Osama has been killed
Much love to our brother/sisters in arms...

The remnant of Angry America has a fist up in the air right now going "F**K YEAH!"
The part that's tired of having our people in harm's way, is going "Finally"
And part of me feels sorry for the poor *******. Yes, he brought it upon himself. I just wish he and his people had chosen a better way of expressing themselves than killing people in terrorism attacks. And I REALLY wish they hadn't planned something so heinous that pretty much the only appropriate response was to hunt him down and kill him like a rabid wild dog.
The dirty cynic in me worries about having now created a martyr.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Living in a ******* mansion 60 miles from the capital.
Thanks for all the help Pakistan.......

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It's definately a Nice Big Light In a Tunnel, but not the Light at the end for sure. Just glad to hear all the time we spent wasn't wasted over there. Now lets just get our Men and Women Home. And for god sakes someone give the guys that accomplished this purple hearts!
Damn straight.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I echo all of your sentiments! Sadly.. even if they had found him in a week of us sending our troops they would still be there! Simply put, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce why we really went there in the first place. And what's the price of a few thousand ordinary lives for them to lay claim to some oil .. err liberating a middle eastern country from tyranny.. yeah.. yeah that's what we are there for! (And in so deep now there's really no turning back without egg on our face!)
It took longer than they ever assumed and the true heroes are there following orders, spending time away from their loved ones and putting their lives on the line. This isn't any different than how it's been for hundreds of years, it's just a shame it has to be that way.
So, Osama is dead and most likely they are going to retaliate one way shape or form. That's how the game is played.. so bring our troops back home and let them protect their homeland instead of putting them needlessly in harms way! We should all give thanks to that short, sub-moronic Texan and his cronies for where we are now. Thx W!
I could go on and on about this, so I apologize for the rambling on. Just so busy shaking my head watching the tail wag the dog since this all started too long ago!
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"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead
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Moderator 13
Great news.....now let's bring our boys home. I wish it was that easy.