PERC Presents: Memory Lane
I would submit to this, but the shortest stories I've written have been 1,000 words or more.
I am certainly not a fan of this 600 word limit.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
I'm willing to allow for a little more. I am the protector rep I know why we made this limit after all PERC reps get to sit and read every submitted entry and if they are all 1,000 or more words we'd be reading for a day. But Mr. Grey if you would like to go 800 words that is fine with me.

Erasmus knew it wouldn't take much, a couple of well placed explosives in an out of the way section of the city. That would surely bring one of those capes out of the woodwork, while minimize possible harm to citizens. Sure enough, it didn't take long for one of them to come prancing along, in his blue and white spandex, tendrils of electricity arcing and spitting from his body. There was just one problem; Erasmus knew to watch, the approaching cape had no idea what to expect.
Observing from the ledge of a nearby skyscraper, he reached out with his hand and to his vision at least, a sickly yellowish-green energy snaked it way from his hand towards the approaching cape, writhing like a living thing in search of sustenance. The cape reeled as the energy struck through the electrical shield he had errected to protect himself. Instantly he felt as if his body were cooking though he saw no fire errupting around him.
"How does it feel?" Erasmus whispered to himself, knowing all too well what it felt like to be consumed by flames, while a cape had stood above him, and watched.
The cape took a moment to push the pain aside and scanned for his attacker, eventually spotting a hooded figure up on the ledge. How... how had he attacked from such a distance? He launched himself into the air, faltering slightly as the pain returned until, with a great deal of resolve he once again pushed it aside.
Erasmus would have smiled if he could, but the damage to his face would not allow such movement, eating alone was a trial much less a curl of his lips. The cape hauled off with one hand as he rose, flinging an arcing, sizzling ball of lightening and Erasmus dodge to duck behind the lip of the ledge. His back arched as it caught his shoulder, he hadn't quite been quick enough.
An outraged scream slpit the air, though lips that would barely part and as the electricity rippled across his body and his mind was once again back at his death, at the hands of a hero. Why had he been targeted? He was just a medic working out in the field in Siren's Call, it didn't even matter to him who he was working on, whether it was someone from Paragon or the Isles. It was his desire to keep people alive, it mattered not to him where they were from. A woman lay beneath his hands, bleeding profusely from a Bane Soldier's attack.
As he had worked to stop the bleeding and stabilize her, a shadow was cast upon the both of them. Erasmus looked up as his hands continued to work, to see a man hovering above them, his face set hard his raising hand looking as though it were clawing through the air. That's when Erasmus' vision was obscured by a wall of fire and he stumbled back to avoid them only to see them follow his movement, that when he heard the screaming in his ear and realized that it was his own.
With all the rage of that confligration, Erasmus focused his eyes and his burning hatred on the cape approaching him, pouring that hate into an energy that ate away at the hero's bones themselves, like a broiler cooking the marrow.
The cape plummeted and Erasmus engaged his flight pack following the descent. There was a semi-wet 'thud' after the 6-story fall and Erasmus reached down as soon as his feet touched the ground, his fingers curling around the loose blue and white fabric and pulled on it, lifting the cape's head from the ground, another 'smack' sounded when the fabric came free and his head dropped again.
Erasmus ran the fabric through his fingers for a moment. He was sure that if he could feel it, that it would have been slick and smooth to the touch. Crushing it within his grip, he once again took to the air and returned to his transport, the blue and white banner of his victory flapping and snapping behind him.
I'm willing to allow for a little more. I am the protector rep I know why we made this limit after all PERC reps get to sit and read every submitted entry and if they are all 1,000 or more words we'd be reading for a day. But Mr. Grey if you would like to go 800 words that is fine with me.
In a Violet Light
The story of Nick Shade
The junior scientist held up a bolt of light fabric. “So what do you think of this material for the inner layer of armor?”
Don poked at the material with his finger. “Let’s give it a try and see what it does to the absorption pattern. I think we need to spread the energy across a wider area to help avoid penetration.”
“I’ll get the armor sandwiched while you are at lunch so it will be ready for the afternoon test run.”
“Thanks Ray. I’ll be a bit longer for lunch today; I have to run a few uh…errands. Bills and all that.”
