Musing about Knockback (Or: If You Could Change One Thing)

Bronze Knight



I like kb how it is, however it incurs a flaw in the game environment that is really annoying. I wish that walls were walls and enemies could not get kb'd through them, becoming stuck and untargetable (especially irritating when they can still attack you).



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Knockback would be stackable. If you hit something and it doesn't fall, the kb effect would stay on them anyway for the duration of the kb animation. Casting the same power over and over would not count; you would be rewarded for having multiple powers that kb. The effect remains even if the enemy is eventually flung, allowing you to eventually corner an protected enemy with kb the way you can a boss by stacking holds.
Repulsion Field and, IIRC, all similar powers do have a duration in PvE. FWIW, I once asked Castle about this, and here's his response, "The duration is basically there as a redundancy to help ward off latency problems."

So ... the mechanic exists in-game to have stackable KB, but the devs chose to use it only on one class of powers. And, even then, it's a workaround.

FWIW, I think KB and its sister, repel, were supposed to A Big Deal for limiting melee damage. The problem, however, is that the numbers don't work out in favour of the players -- mobs derive more benefit from Repulsion Field and Force Bubble than players. Every time I've tested Repulsion Field and Force Bubble, they most assuredly decrease incoming DPS, by about a third and a quarter, respectively. But they also reduced my FF / rad's outgoing DPS by an even larger amount, relegating her mostly to weaker ST attacks (remember the original range of Cosmic Burst?). The original devs seem to have envisioned CoX as a tactical game with a huge ST component and not the AoE-fuelled zergfest we have now.

In most situations, it's FAR better to clump mobs and immobilise them (or even slow them) than to spread them at out with wide-scale KB and repel. I.e., you're still forcing mobs to used ranged attacks, but you're keeping them nailed in place for maximum AoE efficiency.

Low mag KB, however, is a whole different kettle of fish -- low mag KB definitely fits into the AoE-fuelled zergfest.



Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
The COV Trailer from E3 2004 has a better example, at about 1:09 in. And we can use that to dangle at the devs with calls of 'You showed it to us, why can't we do that?'...
Uhm...maybe because that is a rendered cinematic not linked to the game engine and it's limits? So, no, you couldn't use that.
Doesn't void the suggestion, but that is a really bad example to say 'Why cant you do this in game' is all.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.