it quite a workout tonight.



Originally Posted by Darkscar View Post

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Heh, had that word on my mind thanks to the Gun Superteam I was with on Justice last night!



Hope your new graphics card is working out for you.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
Hope your new graphics card is working out for you.
It's great, thanks! I did turn the ultra settings down to the low end for now as the higher settings were giving my power supply a bit of a workout, but that's a situation i'm about to rectify!

Again, thanks everyone, I would've been way more stressed out about this whole thing without all your help!