“Pick me up something while you are out please? You know what I like.”
“Sure thing Ray. I was planning on hitting the Sub shop anyway on the way back.”
Things couldn’t get any better. Two years out of college, a huge research grant from Vanguard and a cushy job at Crey Corporation.
Walking briskly down the street, Don headed toward the Medical Center. As he started across the street, he heard someone call his name from behind him.
“Huh?” Don swung his head to see who had called out. The delivery truck didn’t change lanes or even slow down.
“Steve, I don’t know that I can help you with this. I’m not sure why you consider him a candidate. Critical illness, death, or even a recommendation by someone as highly regarded such as your self isn’t enough. You know that. We’ve been down this road before.”
Dr. Sheridan nervously shuffled the papers on his desk.
“What am I missing? I want to help, but you know the rules.” Shadowstar stared intently at the Doctor, looking for some clue as to why she should step over the line for her friend.
Without looking up Dr. Sheridan whispered, “I taught him.”
Shadowstar sighed, “You know that won’t do it. There has to be a reason. I can’t set up a meld for a common citizen. You know as well as I do that the Kheldian would die or worse turn into one of those… those… things.” She spat the last part out like it was acid.
Still staring at the papers on his desk, he continued. “I taught Don in my Human Anatomy and Physiology class. He was an excellent student. One of the sharpest I ever met.”
“Well, that’s a start, but come on. The university pumps out great students every day. So what is so special about him?
Steven sighed. “Did you know that I also teach a Morals and Ethics class on human experimentation?”
“Mmm…no. I don’t remember seeing that on the class catalog.”
“That’s because it isn’t there. It’s an invitation only class. I only offer it to students who would be likely to enter the field of research and development or other high ranking jobs in ‘think tanks’. I uh…pick and choose very carefully who gets to take it. Certain… moral standards… must be met.”
“I’m not sure I follow you, Steve.”
“The Freedom Phalanx likes to keep an eye on what is being developed to stay ahead of the curve so to speak. They want to know what is being developed and how it’s being tested. Some companies are less than ethical about the willingness of the subjects they drag into testing. Not to mention who buys the technology.”
“So you run a course on corporate espionage.”
“Something like that. It always helps the Heroes to know what the untrustworthy souls are up to. Don was watching the Crey Armor development program. For the past year he has been feeding Gordon Stacy inside info on several things happening inside the Crey labs. I think an Infiltrator got wise.”
“Hmm… I’m still not completely convinced. He is obviously compromised and can’t do that role anymore. So what will he do, be a hero?” Shadowstar snorted like it was a bit of a joke.
Shadowstar brought the box with the Nictus into the hospital room and set the timer on the lid. Quickly she left the room and stood by the door listening.
As the box lid opened, purple light bathed the room in a strange and unworldly glow. A barely audible hum filled the room as a nebulous shape drifted from the box.
The nebulous shape moved toward the unconscious form on the bed.
A thunderous explosion resounded in the corridor as the nebulous form vanished from sight. The only change in the human was a slight increase in the brain activity being measured on the EEG.
Shadowstar opened the door and picked up the box. Looking at the body lying on the bed she sighed. “He had better be right.”
Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.
Steampunk Charlie in "Dressing Like a Hero"
Professor Winthrop had been in Paragon City for just over a month since the Interocitor had exploded, sending him screaming through dimensions from his alternate-history Earth to this world, and he was slowly starting to come to grips with the situation.
Upon being released from the hospital, he had been issued a Temporary Hero License and been given quarters at the Department of Advanced Technological Applications labs in Atlas Park. They hadnt asked much of him in return, which he found surprising, but they were very interested in his ability to tinker with the odd bits of hardware he found laying around.
Rick Davies, whom the Professor actually enjoyed visiting with, was paying him another visit.
So, Professor, what have you come up with this time? Is there anything I can get you? Rick asked, eyeing the metal-covered mannequin the Professor was attaching several unidentifiable bits to.
The Professor paused for a moment in his work, smiling at Davies, No thank you, Rick. I have almost finished here. As for what I have tinkered together this time, I have decided that since your fantastic city seems to think of me as a Hero, I should at least make the attempt to play the part so to speak.
