Armor set: Toxic Armor
I love it. And I could actually see all three branches getting played. Bio tankers would choose it for the extra recharge on their controls (to mitigate more damage), Chem tankers would choose it for the -Regen (to take on AVs, I can only assume), and Radio tankers would take it just to deal some more damage. As for suggestions, I would combine Cesspool and Localized Infection to be a PBAoE clone of Caltrops. If it's going to remain at Tier 8, up the damage considerably. If Toxic Emission scales depending on the number of enemies around the Tank, then definitely move that to Tier 7, on par with Invincibility. I would make the Tier 2 either a small +Def/+DefDebuffRes toggle, or an auto power based on which branch you took. Radio could get a slightly-nerfed Quickness clone; Chem could get a 5% Damage and To-Hit buff; Bio could get a slightly-nerfed Fast Healing clone.
Overall, great work! I've been wanting an armor like this since I first started playing back in I2!
Just a thought... might not be practical but could be a lot of fun.
What if Meltdown instead of a typical 3 minute timer tier 9... was on a 1 minute timer.
Over the course of the minute, you gain more and more partical effects as you reach critical mass. During the 1 minute biuld up you gain (+res, +Status, +Dmg, and a -To Hit PBAoE).
After 1 minute you exploded ala Self Destruct. BIG BOOM (Extreme), Knockback, Stun (Mag. 4), debuff (-Reg -Def for 30s vs those hit).
20 secs after your death... it triggers a Self Rez (50% Health, 25%).
Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu
You know, Breog, I like that a lot - very flavorful.
This set makes me think of a certain old B-movie by the Troma people... was that your inspiration, opprime28?
Current primary characters, all on Guardian:
The Amber Fist (Elec/Stone Tanker) | Pixelbeater (Fire/Kin Corr) | The Sequencer (Bots/Traps MM)
Blakkat (Claws/Dark Brute) | Mhogus'thra (Ill/Dark Cont) | Wyldhunt (Beast/Dark MM)
Just a thought... might not be practical but could be a lot of fun. What if Meltdown instead of a typical 3 minute timer tier 9... was on a 1 minute timer. Over the course of the minute, you gain more and more partical effects as you reach critical mass. During the 1 minute biuld up you gain (+res, +Status, +Dmg, and a -To Hit PBAoE). After 1 minute you exploded ala Self Destruct. BIG BOOM (Extreme), Knockback, Stun (Mag. 4), debuff (-Reg -Def for 30s vs those hit). 20 secs after your death... it triggers a Self Rez (50% Health, 25%). |
It would be totally unique, while in line with other sets in that shielders get a tier 9 TP attack. This wouldn't help you go "unstopppable" like some tanker sets can against an AV, while at the same time would help you in those moments when you KNOW the next few minutes are going to be really rough. You suck up the terrible alpha of, say, tanking the four AVs in STF, but then when its done after 1 minute, it goes out with a bang.
What if you did this, though...what if instead of it killing you then self rezzing you (because a team without a tanker, even for just 20 seconds, could mean instant team wipe) it gave you a -1000% recharge rate for 1-2 minutes. So you become this nigh indestructable force until finally you "explode" into your TP-like damage burst, then you cant attack again for a minute or two. You can still function as the "tanker" but you can't attack.
This would keep people from abusing it the way shield charge is abused, because you cant cant attack. But it would be useful for those big alpha bursts where you know you need to take a pounding, get a chance to do some attacks, then one BIG attack-debuff, then you're left unable to attack, but your team still can. The burst would have to have some long lasting aggro component though, so you don't lose all aggro during your down time.
How about...
After meltdown...
-75% End, -50% Health (the crash)
Burnout Debuff is applyed.
-1000% dmg for 20s
-100% Recharge for 20s
1. If your not careful, you will detoggle yourself on crash (end crash).
2. With negative Dmg and recharge your not going to be hurting anyone after the crash, but still able to throw out your attack chain (once) to help keep aggro.
Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu
It's certainly a different approach to building a resist set. There are common ideas between both our ideas, but different enough to set them apart. I'd originally gone with a click Mez on my first rough draft, but was talked out of it. Lots of folks don't like click Mezzes. On first impression, it looks like it would be an entertaining set to play.
Although it wouldn't allow for the flexibility between builds you're going for, could certainly tie in Bio, Rad or Chem to character origin. For example Bio could be tied to Mutation, Radiation could be tied to Science, Chemical to Technology as an example. Not saying you'd want to go that way, but you could.
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
It's certainly a different approach to building a resist set. There are common ideas between both our ideas, but different enough to set them apart. I'd originally gone with a click Mez on my first rough draft, but was talked out of it. Lots of folks don't like click Mezzes. On first impression, it looks like it would be an entertaining set to play.
Although it wouldn't allow for the flexibility between builds you're going for, could certainly tie in Bio, Rad or Chem to character origin. For example Bio could be tied to Mutation, Radiation could be tied to Science, Chemical to Technology as an example. Not saying you'd want to go that way, but you could. |
I really like this. I just made a toxic cesspool character and I'd love to have this as opposed to using another Rad powerset.
