Anime series focuses on "Hero TV"




Originally Posted by ShoNuff View Post
A depowered (or is it depowering) Kotetsu.
Well his "Hundred Power" duration is getting less and less.



Ep. 21 just posted. Heroes Attack Kotetsu. "Wild Tiger", Blue Rose and Steel Bison try to arrest him but Kotetsu is saved by the unlikeliest person.

Kaede, concerned about her dad goes to the city and meets Maverick, who pats her on the head, before he gets into a Taxi with Bunny. (You do know why that's important, don't you kids?)

End of the Episode has Tiger in his original Costume calling out the heroes for a fight.



I'd rather get a professionally treated dub/sub than the hacky crap that those supposed professionals are doing. The show is unwatchable, at least for me, with almost nothing subtitled/dubbed. It's sounds and looks like a fun show, but I won' be watching that version of it.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I'd rather get a professionally treated dub/sub than the hacky crap that those supposed professionals are doing. The show is unwatchable, at least for me, with almost nothing subtitled/dubbed. It's sounds and looks like a fun show, but I won' be watching that version of it.
if you're not seeing the subtitles, likely it detoggled (its an occaisional flash glitch on Hulu) the fix is in the lower right sight side of the UI, hit the CC button and activate the subtitles.



Originally Posted by ShoNuff View Post
if you're not seeing the subtitles, likely it detoggled (its an occaisional flash glitch on Hulu) the fix is in the lower right sight side of the UI, hit the CC button and activate the subtitles.
No. As implied by the statement "almost nothing." The subtitling is a joke and unwatchable if you actually want to watch the show and take it all in, at least the all the way up to wear they introduce the female hero.

Like the first line is "Breaking News" And that is the sub title for THREE sentences. Then there is like 5 sentences not subbed at all. None of the intro to the heroes are subbed and it's just garbage. The people who subbed that should be ashamed of themselves and be fired. if you aren't going to do your job there are plenty of people that will do it for free and would appreciate the work.

It's hard to fault people who will only watch fan-subbed anime when they present trash like this to people.



No, I'm with Durakken on this. I watched Episode 20 on Hulu Saturday morning and maybe 60% of subtitled with a number of conversations being subbed one sided.

Now the previous 19 episodes were subtitled well, the 20th was hit or miss.

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Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I'd rather get a professionally treated dub/sub than the hacky crap that those supposed professionals are doing. The show is unwatchable, at least for me, with almost nothing subtitled/dubbed. It's sounds and looks like a fun show, but I won' be watching that version of it.
I'll agree with this. I would like to get the whole series for my collection, when it's properly subbed.



looks like they fixed the subtitle issue from last week. it was hitting all their anime. (buffering problem)