Seeking heavy-RP SG




I've been away from CoX for quite some time but I am considering returning to the fold. I re-activated my account for a month to see if I can find a virtual home.

I have two main characters: a level 50 empathy defender and a level 47 ss/inv tanker. The defender is an oddball concept that would require a SG that is a nurturing environment for out-of-the-ordinary outsider types. The tanker is a very traditional hero type. Both are young characters.

I'm looking for people who love word-crafting. If elaborate /em poses and proper punctuation/spelling/grammar are important to you, I want to RP with you!



Hmmm... The traditional hero type caught my eye, as did the spelling and grammar comment. We have the Golden Age Heroes SGs (Gods of the Golden Age, Young Gods of the Golden Age, and New Gods of the Golden Age <for reformed villains>). We're strictly classic hero anti heroes or angst-ridden emo kids, just self sacrificing heroism taken to the max.

Drop on by. The link is in my .sig, and is reprinted right here.

Gods Protect! <---(our slogan)

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet



It really depends on the concept, but our group likes challenges, and isn't really for traditional hero types. You might look into it.

Cynics of the world, unite!

Taking Care of the Multiverse