City of Cute: Mystel & Super Ready's Wedding




Today on defiant 2 players got married... Mystel and Super Ready. As a wedding pressie I made them some City of Cutes

Them in normal matching cossies:

Them in wedding outfits:

and little avatar sized versions:



Awesome Psy

Congratulations to the happy couple!



PSY!! Thank you!!

Don't suppose that epic shop of yours could turn them into tshirts or stickers could they? hahaha! AWESOME idea. I am clevers.

And thank you Sapphic!!!! x



May you be together "Till the Sun grows cold, and the Stars grow old"

also, Mystel, check you email on here, you have a gift !!



Originally Posted by EnnVee View Post

May you be together "Till the Sun grows cold, and the Stars grow old"

also, Mystel, check you email on here, you have a gift !!

THANK YOU!! haha!! He said he'd wear one if I did hee hee!

I notice the website is Pinnacle - I used to play there! Under the name Mystel of course. That was many moons ago. Alpha Squad FTW!



Aww, thank you everyone - especially Psy! Good job at keeping it a secret.

Thought this would be a good place to put down the vows we wrote.

I, Super Ready, take thee Mystel to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad. I will love you and honour you all the days of Defiant's uptime. To have when in Holds, from this day forward. For better for worse, for Rikti for poorer, in [Mutation] and in [Health], until wakies doth run out.

"Hard pressed on my right. My centre is yielding. Impossible to manoeuvre. Situation excellent. I am attacking." - General Ferdinand Foch