Weird BAF's!!!
And another thing, when did Virtue become the "boot camp" of incarnate TF's? The one I got on right after, had a leader saying something to the effect of "I may be a (part of the male anatomy that rhymes with Rick) but Virtue has taught me how to do these." or something to that effect. That kinda weirded me out. And oddly enough, we lost too many prisoners and failed. It was just a bizzare night on Infinity tonight. Oh well. Hope everybody else had a good night.

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
Don't look at me. I've never even attempted to lead a Separated run. I tend to like lower than full membership, and I find that that particular badge actually goes better with a full League.
It sounds like your leader didn't explain his strategy for Escapees well enough. I've been guilty of this. People are very used to door camping for that phase, while I prefer the Gauntlet method that Big has dubbed Zone D. I have forgotten to make this absolutely clear prior to starting one and came close to failing that phase as a result of the confusion. Door camping brings to mind the Trick or Treat part of Halloween too much, and having had to do that about 4 separate times on Ms. Mesmer and some other older alts, due to them adding new shinies to it over the years, I'm pretty-well sick of it.
Edit: And TsumijuZero snuck in while I was posting, so I have to give credit here to his (assumption) thread, where Ammon's Gauntlet strategy appeared, and thus spread to me, and onto Infinity for the first time.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
Where are Big SOB and Ms Mesmer when I need them? And Ironblade too cuz he is so much fun to mess with! LOL! It's like teasing the Paladin!

I was in Chicago for the weekend (I live in NY City).
My grandmother turned 99 this weekend.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Congrats to her man! Thats awesome!
Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1

I think the biggest thing with 'Keep em Separated', is having an adds team that can handle it, not "people who need iXp". You need a good group immob, and large amounts of aoe dmg. Too many times people throw toons on an add team that don't make much sense.
We need a "Boot camp" to run trials? Are they difficult all of a sudden or is it people taking this a little too serious?
It depends, MISH. I joined a League that should have been able to handily beat the BAF last night, but it failed. A leader who wouldn't speak up, and when he did he had some ideas that weren't the greatest. People who seem to be afraid of some debt from the towers at level 50, for whatever reason, running around and dragging the AVs with them. We almost recovered but then dropped Siege down way too fast, so he died while Nightstar was still at 6%, so we missed getting her down in time, and he respawned. This was a normal run, no fancy Separated attempts, no specific instructions to go after Strong and Pretty, even. It was just disorganized at a level that I haven't seen in weeks.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
It depends, MISH. I joined a League that should have been able to handily beat the BAF last night, but it failed. A leader who wouldn't speak up, and when he did he had some ideas that weren't the greatest. People who seem to be afraid of some debt from the towers at level 50, for whatever reason, running around and dragging the AVs with them. We almost recovered but then dropped Siege down way too fast, so he died while Nightstar was still at 6%, so we missed getting her down in time, and he respawned. This was a normal run, no fancy Separated attempts, no specific instructions to go after Strong and Pretty, even. It was just disorganized at a level that I haven't seen in weeks.
Edit: is the league star changing hands a bug or WAI?
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy
Probably a simple design limitation. My guess is that the gold star goes to the leader of whichever team the first person to load in is on.
We had another failed run tonight, after a couple of really scarily-close calls on Escapees. This one wasn't so much a problem of tactics as it was of damage. It was just taking us forever to whittle down the AVs. This time they respawned because our collective DPS was lower than anyone was used to, it seems. and it was so low that we simply didn't have enough time to take them down again.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
It also seems that with the reactivation we have a lot of toons that are not really even alpha-slotted yet joining the trials which has a big affect on damage and being able to stop prisoners.
I did a BAF the other day, and I swear I did not recognize a good 80% of the team members. People maybe working on alts (like me now), or reactivators.
So we decide to go for the keep them seperated badge tonight. No problem High has this already (more than once if you could get it actually) and I thought it would be fun to get it on my brute, The tricky thing with that one is keeping the add's as small as possible, so they don't leach out to the AV's. Well, they did actually and we had to give up the badge attempt, pull them to the add's spawn point, and just take them all down en masse. However, what I have learned after doing, well, a crap ton of them (Big SOB and Ms. Mesmer can back me up there) BAF's, when going for badges, really need good communication. I reminded a person who was on the NS team and was fighting add's this. Exact quote "You are supposed to be on NS." The level of snarkiness that they replied with threw me for a loop! Instead of just saying what they were doing they got all sarcastic about how their team told them to fight the add's so they could get add iXP as well. Which is fine, but just let everybody know that BEFORE hand. And when the add's got out of control, instead of just concentrating on fighting, they took it upon themselves to drop MORE sarcasm. Oh well. Kids gotta be kids I guess. I added them to the ignore list and wished them to have a great night.
Where are Big SOB and Ms Mesmer when I need them? And Ironblade too cuz he is so much fun to mess with! LOL! It's like teasing the Paladin!
And another thing, when did Virtue become the "boot camp" of incarnate TF's? The one I got on right after, had a leader saying something to the effect of "I may be a (part of the male anatomy that rhymes with Rick) but Virtue has taught me how to do these." or something to that effect. That kinda weirded me out. And oddly enough, we lost too many prisoners and failed. It was just a bizzare night on Infinity tonight. Oh well. Hope everybody else had a good night.
Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1