To that end, I have been constructing a suit of armor to even the score as I believe I overheard one of your technicians say.
Davies ran a critical eye over the decidedly Victorian style of body armor hanging from the mannequin in front of him. Okay Professor, Ill bite. What does this armor do?
Simply put, aside from enhancing my bodys strength five-fold, the steam-powered body-armor will be capable of harnessing and unleashing static electricity in large quantities for several purposes, the Professor said, as he attached a large, flat tank to the back of the armored suit.
Steam-powered? Davies asked, incredulously, But Professor, we have made such great advances in miniaturized power sources since your time! Why not go with micro-atomic, or Kheldian Crystal, or
No, no, my dear young man, the Professor interrupted Davies, You have all these wonderful advances, but I prefer working with a medium in which I am well-versed. Much easier to repair this way, in case of damage on the field of battle. Besides, I do have a few pieces of that damned Interocitor with me, and they should prove quite capable of making my armor even more efficient.
Davies looked thoughtful for a moment. Speaking of that, Professor, my teams have found some more debris from where you first landed in our world. We analyzed them, of course, but cant really tell much about them. And I was kind of hoping you could shed a bit of light into how they work? he asked, as he reached the Professor a handful of small objects that looked like marbles with metal rods pushed through the centers.
Ah, yes! the Professor exclaimed, The very parts I need for the electrical generators! These, my young friend, are bead condensers. Basically, they take any form of energy, and convert it into electricity. On a rather large scale too, if I remember correctly.
Yes, as we found out, just before Lab Bay Six was blown apart from the energy discharge. Davies said, as the Professor installed the components into the gear-shaped shoulder pads of his armor.
Oh my. Was anyone injured? the Professor asked, looking concerned. It seems that everything about the Interocitor is cursed to do nothing but harm.
Davies smiled at the Professors sudden empathy, which was quite out of character for the slightly uptight, and very British, gentleman. No, Professor. Six is an automated testing lab we use for unusual or unknown devices. We managed to pump thirty thousand kilowatts into one of those bead condensers before it discharged. The three hundred thousand kilowatts it sent back out was quite impressive, too! Can you tell us exactly how they manage to do that?
The Professor looked sad for a moment before answering, Unfortunately, no. All that I can really say of them is that they are part number AB-619 in the Electronic Service Unit 16 catalog. Now if we could happen to find a copy of that book, perhaps I could give you a better answer.
Davies, apparently lost in thought, wandered around the mannequin, examining all the components the Professor had integrated into the rust and steel colored battle suit. Well, Professor, Ive got a team over at the Portal Corporation working around the clock on trying to find a copy of the book for you. If we can get it, perhaps you could use it to build another Interocitor and eventually return home.
That would be most excellent my young friend, the Professor said as he tinkered with what appeared to be a large pair of metal boots, but there is no way I could return home again without finding Mary first. Has there been any news on her whereabouts?
Very little actually, Professor, sighed Davies, as he examined a piece of metal hose that ran down the back of the armor to the legs. But from what the Freedom Corps have been able to tell us, at the same time you appeared in Atlas Park, she appeared in Cap Au Diable. Unfortunately, before any of the Longbow agents could get to her, a group of Lord Recluses men snatched her away.
The Professor laid his tools down on the bench, looking grim. Then I must go straight away to rescue her.
Davies laid a sympathetic hand on the Professors shoulder. Until we know for certain whether or not your suit can handle battle, Id suggest staying away from the Rogue Isles, sir. Thats a very dangerous place that even the great Statesman doesnt visit often.
The Professor, summoning every bit of control he could muster, turned towards Rick Davies. So what do you advise me to do, Richard? Shall I stay here in the relative safety offered by D.A.T.A. and allow my fiancée to be killed by this Lord Recluse?
Before Davies could answer, a voice called from the doorway of the lab, No Charlie. We expect you to fight Lord Recluse and get Mary back.
The Professor and Davies both turned around, startled. Standing in the doorway, his arms folded casually against his chest, was Detective Frietag.
Inspector Frietag, my good man! the Professor exclaimed, rushing forward to shake the Detectives hand.
