Looking for a Combo...
Combo #1 ..
big Mac is awesome
Claws matures very early in the game with spin and follow up. Dark melee matures very nicely around lvl 26 upon getting soul drain. Fire melee also tends to do well with extra dot fire damage and a good ST attack chain. As far as secondaries go, electric, shield, fire, and willpower tend to do well in the 20s-30s. I'd stay clear of dark armor, stone armor, and energy aura as those sets tend to mature more after set bonuses. Some good combos:
Just about anything can go with electric armor.
Willpower gets good as soon as you get Rise to the Challenge. When you slot SOs, it really starts to shine. Any primary that adds a significant amount of mitigation will turn you into a god. I can't remember exactly what level he was, but while in Striga, my BS/WP scrapper soloed a +5 boss. (He had all of WP up to that point, plus CJ, Tough and Weave, and he spammed the heck out of Parry). Sadly, neither sword is an option for brutes. Stone, Super Strength and Axe all have lots of knockdown though, which will give similar survivability. Avoid Hand Clap if you go SS; throwing everything out of RttC doesn't help you. Tremor in Stone is AoE knockdown though - huge help if you have room for it. (EDIT: I meant Fault. Tremor is KD as well, but is too high level for what you want, unless you plan on exemplaring.)
Claws and Dark Melee are also great with WP, but Dark doesn't get Soul Drain until fairly late - still in your desired level range I think, but it always makes me sad to wait so long before getting it.
Whichever you pick, getting Tough and Weave by level 20 will help greatly.
I'd go with Claws. Secondary is IMHO irrelevant unless going through level 20-30 content actually implies "x8, no insps, AVs on".
I'd go with Claws. Secondary is IMHO irrelevant unless going through level 20-30 content actually implies "x8, no insps, AVs on".
And, IMHO, Secondaries are very relevant. I know from experience that Invulnerability, for example, is frightfully squishy until Invincibility is acquired - at level 28. Meaning it would be a poor choice for this.
That said, I'm going to go with a Claws/WP Brute, and see what I can do.
Thanks, all!
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Good afternoon.
I'm looking to start a new Brute, so I can really run through all the new 20-30 content. But I'm frankly drawing a blank on what to make (is there a creativity block for character creation?)
As I said, this is primarily to run all the new content that has been added in the 20-30 range, so I want a combination that matures early enough to take these on - so not things which need to get to level 26 or 28 to really start working.
Anyone have suggestions for a good early-blooming combination?
Thank you!
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