need some answers please




i'm a 26 crab spider and was wondering if and how i can setup another build as a bane spider if this is possible so i'd have two builds one for crab and one for bane.



Sure you can. That's the advantage of having the option for dual builds on any character. One thing you need to keep in mind.. Since your first build is a crab even though the second will be Bane powers your character will still have the crab backpack in place. Once a cab .. always a crab

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Ah ok thanks
hmm that backpack might get annoying after awhile sure there isn't a way to change things around between builds so i won't have it ?



the only way to get rid of the backpack permanently is to not have any crab spider builds

if you go to tailer and import a saved costume without the backpack, you can "temporarily" get rid of the backpack even with a crab build, but it will revert upon zoning

if you dont mind switching costumes before you zone, then that option will be fine for you to have both a crab and bane build



ok so if i switched to a bane build how would i attack without the backpack ?
would the attacks come from the mace or gun ?



if you have both a crab and a bane build, if you are using the bane build the backpack is nothing more than a costume piece and does nothing

the backpack is only used with crab spider attacks



ah ok thanks lol



I don't mind the backpack, so I had no issue with a Crab and Bane build on the same character.