Told you before Charlie, Im a Detective, not an Inspector, Frietag returned the Professors handshake warmly, a smile playing across his stern features.
And as I have told you, Inspector, my name is Charles, not Charlie, the Professor replied good-naturedly.
Rick Davies watched the two men bemusedly. The Professor was the only person who could make the Detective with an Iron Face come close to smiling.
After a few more friendly exchanges, the Detective resumed his stern posture. What it comes down to Charlie, is you have to learn to walk before you can run. I know youre a brilliant egghead scientist, but how are you in a fight?
The Professor thought for a moment before answering. Well, I can certainly hold my own in a fair stand-up boxing match, but I dont believe Lord Recluse and his men would be willing to follow the Marquess of Queensberry rules, would they? Hence the reason I have designed and built this battle suit.
So when will the suit be ready, Professor? Davies asked.
The Professor resumed tinkering at the workbench, Just as soon as I finish installing these bead condensers into the electrical generators, Richard.
As the Professor installed the casings for the generators on the shoulders of the battle suit, Frietags police radio gave a sudden squawk, and the Detective listened intensely to the radio broadcast.
Looks like youre getting it finished just in time, Charlie. the Detective grimaced, A villain named Comatorium is robbing the Atlas Park bank. Think youre up to stopping him as a test of this steampunk tuxedo?
The Professor hurriedly began changing into the rust colored body armor as he replied, Well Inspector, Ill certainly try my best.
Davies appeared lost in thought for a moment. Wait Professor! If you go out there to fight a villain, youre going to need a name! The press will be calling to find out who the newest Hero in Atlas Park is, and you certainly dont want them to know your real name.
As the last pieces of the Professors costume settled themselves into place, he flipped a switch on the chest of his new body suit. A chugging sound issued from his back, and wisps of steam rose from the joints. Well then, I suppose you can call me Steampunk Charlie for now.
The rest of the Saga is still going at
I'm loving the entries that I have read so far this is going to be fun to judge.
Quinlan was helpless to stop it. There were more than a dozen Council soldiers between her and her friends, and more joining the fight every moment. Green Faery crouched, hands up in a warding off gesture, a warning Ici Cold tried to ignore as she pelted her enemy with a last few punishing blasts of ice. Then the rocket exploded between them in a fiery blast of noise and chaos. Green Faery bounced off a cubicle wall with one last terrified wail before she dropped. Ici was picked up by the blast and thrown back into the brick wall. Quin winced in sympathy at the sound of Ici's head bouncing off the bricks and the Ooof! as the air was knocked from her lungs before she crumpled bonelessly to the floor.
It's my fault! Quinlan thought. She'd charged in, too overconfident, not paying enough attention, and her friends had paid the price. Now Council thugs clustered around her, punching, kicking, shooting. It would take them all day to do her any real harm, but it would take her even longer to fight her way free.
Quin jumped up, trying to see over the crowd. Green Faery lay curled up, coughing, her wings twitching, but Ici Cold was down and still. Can you get up? Quin called to the tiny fae.
Too.... close. Faery answered with a cough.
Quin smiled grimly. Hang on, Faery. She began to back away slowly from her tiny friend. Most of the Council soldiers were already so frustrated with Quin they would have followed her to Praetoria if that's what it took, but a few were hanging back watching her fallen companions. Hey! she bellowed. I know you're afraid of girls and all, but I'm over here! Once she had their attention focused on her, she followed her challenge up with a most unlady-like gesture.

The soldiers exchanged a few choice words at her expense and raced after her while she chattered away, buying time for her friends.
Quinlan stood strong and proud in the mass of soldiers. She was a tall, muscular woman with bright blonde pony-tails and wide blue eyes. Her shorts and shirt were snug, scant, and deep blue, while her blue cape sparkled with golden stars that matched the gold belt at her waist. She performed a lively quick-step with the Council soldiers, a diversionary dance full of banter and bravado. She kept one eye watching Green Faery, the other on her grim-faced enemies. She'd let her friends down once, she didn't intend to repeat the mistake.
