The Cape: Lich
I agree, this was a really good episode. At least he finally kept his freaking mask/hood on.
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
Yeah, but does anyone really buy his best friend not recognizing him at this point?
"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot
I picked up on the Joker reference as well, and again, the best friend not recognizing Vince was silly at best.
I did like that some characters got some development, and that Chess was not the main bad guy, at least in this case.
A good episode with a nice cliffhanger to be finished off next week. The plot was predictable but except for the family angst scenes I enjoyed it.
Soon as I saw the Lich use the "dust" the Scarecrow from Batman came to mind and I realized he was going to spray people with his zombie juice. Then when I heard the Founders parade mentioned I figured the Lich was going to hijack a float and spray people like the Joker did in that other Batman movie. And who didn't anticipate that the Lich's secret identity was exactly who it turned out to be.
While this predictability is okay for now, it will hurt the show in the long run. The writers need to develop some longer running plots that aren't so blatantly obvious if they want to keep the audience interested.