Sgu 3/21

Dark One



Once again an outstanding episode. If the previous episodes had been even close to the quality of these last 3 then she show would never have been canceled. They are definitely going out with a bang.

I just hope enough people are watching this to get it some follow up like the SG1 movies.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Didn't even realize that was French Stewart at first. A fair bit of difference from his days on 3rd Rock.

Funding always comes down to the politicians who basically don't know their *** from a hole in the ground. Send in a know-nothing who takes five minutes to look around and that's it. The only person she cared about was Chloe. Everyone else? Disposable and expendable. But oh no, not the precious little daughter of the politican crony. SHE is special and needs to be protected.



WTF!?! Seriously. Did MGM fire all the old writers and hire new ones? If so why didn't they do this earlier it might have saved the show.

Great episode.



I know the contrast of the last few episodes to the previous year and a half is almost painful. Isn't it.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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We had good character growth from Greer and even a bit from Chloe.
And they managed to find a use for Telford as well.



Originally Posted by Samothrake View Post
And they managed to find a use for Telford as well.

Wait. I don't recall Telford volunteering for vaccuum implosion testing.