Behind the fight, Green Faery quietly pushed to her feet. Quin could see her struggling to stand straight, and even her usually perky green and pink wings sagged and wobbled. One of the Council started to turn around and Quin slapped him on the cheek. Hey! She affected a shocked expression. My EYES are up HERE! When the soldier turned back to her, surprised and angry, she slammed both her fists into his belly.
Green Faery fluttered into flight. She gave Quin a confident smile and nod and then looked away, clearly trusting Quin to keep her safe. Quin's heart swelled with pride, she wouldn't fail them again. Bright green energy flared behind the Council where Ici lay, but Quinlan determinedly kept them focused on her. Chatter and insults, punches, and slaps, all the while making sure not a single Council eye turned to her vulnerable friends before Ici climbed to her feet.
Hey, boys... Quin said with a wide smile. She was a pretty girl, but these soldiers were not going to be at all interested in her looks in just a moment. Have I got a surprise for you...
Before they could even react, Green Faery gestured and the entire group began to glow with a debilitating green energy. Then Ici Cold threw her arms high and a winter storm erupted in the narrow corridors. The Council soldiers slipped and slid, and those few still on their feet could barely walk between the chill from Ici's attacks and the draining effects of Faery's. And all the while, Quin refused to let them turn on her friends.
One by one, the Council fell, and in the end, Quinlan, Green Faery, and Ici Cold walked out of that office victorious and safe. It was one of Quin's proudest moments, and one that defined her. Her job was to keep her teammates safe, no matter what, so they could do their jobs. She'd heard it before, but that day, she saw it and learned to live it.
As long as it is not a story that has been entered in a previous PERC competition, there is really nothing against entering a story that you have written previously (assuming it is within the length guidelines). There will be several competitors who will be using their in game biographies as their entry, which is also fine. I very much appreciate that you will be coming up with a new original story, and I know that the freshness of yours will count in your favor. Please do not be discouraged by anyone else's entry, but encouraged to make your own entry the best you possibly can!
As long as it is not a story that has been entered in a previous PERC competition, there is really nothing against entering a story that you have written previously (assuming it is within the length guidelines). There will be several competitors who will be using their in game biographies as their entry, which is also fine.
I very much appreciate that you will be coming up with a new original story, and I know that the freshness of yours will count in your favor. Please do not be discouraged by anyone else's entry, but encouraged to make your own entry the best you possibly can!
Am I getting that correctly?
█ Players Guide to the Cities
Well i really like this event, i plan to have my 800 word essay done later this week good idea PERC!
Yes new original is perfect but really I have no way of knowing if you took this from perhaps a character bio or back story and just made it longer. If you have a story that was not used in a PERC contest you can use it here if you want to Stalemate. If you want to take the time and create something new right on the spot that is fine as well. I won't be marking a negative onto a score if you use something that you made that is original but was posted on a different form. (Non-PERC relation) I hope this helps answer you "better" Stalemate. If not I can consult MP.
Two more days left (Today and Tomorrow) still plenty of time if you have something to enter.

A Spot for All Seasons
"Order, Order!" thought loudly Spot of Earth-C, banging on the meeting table with his mallet. "Could someone get Spot of Earth-F off the light fixture so we can bring this meeting to order ?"
Obligingly, Spot of Earth-L and Spot of Earth-T stood up, and were able to thought-convince Spot of Earth-F to climb down and sit back at the table.
"Could you not think so loud, please?", thought-whined Spot of Earth-P-minor, "I have a headache..."
"You always have a headache", thought-spat Spot of Earth-G.
In his slow drawl, Spot of Earth-J thought: "Can it, you drongos. We only meet like this twice a year; the sooner this is over, the sooner we're back where we belong..."
Spot of Earth-L and Spot of Earth-T both nodded their agreement.
"So, now that I have everyone's attention...", thought Spot of Earth-C. "Let's continue with our progress reports. Spot of Earth-V-major ?"
Spot of Earth-V-major stood up, put a foot on his chair to strike a pose, and thought-declaimed: "As you may all know," (foot down on the floor, hands on hip) "I have joined the top Super-Group of my Realm." (back of hand to forehead) "Alas, I have found it more difficult than anticipated to ingratiate myself" (both hands palm down on the table) "to the top rank of this prestigious organization." (raise chin up) "But do not worry, my brethren, I will persevere..." (sit down).
