Remove the dead space around buttons, text boxes and menu items
Not sure if this helps.. I know foe me it's hard to have like: target, nav, map, chat, the tray along with my own trays and at times bringing up recipes savage all the winows cluttering. I went into menu => options => graphics & audio then down to window scaling and made them much smaller to. Take out space and the buttons are somewhat closer together on the attacks.
What they should have for people that have brought out trays is to be able to lock those from switching cause if having the <1> stuff at the end. And in battles at times it keeps moving to the next tray over >_>
All I'm saying is that if a piece of UI looks like it's part of a button, then I should be able to click on it and activate the button. Corners, bends, lines, that sort of thing. That, and menus which disappear if you click outside of their options shouldn't have empty space in-between said options.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
While you're at it, let's make all of the guy standing outside the hazard zone entrance clickable instead of forcing us to put the little blue hand on his crotch.
We don' need no stinkin' signatures!
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Good point.
We don' need no stinkin' signatures!
I usually aim for his head ._. but I'm happy they changed the curser to see clickable things..
The hazard zone cops need better click boxes, as well. I'm not sure what causes theirs to be so erratic, but people have been reporting all manner of different erogenous zones on their bodies in the past. Sometimes you need to rub the cop's foot, sometimes you need to pat him on the head, sometimes you need to shake his hand and so forth. It's a little thing, but it can get annoying.
Also, I'd like to fix the click boxes for Rikti Drones, while we're at it. It's not where you think it is, most of the time, as the actual Rikti Drone isn't what's clickable, it's the area immediately behind it, for some bizarre reason (likely because of the antenna things shifting it forward of its "centre"). So when you see a Rikti Drone standing sideways to you, it's annoyingly difficult to click on the thing.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I actually have the exact opposite problem of what the OP describes: If I miss a button or menu item, I'll click both it and whatever's beside it. This most often happens with the Contact button (I'll click low and simultaneously click the Inactive tab as the window opens), or the Salvage and Recipe buttons (I'll click too far over and click both at once).
There's no "dead space" around any of the components on my UI.
Since this game was created, there has been a major discrepancy between the apparent size of most buttons, text boxes and menu items in the game, and the actual area you need to click in order to activate them. It seems like much of the game's UI graphics employ large pill-shaped buttons that are much larger than the active clickable area contained within them, which is usually a small rectangle just smaller than touching the edges of the pill.
I cannot count the number of times when I've had to click a menu button multiple times, often closing drop-down or pop-up menus in the process, all because what I see from the button graphic is actually LARGER than what I can click. This should not be the case. Button click boxes should be the same size as the actual button, if not larger, and should be large enough to where you can click them without needing to be exceedingly precise.
This goes for text boxes, too. If I see a large oval text box, such as the one for typing in my password, then clicking anywhere in that text box graphic should allow me to type in the box. This is not the case, as only clicking on the very much smaller text field registers.
I've also lost track of the number of times I've failed to click menu items and had pop-up menus close on me because I somehow clicked on the space between menu items. There shouldn't BE space between menu items, not in terms of clicking said items. Have the click box of one end where the click box of the next one begins. Dead space between them serves no purpose but to give people the chance to misclick.
I will admit, I am a very sloppy clicker. I do not aim my cursor with any precision and often click buttons in a rush. But the game's challenge doesn't come from hitting a round button with your mouse pointer, so having so much unclicable space around active buttons, text boxes and menu items serves no purpose.
Yes, this is a quality of life feature, but it's one of the more annoying ones as it's present in every button, every text box and every menu in the entire game, and I have a record that's probably 50% misclicks because of it.