Saying Goodbye




Some of you know me, most of you probably do not. My global is @Naa you may of seen my toons Althea the Fair, Morrighan Arawn, .Double D, De'mon, Helga the Enforcer, A Lick of Frost, Moon over Twilight and A Stroke of Midnight just to name a few.

Come April 22nd I will of been playing CoX for 4 years, though when I first started playing I was strictly on red side before moving over to blue side about 2 years or so ago.

I've been noticing that I don't play as much any more, before I logged on this week for the new expansion I noticed it was 2 weeks since I last played, before that it was a month, it seems I'm just not into the game anymore and with all the new end game content I can't seem to catch up in getting all the new shiny stuff.

Of course working a full time job (for now, I'll find out in June if I still have a job - thank you government for cutting budget in our children's education) makes it hard to get online a lot. And with everybody money is tight & being a single mom with 2 kids to raise I'm just plain tired a lot of the time.

So, I've been thinking it over... usually I pre-pay a year but I didn't do that this year & my account expires April 27th and I've made the decision not to renew.

And no, you can't get my purples >D Though I should take my stuff that's stored in the markets out because who knows in the future I may come back.

It may be a month, a few months, a year... don't know but my energy for the game is gone at the moment. Heck my girls don't even play anymore which is why I canceled my second account.

For the most part I enjoyed playing the game & I loved meeting new people and hear their lovely accents over vent, I even meet a fellow player in person. I enjoyed the experience, especially since it was my first MMORPG.

I'm still on the internet (as long as I can afford it) & around just not in the game.

Hope you all take care & may you find many purples in the near future.

Get the prices down in the market at least! It's getting outrageous!

@Naa - Liberty Server




Sorry to see that you'll be leaving our relatively fine community. Hopefully it won't be a permanent thing and you'll come back. Best of luck to you though, especially when it comes to the government, as I'll be showing up for work on Monday, but won't be getting paid for it.

Yay for government!!

A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to, and including, my life'.
Visit Amarillo
Check out my arcs: MA# 494947, "Operation: RISING STORM", MA# 407176, "I Got Your Mothership Right Here!"



I'll miss you have fun stay frosty always enjoyed seeing you. As always we'll keep the light on for you.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Goodbye and good luck to you I've teamed with you a few times and was fun.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I held my account for nearly 5 years before leaving for almost a year. After I worked out some things in my life, I returned. Perhaps you will too. Fare well.



@Naa... You know you will be truly missed...

Thank you always for your bright and cheerful approach and replies!

We'll not be the same without you, but you have created a dream of your return... We all shall await!



Go **** yourself Naa!

Sorry, I just wanted to mix it up.

Godspeed and god bless!



Take care and may the winds of good fate be at your back.



Sorry to see you go, @Naa. To be honest, some comments you made the last time I saw you made me wonder if the game wasn't really "doing it" for you. I guess I was right . I've had the good fortune to team up or chat with you many times over the years, and it has always been fun. Your rather spectacular entrances into the chat channel with certainly be missed .

I hope everything works out for you.

Best Wishes and Good Luck,




Naa... I will miss you and your streaking through channels. I hope that in the future you find the motivation and time to come back and visit. Even if for a little while (Free weekends!) The "old" community that I know grows a little smaller every year.

Take care of yourself. I wish the best for you. And remember.. you don't need a MMORPG to be Super!

Whoa! Hey, hey, there? Watch were your waving that Sapper Gun Thingamajig with the sparks and the zaps and the endurance drain... humm yeah

Blue Stonefist Lvl 50 Stone/Stone/Stone Tanker