Possible Monthly GM Hunting League
I'd be up for it, would love to get the badges for the ones I'm missing. I'd rather it be Tuesdays, since that's my most open night between work and the same rp's your in.
Delrune (aka Mionas)
I am up for it too- weekends are best for me but a Tuesday would not be bad if it was earlier in the evening 7-9 EST ish
"Many people say the Yeti is only a legend while some people believe in its existence but nobody has been able to prove it,"
I am up for it too- weekends are best for me but a Tuesday would not be bad if it was earlier in the evening 7-9 EST ish
I could do that. If no one else has a problem with it, that'd actually work really well for me.
I generally don't badge unless it contributes to an accolade but I also enjoy helping with things like this, so post a day and time and I will try to show up. The nice thing about GM hunting is that it goes fairly quickly, with the possible exception of Caleb who is a pain to both get to spawn and then find after he spawns.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

I like the original plan of Go. Hunt. Kill GMs.
I'm in, I've got several toons that need 'em, though I'll mostly be Blue Side.
You missed the first league-it was the day before yesterday.
I'll be running it again next month for sure though, hoping for a better turnout.
Are you going to always shoot for a certain Tuesday -- Like "last Tuesday of the month" ?
For some reason the idea of the 'big game hunters' popped into my mind. Bunch of people sitting around a lodge.. "Well old bean I took down the mighty Jurassik on the Serengeti last week!" Keeping score of what got taken down. LOL
I'm strange and haven't had any coffee yet...
Are you going to always shoot for a certain Tuesday -- Like "last Tuesday of the month" ?
For some reason the idea of the 'big game hunters' popped into my mind. Bunch of people sitting around a lodge.. "Well old bean I took down the mighty Jurassik on the Serengeti last week!" Keeping score of what got taken down. LOL I'm strange and haven't had any coffee yet... -Kult |
It's going to be the first Tuesday of every month, pending my own schedule not being weird again next month...which it shouldn't be (says my calendar). We do our monthly grocery shopping between the 3rd-6th of every month, so I happened to overschedule myself this past week. It happens.
Sounds like a great idea, may need to do 2 a months for each side, but if I'm on and available, I'll join in!
Sounds like a great idea, may need to do 2 a months for each side, but if I'm on and available, I'll join in!
-Run through KR and kill any Paladins that are up (2 merits each, no badge) so that the Unusual Clockwork Activity event will spawn. If/when this event spawns, we'll go straight to it after whichever GM we're on, then resume the list from there.
-Hit Perez Park and kill the Kraken
-Hit Croatoa and get both Jack and Eochai at their separate spawn points
-Go to Boomtown and take out Babbage
-Go to Crey's Folly and find Jurassik
-Head for IP and take down Lusca, after broadcasting across globals to let people who want the Devilfish badge know so we can get extra hands
-Take 5 and swap to villains while everyone heads for Sharkhead Isle via the submarine
-Meet up and reform teams in Sharkhead, then seek and destroy the Ghost of Scrapyard
-Head for Cap au Diable and hunt gremlins to spawn Deathsurge. NOTE: This can take a while, so be prepared to be patient!
-Go to Nerva Archipelago and spawn Caleb
-If the Arachnos Flier spawns at any time while we're villain side, drop what we're doing and go take it down, since the other events are way easier to spawn!
-Go through Pocket D to Praetoria, Take 5 while everyone swaps toons or whatever.
-Syndicate Takedown in Imperial City
-Protest in Nova Praetoria
-The Great Escape in Neutropolis
NOTE: For the 3 Praetorian events, PLEASE listen to instructions and make sure we're all defeating the same type of enemies! It does not matter which side you fight for when it comes to getting the rewards! The ONLY difference is in The Great Escape, where fighting for one side or the other changes which emote you can get-either the Tantrum emote, or the Ghoulflex emote! We'll be doing it from the Loyalist side next month, the Resistance side the month after that, etc.
Hey all-
I'm considering starting up a once-a-month league to take down all the GMs, both blueside and redside, for the people who need those badges. I know I have a heck of a time getting people together to take out Adamastor or the Arachnos Flier, so I thought this might make it a little easier on badgers like me.
I'd like to know if there's any interest out there in a once-monthly league like that, and if so, what day of the week would be best for everyone? To make it easy to remember (and so we can start it in May) I'm thinking the first (blank) of each month.
It should be noted that I'm unavailable on Mondays (D&D night), Thursdays (my SG's RP night) and Fridays (until after 9 pm EST; I have a show from 7-9.)