JE Presents: Old Posi TF Race




JE Presents: Old Posi TF Race (aka so long, and thanks for all the fish)
Now through May 31st

Who can run the old posi the fastest. This is the Old Positron Task Force, now available through the Flashback system. While the old Positron Task Force required at least three people to start, The New Recruits functions as any other Flashback story arc, meaning it can be started and completed solo. Note like all other Flashback story arcs and Task Forces, characters cannot be added to the team once the Flashback has begun.

Now through May 31st 11:59 est

The deadline for submitting screenshots is: 11:59 PM Eastern May 31st

Winners will be announced in this thread as soon as they are tabulated.


Who May Participate:
There will be 3 categories fastest solo, fastest trio (original minimum), and fastest 8 man.

Teams will register in this thread by stating which category they are entering (Only one category entry allowed per global), and the globals of those entering.
DO NOT POST screenshots in the thread.

Prizes:To be eligible for prizes, your team will need to e-mail a screenshot* to: (see below for more details).

The race prizes are as follows:
Fastest solo completion
250,000,000 + random PvP io

Fastest Trio
150,000,000 for each player + random PvP io

Fastest 8 man
100,000,000 for each player + random PvP io

There will also be 10 Mystery Prizes randomly awarded (via random number generator). Any player who participates in this event will be entered into the drawing.

Rules & Additional Info:
This is meant to be fun I can not police any event like this so please use your best judgment and don't cheat.

Times will be judged using screenshots.
One player from the team will need to take a screenshot that shows the team window, the XP/Menu bar (the portion that shows TF challenge settings) and the TF completion window with the final time and number of deaths. You don't need to rename or resize the screenshot; just pull it out of your CoH Screenshots folder and attach it to an e-mail. Edited screenshots will be disqualified.

To qualify for any of the race prizes, your team must submit a screenshot to: team should discuss who will be taking and submitting the screenshot. Remember not to close your window or exit the mission until a screenshot is taken and you have verified it contains all the required information. You also need to include global names for the rest of the team.

The command to make the UI visible in screenshots is: /screenshotui 1
The command to disable the UI afterwards is: /screenshotui 0

special thanks to MP for the TF idea and orginization details

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This sounds like fun.

Enjoy your day please.



competition and prizes are good, old positron tf is bad.



I'd have to agree. I love the idea, and was even excited when i saw "TF race" in the JU motd. But once i saw that it was the old posi all desire to participate vanished.

Then again maybe I should enter so I can win by default >.>

@Catalystics of the great and honorable Justice server.



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
Yes now if only people would sign up :/
I actually have to sign up?

Ok. Consider me signed up please.

Or direct me to the correct place please and or thank you.

So I finally went up and actually read the rules.

I will be running solo. And I will estimate my time to be just under 6 and a half hours.

Enjoy your day please.



I don't think this is as difficult as everyone thinks it is. 40 merits solo in just over an hour isn't so bad. I've ran this with a blaster in the same amount of time. Maybe this can provide some inspiration for this event.

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite?
Mr. Blonde 'Reservoir Dogs'