Advice on possibly bugged TIP please




Hello everyone, new guy here.

I have tried various forum/wiki searches and havn't had much luck so i'll have to ask "out loud".

I was running TIP missions as a Hero with my (33) Bots/Trap MM and decided to switch to Vigilante directly after i did my last Hero mission and spent my merits.
I kept getting a TIP, something like "wanted poster" where i had to go into a Longbow base and investigate and defeat my doppleganger.
The problem i kept having was that i'd clear the map of Longbow, find my doppleganger who stood up and announced we were going to fight and then proceeded to raise a couple of pets and upgrade them.
Fair enough, fight on.
Only they wouldnt fight and just stayed blue brackets to me leaving it incompleted.
I tried clicking on them but no response, I checked the mission notes carefully in case i had missed an objective, I scoured the map for glowies i may have missed, i re-zoned then re-logged but had no joy so aborted the mission.
I got the mission again with the same map, same problem.
I asked in Help channel, but no replies at the time so submitted a support ticket and still not getting any answers i switched toons for a while.
When i went back to my MM the mission was there again and i took it.
Not because i'm a massochist but no more TIPS were dropping (i had done 4 so this was the 5th of the day) but that one.
Aha, different map (hopes up) but unfortunately exactly the same problem.

More than likely i have missed something obvious so i don my "robes of Nubbler" and throw myself open to you mercy and infinate wisdom.

Thanks in advance.



Just a stab in the dark (which I am famous for) try walking up close to the doppleganger MM and click for a dialogue.



I have had that same problem with that one every time I have run it. I guess I have never tried T Tech's solution, I usually just exit and use my complete mission on it.



Originally Posted by IamVT View Post
Just a stab in the dark (which I am famous for) try walking up close to the doppleganger MM and click for a dialogue.
No joy on that, clicking the double or his pets yeilded no reply/response.
Nor did caltrops or any other indirect actions affect any of them.

Thanks for the suggestion though.



That sounds bugged. I don't know if anyone is having this problem with this mission on other ATs, but if it's specific to MMs, the mission may not be handling his pets properly. They should be hostile, and it sounds like something is causing them to spawn as allies, and thus preventing the mission from completing.

If that's true, a support ticket is the right thing to have done. It is probably also worth submitting a /bug report. As opposed to a /petition, which gets you a customer support rep to help with your problem, a /bug report goes to the QA team, hopefully to be reviewed for whether it's working correctly.

(PS: You will normally only ever get an automated email reply to a /bug report, but a /petition should get you a CS representative in relatively short order. If you sent a /petition and no one has responded, that's not cool.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I've had this happen twice to the same character, a level 38ish Archery/Devices blaster. The first time it happened I had Cloaking Device running, and I thought that was the problem because I was hidden when the doppleganger was supposed to switch to "enemy" and attack. I sent in a /petition and got a GM to "defeat" the doppleganger and complete the mission.

The second time I had this mission on this character, I cleared everything out except the NOCs around my doppleganger. Thinking about the last time and how maybe the doppleganger needed to see me to attack, I deactivated Cloaking Device before attacking that group happened again. This time I just auto-completed the mission.

There's obviously some glitch in having the doppleganger switch from "friendly/neutral" while s/he's talking to you, to "enemy" when s/he should attack.



Thanks for the responses, I wasn't sure if I'd missed something basic.




Just wanted to chime in that I've had the exact same problem with "defeat doppleganger" missions on more than one character. Hopefully they'll get a bug fix out for this soon.