Solo ITF?
I had heard awhile back that a dm/inv had done the ITF solo.
I have a good build myself, and made an attempt, and got all the way to to the nictified Rommy, but couldn't make it past there. Is there a trick that I'm missing(like some spot that the nictus clouds cant follow Rommy) or was this 'solo' attempt by that scrapper done with a tank in tow to taunt the nictus clouds? I'd figure I'd post here before I really went searching for a video or something. Just to clarify, the main problem I was having was getting whacked with that autohit power one of the clouds does. |
I dunno, maybe I remember wrong....
Nowadays (if not since a while) a strong DM/Inv build can for sure go toe to toe with Rommie and the 3 Nictus, and defeat them, without insps/temps or any kind of trickery ; with Inv resistances, SL heals for about as much as the auto-nictus hits.
You can pull Rommie at a specific point without the nictus following - it has to be not too close, but not too far either. I've also heard of some kind of teleporting trick during the cutscene that makes the nictus not spawn or something.
But really, if you're going for either tactic you might just as well pop insps and go to town on all of them at once.
Yeah, probably part of my problem was not using the inspirations liberally. I had gotten so used to not using them on that toon except on rare occasions since she's soft capped s/l/e/n and has capped s/l res.
I wonder if my DM/Inv could do it. The Nictus would provide her with enough Endurance for Dark Consumption. Hrm.
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

Well, I attempted it tonight.
Mission 1 - easy enough (didn't clear, just went for the rescues)
Mission 2 - easy enough (didn't clear, just went for the cysts)
Mission 3 - Started with computer, took out robots as they activated, took out Romulus, took out Requiem, then finished with the Generals and traitors.
Mission 4 - Cleared the whole left path, most of the right path, one tower, and everything around the platform. Got Romi alone with the Nictus that spawns minions, got him to half health before dying.
This was all without inspirations (on the AVs, on the normal minions I used inspirations for time purposes), and the only temp powers I was using was Call of Justice (it works on Master runs) and Ninja Run.
I was sure I could solo it and was willing to die multiple times till I did, when my friend quit the TF instead of logging off, to head to bed, and thusly it kicked me from the TF
Sooo...I will try again tomorrow.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I did it on my mind/fire...jussayyin
You and approximately about eleventy billion and twenty-two other mind doms, cold/sonic or rad/sonic defenders, ill/rad or ill/cold controllers and bots/traps masterminds. I'd give you a cookie, but my jar is empty.
I've done it on my Claws/SR. Belt full of large reds and orange inspirations (kill him as quickly as possible while keeping your res up for the auto hit), with a side of good regen and aidself. My Claws/Reg couldn't put up enough damage through the healing nictus (Keep running out of Reds) though it might be possible now with the emails. My Claws/ElA Brute couldn't even get passed the regular Romy.
I had heard awhile back that a dm/inv had done the ITF solo.
I have a good build myself, and made an attempt, and got all the way to to the nictified Rommy, but couldn't make it past there. Is there a trick that I'm missing(like some spot that the nictus clouds cant follow Rommy) or was this 'solo' attempt by that scrapper done with a tank in tow to taunt the nictus clouds?
I'd figure I'd post here before I really went searching for a video or something.
Just to clarify, the main problem I was having was getting whacked with that autohit power one of the clouds does.