Spot of Earth-C pursed his lips under his mask, and thought: "Ahum, well, thank you, Spot of Earth-V-major. Spot of Earth-V-minor ?"
Spot of Earth-V-minor looked up his magazine and thought "Ah well, I have made some progress with my own Super-Group. I am now in charge of events, and we already have a very... profound... influence on the night life in Pocket D."
"Thank you, Spot of Earth-V-minor." thought Spot of Earth-C. "And now, Spot of Earth-P-major ?".
Spot of Earth-P-Major's shoulders slumped and he thought "I've been traded..."
"What ? How's that ?", thought Spot of Earth-C.
"Well, my Super-Group sent me to another Super-Group in exchange for that big lizard guy, don't ask me why. And that other Super-Group I'm stuck with now is full of dead-beats and also-rans, so even if I could take over - wouldn't be too hard, believe me - I wouldn't be able to do much."
"Well, I am sure you are doing your best, dear", thought Spot of Earth-V-minor while patting Spot of Earth-P-major's hand.
"And on this, meeting adjourned!". A final thump of Spot of Earth-C's mallet on the table, and the room was empty.
"Are you C-Spot Ron ?", the official-looking courier asked the hero slumped on the stairs of City Hall.
C-Spot Ron nodded his head affirmatively.
"And are you a member of the Reservoir Dog Super-Group, registered here in Paragon City ?"
Again, C-Spot Ron nodded.
"... weirdo, he could just say 'yes'..." the courier spoke under his breath, but C-Spot Ron's preternatural hearing heard him quite well, and he pointed his finger to his mouth or to be precise, his lack of mouth.
The courier just shrugged, and pulled out a piece of paper from his satchel: "It is my duty to inform you that according to City Ordinance number 465 dash twelve, your Super-Group is in default of payment in regards to its rent, due the 19 of last month. Accordingly, all power and utilities have been suspended until said rent is paid in full. Here is your summons to appear before the City Bailiff."
C-Spot Ron accepted the folder piece of paper from the courier, who promptly teleported away. With a sigh, he looked at the paper in his hand, and wondered if it was too late to ask to be transferred to Earth-F...
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
They call it a neutron bomb.
Emperor Cole had it built because he needed a weapon that would kill the living, but leave the infrastructure intact.
Huh. There's no infrastructure out there. There's infrastructure in here. In this city. To think, people helped that lunatic build this thing and didn't even consider that basic logic. Then again, there are reasons beyond chemically-induced amnesia for them to believe that it won't be used on them, allowing for Cole to rule over a blasted world, the only survivor of a ruined world.
Out there, it's just the Trees. It's just the maddened vegetation, chewing up the scenery. No more buildings. No more cities. No more people. Just the Devouring Earth. Honestly, you could solve the problem with napalm strikes and flamethrowers, let them run around and set all of their little buddies on fire. Your people will sit perfectly cozy behind this "sonic barrier."
But no... You had to build a neutron bomb. You had to make a weapon clearly intended for use against cities.
I don't think you want it used here.
I think you want to use it on my home. My world. Open a portal and chuck it through...
Frankly, when the Resistance had me capture this thing and I started piecing the puzzle together, I started liking what they told me they were going to do with it. It sounded poetic to me. A weapon of hideous power, turned on the very people who built it.
Simply beautiful.
I probably shouldn't tell them how many of these things my world already has... Not to mention the copious amounts of fire for handling the Devouring Earth.
I don't know how that moron, Neuron, rebuilt me. Considering the clockwork parts that make up my new body, I wonder if he even realized he did. Maybe I rebuilt myself. It doesn't matter. I'm here now. I'm doing this.
They look at the Crusaders with fear. They tell me I should consider my morality when working with them. They try to tell me to consider the lives I'm ruining when I do these things. They think their words will stop me because they know their guns, lasers and fists can't.
I am the Dreadnaught. I fear nothing. I am unstoppable.
I am not human. I am not a Praetorian. I am a machine. I was made on Primal Earth. My loyalty lies there. This is not a question of morality.
This is an act of war.
You want to use this weapon on my people, Cole? You will see what it does to your own, first.
