Character Copy Questions
You only need to follow that procedure once. If you have Test set up on your PC, then you are all set. The character copy tool can be up and down, so if someone did not transfer over, just try it again. Your character on Test will be completely independent of your one on Live.
Kyle Al'Mordu - Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrap
Fusion Force!
I went here but the copy never completed.
Just wait up to 30 mins for the character to show up.
Also, does my character level in relations to my freedom game character or do I have to "copy" as I level?
For example: You make Hero Of Heroicness on Freedom, and get to Level 17. Then, you decide to make Hero Of Heroicness on Guardian, and also get to Level 17. Getting either one to 18+ will have no effect on the one you didn't play.
Public Test. The Going Rogue server is generally used for Issue Beta Testing (for example, when the Issue 21 Closed Beta starts, it will [most likely] be held on the Beta Server, a.k.a. Going Rogue.).
Honestly, I don't know. I had the Training Room installed long before the NCSoft Launcher became (semi-)mandatory. Therefore, I don't know if it will automatically install Test for you or not. Sorry.
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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:
Do I have to install another copy of the game, I already have a COH NA and COH EU?
There are (currently) five "game versions":
+ CoH NA Test
+ CoH Going Rogue
+ CoH EU Test
These are all separate installations, unless you want to jump through patching hoops each time you want to use a different installation. (In theory, you can use a single installation for all five; but you must use different shortcuts, and you will almost guaranteed need a patch-and-repair process each time you use that single installation for a different server-farm.)
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
There are (currently) five "game versions":
CoH NA + CoH NA Test + CoH Going Rogue CoH EU + CoH EU Test These are all separate installations, unless you want to jump through patching hoops each time you want to use a different installation. (In theory, you can use a single installation for all five; but you must use different shortcuts, and you will almost guaranteed need a patch-and-repair process each time you use that single installation for a different server-farm.) |
I've never done this before. I'm considering this for the 7 anniversary because this is a big deal. 7 years is a long time for a game.
I went here but the copy never completed.
Do I have to do something else? Also, does my character level in relations to my freedom game character or do I have to "copy" as I level? Which server do I chose, public test or going rogue?
Do I still have to do all of this:
In order to access the test server with a PC, you will need to download and install a second copy of the game. This second copy will patch up the test files to your PC. The steps for this process are outlined below.
1. Locate the file 'CohUpdater.exe'. If the game was installed to the default folder then look for: 'C:\Program Files\City of Heroes'. Do not create a shortcut for the desktop shortcut. To do this, you will have to locate the City of Heroes folder.
2. After you locate the City of Heroes folder, you will need to create a new shortcut to the cohupdater.exe file in the City of Heroes folder. To create a shortcut, right click on the file you wish to create a shortcut for. You can then select an option Create Shortcut which will then create the shortcut.
3. Right click on the new shortcut and open the Properties option.
4. In the Target window, add the following flag to the end of the line:
Do NOT add the word [space] to the Target. The example shown is intended to visually represent a single keystroke of the space bar, and should not be interpreted literally. An example of the correct use of the Flag is listed below.
The finished selection should look like this after you add the flag:
"C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe" -test
Below are possible incorrect additions of the flag to add the test client. The selection should NOT look like this:
"C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe"-test
"C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CohUpdater-test.exe"
"C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe-test"
"C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe"[SPACE]-test
Also, this line in the shortcut can take multiple arguments. That is to say, if you have multiple things you want to tell the game when it launches like -test and -compatiblecursors 1 you just tag them all on the end, like:
"C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe" -test -compatiblecursors 1
5. Run the shortcut.
The first time you run the shortcut, you will be asked whether you want to install the test client to the default directory. Choose Yes if you want to install it there, or choose No if you want to choose a different directory. We strongly recommended that you install the test client to a different location than your normal game client.