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The Queen's Menagerie
So I posted this in suggestions a couple of weeks ago, but saw a thread on radioative armor here and figured I'd throw it out here as well.
Toxic Aura:
Your body has been exposed to deadly energies, and you've become a walking environmental disaster. Through sheer will, you've mastered these energies and now use them to become a true force of power.
This set requires you to choose a "source" for your power. Each source offers different benefits to your powers. You may only choose one source per build. The sources are:
Radioactive: Your body is fueled by radioactive energies, making you a nearly exhaustless fighting machine.
Chemical: Your body pulses with chemical toxins which can increase your own damage and weaken the attacks of nearby foes.
Biological: Your body has been exposed to various biological contagions. This can increase your healing and sicken the foes around you.
Power choices:
Tier 1: Resistant skin: Self +Res (Smash, Lethal, Toxic, energy) (Toggle)
Your body has become hardened by exposure to toxic energies. Your tough skin protects against incoming physical attacks. You have gained strong resistances to Smashing, Lethal, and Toxic attacks, as well as some resistance to energy based attacks.
*This would have weaker resistances than some sets when it comes to s/l damage, more on par with fire and dark, due to other powers in this set. Toxic resistance would be high, however in this first power.
Tier 2: Toxic Emission: PBAoE Minor DoT, Toxic. (Foe -dmg if Chem, -Regen if Bio, Self +Rech. if radioactive) (Toggle)
Your body literally oozes with dangerous energies, damaging all nearby foes, and possibly aiding you. The secondary effect depends on your chosen power source.
*this toggle seems OP at first, due to it being both a damage AND secondary effect at the same time. The damage would need to be scaled properly, perhaps 65% of a normal damage aura, inexchange for the secondary effect.
Tier 3: Particle cloud: Self + Res (Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy, slow) (Toggle)
You surround yourself with a cloud of toxic particles which protect you from the elements.
*fairly standard toggle +res power, again, similar in % to dark and fire as opposed to invul or Electric, etc.
Tier 4: Noxious fumes: PBAoE Foe choke, vomit, Self + Res Knockback, Sleep, Disorient, Hold, Immob., Psionic. (moderate rech.)
You release a noxious cloud around you. These vapors will stimulate your mind and body, leaving your resistant to status effects for a while, but can also cause weaker foes in melee range to choke and vomit.
* This mez resist is a click instead of toggle, but has the unique function of creating a localized patch of mitigation when clicked.
Tier 5: Phsyical Regeneration: Self heal, (if Chem +Dmg, if Bio +Regen, if radioactive + Recovery, for 20 seconds) (recharge 60 seconds)
You unlease the energies within your body, briefly healing you and boosting you physically for a short while. The boost depends on your chosen power source.
* This heal would be weaker that those of dark and fire, and instead leave a 20 second buff to the player after healing.
Tier 6: Biological infusion: Self +Perception for 40 seconds, (+DMG if Chem, + HP if Bio, +Recovery if radioactive) (Recharge 120 seconds)
Your body becomes fully infused with the toxic energies around you, exciting every molecule. You are given added perception, as well as a secondary boost depending on your chosen power source.
*This power can be used one of two ways: saved for fights with mobs like Arachnos or Knives for the +percept, or used primarily as a personal buff when desired.
Tier 7: Localized Infection: PBAoE Foe slow, (-tohit Chemical, -regen if Bio, -recharge if radioactive).
You release a localized infection which slows and weakens foes in very close range.
*This would have a very narrow range, small enough that it really only protects the user, not his team. It would likely be used primarily to help when suddenly overwhelmed.
Tier 8: Cesspool: Location PBAoE Moderate DoT (Toxic/energy if Chem/Bio, fire/Energy if Nuke)
You create a cesspool of raw toxic energy beath you, damaging all foes who enter the sludge. The types of damage depend on your chosen power source.
Tier 9: Meltdown: Self +Res all, +Regen, + DMg, + Rec. (PBAoE moderate toxic damage, Self -rech. 1000% unresistable for 1 min after 90s)
Your body goes in to meltdown, making you an enraged, unstoppable warrior. During meltdown, you quickly begin gaining extreme resistances to all forms of damage and gain incredible regeneration and recovery as well as increasing your damage output for the next minute and a half. As you reach critical mass, you unlease a damaging burst of toxic energy which both injures and debuffs your foes. However, you are left powerless, with your powers unable to recharge for the long while. This power is not affected by recharge rate boosts.
So that's it. This is designed primarily to fit those toons who want to be the toxic beast ripping through the city. It clearly wouldn't stand up to WP, Stone, or Invul for survivablity, nor would it surpass shielders in terms of damage buffing and output, but it has enough unique possibilities to make it a solid, fun, survivable set and offer something new. Its much more click heavy than most of the sets, only having 3 toggles.
Here's a link to the original discussion, which was short but suggested a couple of valid changes.