Sanctuary Returns 04/15

Dark One



Just a heads up. We get to see what happens after the cliffhanger of the team being suspended from electric restraints and facing a death sentence for entering the Hollow Earth zone.



To be honest I hope that Sanctuary stays with the "High Adventure" storylines and fades the "freak of the week" formula into the background. It's so much more interesting when the characters are doing "daring do."

.. oh, and since I haven't said it for a while:


(please, please, please, can't we trade her in for a resurrection token for Jimmy!?!?)

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



Ya, I'd rather have the Ashley, but Kate is...acceptable.

And John...just wow. He took another level in Badass. I could easily see him portraying a Chaos Marine and screaming, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!".

I was wondering how Helen was going to fix up the lava beastie. Kinda...convenient...the placement of the wound. Obviously, stitches wouldn't work, unless they are lava-proof. I would imagine Canaan is a lithovore, what with the tunnel digging.