My name is Ryat. Don't worry about me being caught in the blast. I'm not alive. I'll be just fine.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
My hat meets the ring. 480 words.
I know it's cliche, but from up here, people really DO look like ants! thought Riverdancer as she cruised the skies of Atlas Park. She enjoyed flying. Leaping everywhere always made her feel motion sick and rabbitesque. She'd enjoyed protecting the city much more since she took up flying it was cheaper too. She had accidentally sent herself to the hospital one day leaping off of a building that was too high for her. She'd hurt herself badly coming down and ended up landing unceremoniously in the middle of an aggressive group of Vahz. One of them had spewed that toxic goo at her and had hit her full force as she tried to bound away from them. She managed to get a few sad hops away from them before she'd had to hit her hospital transporter. No, flying was definitely the best way to travel. Less wear and tear on her favourite boots, no accidental landings and no unexpected trips to the hospital due to rough landings. Plus, there was the incredible view; you could almost think that buildings were doll houses resting on plush green velvet backgrounds like some child's play toys. Almost.
As if on queue, a sniper round flew past her making the air hiss with its passing. Oh, silly Nemesis,she said aloud as she turned to confront him before he could get another round off. There he was crouching on the rooftop frantically trying to reload his gun before she got there. One burst of speed and she was in front of him. Barely slowing she held out her hand towards him as if to plead for him to stop.
You really shouldn't have done that, you know, she admonished. I'm not going to kill you, but I am going to teach you a lesson, she continued as her hand started to glow bright green. With a snap the green ball flew from her hand and smashed into the chest of the sniper. As he flew backwards off the roof, Riverdancer gleefully shouted after him, Lesson One: It's not the fall that will kill you it's the landing!

The Skys The Limit
Perhaps I had grown complacent in assuming intellect and technology alone could usher mankind into a new age. I was younger, and more than a little optimistic about New Camelot Enterprises spearheading a new era of scientific achievements. It was the heyday of knowledge - both scientific and arcane - and NCE was carving a path alongside other promising ventures.
I realize now that I should never have left my guard down when Crey Industries approached me to work on some projects. Their support of Hero Corps having been a public relations disaster they were now seeking new opportunities to regain the public and their investors trust. NCE was approached first in 2000 and in no uncertain terms offered to be bought out by Crey as a means to inject new blood in their own ranks.
I should have accepted the offer. Refusing did not prevent Crey from obtaining my designs and blueprints anyhow, in the aftermath.
Look, dear, your company is struggling for a position in the market and we have all the business channels you need to get there. This is exactly the strategy you need right now, the Countess proclaimed. I ignored the condescension along with the provocative split skirt as she shifted on the leather couch.
We have experience integrating up-and-comers such as yourselves. Our business acumen can only be an asset to your promising venture, she continued. We care for and protect our own, Mr. Greenwood, with an intensity some would qualify as a feverish zeal. Your interests, once they become our interests, would receive all the attention they deserve.
The Treo Atlanta prototype phone wouldnt stop vying for my attention, chirping the arrival of communications it deemed crucial. I silenced it.
This meeting was turning into an unwanted intrusion on my personal schedule. It was late in the day and I had other things to attend to. My wife had accompanied my sons class for a school trip to the Terra Volta plants. She had called earlier to say there had been sightings of red lights in the sky. Standard fare in Paragon City.
They were being delayed and would stop for a bite to eat in Independence Port once travelling was allowed. She had called our chauffeur already to have him pick them up just outside Terra Volta, where Valor Bridge ended. I intended to surprise them by dropping in using the new FR.E.E.M. jump boots I was testing.
I have no doubt in your leadership skills and the ample resources at Crey Industries disposal would be a boon to NCEs pursuits in nanotechnology and studying further the FRacas Effect Energy Manipulation theories. Im convinced there is a way there to harness the energy released by pan-dimensional interchanges to provide mankind a nigh limitless, clean source of power, I started.
Our own nanotech research is currently centered on synthetics but it could be adapted to biologicals. Perhaps we might find ways to better your own husband Alphonses comatose condition, I started explaining. She shifted, a curious gleam in her gaze.
Weve done good business together these last couple of years, Countess. Even collaborated on some projects that were simply revolutionary in long-term impact. Unfortunately Im not convinced that NCE stands to benefit as much from this current deal compared to Creys potential gains, so I dont thi-
A door swung open, so fast the air whistled..
Sir! Theres been an attack on the Terra Volta plant!, an assistant barged in shouting. Countess Clarissa was visibly miffed that a subordinate would intrude but her countenance relaxed at the mention of my family.
What are you talking about?! I said, rising out of my chair and leaning over the cluttered desk. Even the Countess turned to better take in the information being proffered.
Sir, Im afraid theres no good way to say this... theres been reports of an alien attack on several zones in the city. Power plants were among the areas targeted. He started sobbing. The news are reporting that.. that...
My chief of security barged in, radio in her hand. SIR! I wasnt able to reach you on your phone, and... Sir, youd better come with me. This place is not safe right now.
Ill see myself out, Stephen, Clarissa whispered as she got up and I slumped back into my chair, stunned. When I left my office, headed for the underground parking lot with the security team, I barely noticed Hopkins escorting Clarissa out to the helipad.
The LCD screen on the abandoned smartphone read 7:36pm, May 23rd, 2002. It was still chirping when the NCE labs and offices were destroyed.
A little under 800 words, this is a chapter taken from a text I had written before. It has been edited and adapted for this contest.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
I'm glad to see more entries I loved em all.
The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank all those who participated in "Memory Lane." We will do our best to get the winners announced in a timely fashion, and we thank you in advance for your patience as there are many entries to read and score! We had a wonderful time designing this contest and watching so many different styles of entries pop up. We hope you enjoyed this contest!
If you have any ideas for future contests, events, etc. please do not hesitate to contact a PERC Representative.
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Congratulations Ura and all you other heroes. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of people. Ura make sure you share that inf with your wife and kidlets
[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]
[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]
P.E.R.C. Presents: Memory Lane
April 16th - 30th
Every character has a defining moment in their career; maybe they stopped a powerful Archvillain in their tracks, saved their team from immenient peril, or perhaps they are that cackling villain who constantly stymies the heroes. Do you have such a story to tell? We want to read about it!
P.E.R.C. is looking for stories that show off what you consider your favorite character's crowning achievement. What made that character stand out to you? What daring plan did you pull off (or thwart)? Here's your chance to share the tale and potentially win a prize for your creativity!
Entries will be accepted from April 16th until April 30th.
Ten stories from the top 20 we pick will be randomly selected and awarded a prize. In addition to that, 5 qualifying stories will be picked by the judges and awarded a "Judge's Favorite" prize.
(10) Random Prizes:
1. 500 mill Inf.
2. 200 mill Inf.
3. 100 mill Inf.
4. Full set of Gladiator's Strike PvP IOs
5. Full set of Javelin Volleys PvP IOs
6. Full set of Gladiator's Net PvP IOs
7. Full set of Fortunata Hypnosis Purple IOs
8. Numina's +Regen/+Recovery, Celerity +Stealth, and Miracle +Recovery IOs
9. Steadfast Protection +3% Defense, Steadfast Protection -Knockback, Karma -Knockback, Blessing of the Zephyr -Knockback, Performance Shifter +Endurance IOs
10. Luck of the Gambler +Recharge IO
(5) Judge's Favorites:
500 mil Each
Rules & Additional Info:
1) Only one entry per player.
We will only accept the first story submitted by a player. You may edit and update the story as you see fit until the deadline of April 30th.
2) Your story must be between 150 and 600 words long.
While Flash Fiction is an artform in and of itself, this is a short story contest. The maximum length helps keep entries manageable from a judging standpoint.
3) You may attach a screen shot of your character.
This is optional, but encouraged. As they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words." You may insert the image in your post, or you can e-mail it to us at
4) Please submit your story in a reply to this post.
5) Prizes will be awarded on North American servers.
The group funding this event is limited to NA servers, and due to current global e-mail restrictions we are only able to award prizes to players also on NA accounts.
If you have any questions about event rules/details, please feel free to contact a P.E.R.C. representative by replying to this thread or sending them a private message.
Good luck, and happy writing!
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon